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Chapter 3 LILY ex 41%% After crying my eyes out to my best friend and ignoring my fiance’s calls, I finally find the strength to get my ar se off my bed and prepare for my two o’clock shift. Just before I leave, Clarissa gives me a k*ss on the cheek and says, “Hey, no sad faces, okay?” I nòd, a smile grazing my lips, “Okay. “What time do you get off work today?” “Not until late. I’m running a double shift to make some exra money.” Rissa’s eyes fill with sympathy. “Why don’t you just let Edmund help you? You might break if you continue to shoulder all these responsibilities on your own.” A frown mars my features at the mention of my soon-to-be husband. “Edmund hasn’t offered me any help, Rissa.” Now that I think about it, Edmund and I hardly talk anymore. We are getting married in three months but we barely have the time to sit and just talk like normal couples do.

“I’ll come over to the bar tonight to keep you company, okay? Maybe we could have a few shots later.” Her eyes twi nkle with mischief. “Okay. See you then!” I hurry out of our shared rental and into my beat up Mazda. Thoughts of the hot- a s-s in stranger from earlier attempt to crawl into my mind and I slam them right back in their cage where they belong. I will not think about him. I will not. I make it to my shift in record time. Teddy’s Place is a food and liquor bar in the very heart of New York. The place isn’t really as upscale and trendy as some of the other big clubs, but surrounded by high class hotels, we do get our own fair share of attention.. “Welcome, Lily. You’re almost late.” 15:31 Thu, 25 Jan B Chapter 3 I look up in time to catch the manager’s reprimanding look as he passes to office. “Sorry. Traffic was hectic today.” “It’s fine. Just know that you’re working the front bar today.” A sense of dread crawls up my spine. I have only worked the front bar twice since I began working here and both times ended in a big disaster. I hate working in the front. bar. Period

I hurry after our manager, hoping to change his mind. “Roger?” He pauses, turning to me with a lift of his left brow. “Please, can I work in the kitchen today? I had a bad day and…” “Lily,” he cuts in, “I think you are under the impression that you get to choose where you work.” My stomach tightens at the no nonsense look in his eyes, “No, of course not. But…” “No buts. You’ve had kitchen duty for two weeks now. It is high time someone else did it for a change. You’re working the front bar and that is final.” I clench my fingers to quell the swell of anxiety that threatens to choke me. What my boss does not understand is that I get nervous around men. Very, very nervous.

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I have a bad past and horrible memories about men from my time on the streets. Because of that, I tend to lash out whenever I’m in close proximity to them. Men are always trying to touch me, to use me…and I hate it. Which is why working in the front bar is a huge “no no” for me. “Oh, and Lily, if you cause any trouble for us tonight, that will be the end of your stay here. Understood?” Shocked, my eyes widen at the accusation in his gaze. “But sir… “Lily!” He thunders and I jump. “Do you understand me?” I lower my eyes and nod, defeated. “Yes, sir.” THI O Chapter 3 Π I ignore the pitiful looks from my co-workers, square my shoulders and make for my duty post. I rake my gaze over the rapidly filling bar, comprising mostly of men, and my pulse hammers wildly against my throat.

‘I can do this. I can do this, I silently encourage myself. However, when the first customer approaches, I break out in hives. When the man finally arrives at the bar, he gives me a once over, his sharp green eyes. lighting with unmistakable lust. “Uh…what can I get you.” His eyes linger on the swell of my breasts for far too long before they finally land on my face. I can already feel my skin crawl. “Give me a shot of your best whiskey. With ice, please.” “Sure, right away.” I mumble, trying to stop my fingers from trembling as I reach for the bottle. There’s a room full of people here. He can’t hurt me. He can’t hurt me. I can feel his eyes crawl over every inch of my skin as I quickly prepare his

drink. When I deliver it to him, he leans over and grabs my arm. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes snap to his.

“Let go.” I say, trying hard to keep my voice steady. His eyes. take on a suggestive look and he bites his lips. Gag. “Chill. I’m Derek, and you are one hot filly. I wouldn’t mind drilling your holes all night long.” My eyes widen at his boldness. I tug at my arm once more. “Sir, I am warning you. Please let go.” His eyes darken with annoyance, then he laughs. “You’re warning me? How about you stop pretending to be a saint and tell me how much you would charge to let me have my way with you tonight.” 1 cringe. Such a per vert, “If you do not let go, I will alert security. 9.41% 15:31 Thu, 25 Jan B Chapter 3 He circles the inside of my arm with his thumb and I finally see red. I’m about to lash out when a large hand clamps down on the man’s shoulder, turning him on his stool as if he were nothing but a child. Derek’s grip on my arm loosens immediately. My gaze snaps up to meet my saviour. The sight that greets me, or rather, the man who fills my vision has my entire b*dy tightening in surprise….and my heart beating out of tune. The empty glass in my fingers slip and thankfully land on the counter before me without shattering. But his attention is not on me. Those burning, sapphire blue eyes drill dangerous holes into the man who’s hands were on me just a few seconds ago.

Right now, Derek’s hands are being painfully twisted by the huge, hot-a s-si n stranger from the school’s hallway. “Bruh! What the f uck?” He squeals. “I thought I heard the lady ask you to let go.” His voice is low, but there is no mistaking the danger underneath. My assailant visibly swallows, already shaking like the coward he is.

“No, she wanted it. I swear she wanted to come home with me tonight.” He stutters. The stranger’s gaze slips from the frightened man before him to me and I silently shake my gead, denying his claims. When his gaze returns to my assailant, his eyes are murderous. “Hilton.” A tall, suited, human version of Hulk appears and the stranger thrusts the frightened man at him. “Take care of him.” “Right away, sir.” Hulk’s twin drags my assailant away, kicking and screaming. My cheeks redden when I realize that everyone’s attention is on us…on the bar. To my horror, the strang stranger tips back the stool which Derek sat in just a few short seconds ago and folds his huge, lithe frame into it. “What are you going to do to him?” I cannot help but ask.

His gaze burns into me, doing a great job of setting parts of my anatomy I would rather not mention afiame. 9% 41% 15:31 Thu, 25 Jan G · Chapter 3 “Nothing that should concern you. But be rest assured that he’s never bothering you again.” I swallow and look away. I have no doubt of it. He looks like the kind of man who would. effortlessly command an entire army. “Err….what would you like?” I ask, still avoiding his eyes. “Look at me.” He orders, his soft baritone filtering into my senses. This man could be dangerous to my overall sanity. Very, very dangerous. “Please, just tell me what you would have.” In a split second, he leans across the bar and grabs my chin between his strong fingers. I barely have the time to let out a half moan of surprise as the feel of his n*ked skin against mine sends a jolt of electricity arcing through my entire

frame. “Do you usually let people talk to you like that?” I shake my head in his grip. “He’s a customer.” “That doesn’t give him any right to say things he’s not supposed to.” I finally look at him….like really look at him. He’s dressed in a different three piece suit from the one he had on this morning. Probably Armani because it looks quite expensive and fits him like glove. F uck, everything about this man screams a billion dollars…and danger. His hair is still slightly wet and gleaming, like he just got out of the shower. Then I remember the fact that he has a wife and I’m to be married in three months, and I snap back to reality. “I guess you do not have the right to touch me either.” I say boldly. “Hands off, please.” For a moment, those fiery eyes burn into me, and he says nothing. When he eases off and leans back, I breathe a sigh of relief. “My apologies.” He says harshly. “What will you have?” He doesn’t answer. It takes me a few seconds to realize that he’s staring at my engagement ring. His once gleaming blue eyes now burn a harsh black. 15:31 Thu, 25 Jan B Chapter 3 “You’re getting married?” He asks with a growl. “Um…yes. Very soon.” The tension in the bar right now could be sliced with a knife. I feel his b*dy language. visibly change, becoming harsher and less approachable. What’s his problem? He’s the married one. “Please, what will you have?” I ask for the umpteenth time. When those dark eyes meet mine once more, the heat in them has my thighs. clenching. “You.” He says simply. His expression, however, is anything but simple. It is hot. Scorching. Burning. Electrifying. Confused, my mouth falls open.

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“Excuse me?” “You asked what I would love to have. That’s my answer. You.” His voice lowers to a low, dark purr. His accent becoming prominent. “You, spread out n*ked and warm on my bed, your b*dy buzzing from the aftershocks of org asms that only I give to you.” “Wh-what?” I almost choke on the word, trying hard to hide the S**ual ji zz his obscene words just sent all over my throbbing b*dy. His expression doesn’t change. “I want you, Lily Carson. I want you very much. And judging from your reaction to me, you want me too.” Shocked, I can only stare at him. He looks so sure of himself. “I do not believe in mincing words. I am a man who is used to getting what I want.” He growls. “And I want you in my bed, not for one or two nights, but a couple of months.” He continues, totally unperturbed, like walking into a public bar and informing a woman that you would love to have her in your bed for a few months is the most. normal thing in the world. I almost laugh at the absurdity of the situation. If anyone had told me I would have a wealthy stranger sit at my bar and proclaim in not-so-many words that he want to f uck me, I would laugh in their face. Hard. 15:31 Thu, 25 Jan B Chapter 3 I turn away. “I’m sorry, but I am engaged to be married soon. Please leave.” “That cheap ring does not bother me in any way.” My gaze snaps to his once more. I make to lash out at him but he continues, Π “I know about your financial troubles, Lily Carson, and I’m here to make you an offer.” I shake my head. “I am not interested. How the hell do you know my name anyways?” His strong, lean fingers slide across the countertop and I step back. Something tells me that if this man touches me, I’m a goner. “I will not answer any of your questions until you decide to hear me out.”

I heave a breathe and fold my arms beneath my breasts, unconsciously lifting them higher. I notice the stranger’s gaze on them and drop my arms immediately. “Okay. Shoot.” After a beat, he says, “I want you to be my mistress. I want you to be willing and ready in my bed whenever I want you, anywhere and anytime. In exchange, I will pay up all your debts. In addition, I’ll give you enough money to have you settled for life.” When he stops talking, completely stunned, I can only stare at him. Then hot, scorching anger zings through my blood stream, making it difficult to even think or breathe properly.. “Are you insinuating that I am a sl ut? A who re?!” I half yell. He balances calmly on his stool, looking like the calm before the storm. “You will not be a full who re. I think the term you are looking for is ‘mistress’. I will be your sugardaddy and you will be my long term mistress. That’s my offer, give or take.” My anger arches to the point where I see red. Hot, venomous red. I do not think. I just lash out. It is not until I feel the sharp sting on my palm that I realize that I have just slapped him. In my present state, I cannot bring myself to care. Chapter 3 Π “I am no man’s who re, mister whomever you are. You should be ashamed because you have a beautiful wife at home. You may as well take your stu pid offer and shove it up. your ar se because I am not interested. Please leave. Now.” Before me, the stranger’s eyes no longer burn a hot sapphire blue. They are cold, empty shells. So empty, they send a sliver of dread through me. He gets to his feet, looking every inch the all American billionaire. I narrow my gaze at him as he pins me with that cold eyed stare, refusing to back down. “You have absolutely no idea what you have just gotten yourself into, young lady. My name is Marco Marcelli. Remember it. Memorise it, because on this day, I vow to make

your life a living hell.” SEND GIFT