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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 1133
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Chapter 1133 Mr. Callahan's Weak and HandsPlan Even though he wanted to lock the door badly and keep her from leaving his sight forever... An impulse drove him to do so.

But those paranoid behaviors had been used on Mavis before. She was strong-willed, and him being too pushy only made her run away even more.

Thinking about this, he carefully considered his words before patiently persuading her, "Why don't you rest for a while? Having enough sleep will help you take better care of the patient, right?" "That's true, but..." "No 'buts'," Anthony interrupted with a reassuring look in his eyes. "You don't need to worry about anything. I've already arranged for the best 24-hour personal care for Moore." Mavis furrowed her delicate eyebrows with skepticism as she glanced at him. "Personal care? Why didn't you tellfirst before arranging it?" Anthony lazily hooked up one corner of his mouth and said, "Didn't | just tell you now?" "... You're playing word games with me. | don't think Moore likes strangers looking after him, but I've called Raymond over to help me," she retorted as she checked the ton her watch.

She had been here with Anthony for almost an hour and a half now. Moore's emotional state was already unstable enough while Raymond may or may not have arrived yet from their apartment complex to help out. It could be dangerous if Moore were left alone like this for too long.

"If there's nothing else going on here," Mavis said as she started to leave.

Suddenly, Anthony bent over in pain and clutched at his chest where he had been injured earlier today.

"What's wrong?" Mavis quickly went over to support him.

"I'm having... a little bit of angina..." His voice sounded weak without much air behind it. Sweat broke out across his forehead again within seconds, making him look pale as death itself - not like someone who was faking it.

"Should | call a doctor?" "No need," he suddenly exerted force, pulling Mavis closer, effortlessly tugging her into his embrace.

He was quite strong. Mavis immediately caught on, "Faking illness withagain?" "No, it's truly angina," he said, not a hint of blushing or breathlessness, resting his head on Mavis's shoulder. His arm encircled her waist, feeling her warmth, and he let out a slow sigh, "I'm feeling better." Great acting.

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If his arm weren't wrapped around her waist so tightly, the unmistakable advantage-taking would almost have fooled her.

Anthony's injured chest was pressed against her back.

It felt burning hot.

She could distinctly feel his heartbeat.

Thump-thump... thump-thump...

It raced faster than ever before! The usually composed man was unusually nervous? Mavis wondered, as she felt Anthony's heartbeat and momentarily forgot to extricate herself from his embrace.

"Raymond's hand hasn't fully healed yet, and it's not convenient for him to take care of him with just one hand. It would be better to hire a good caregiver who can take better care of Moore," he earnestly persuaded her. "After all, you still have your own job to attend to. When our son comes hfrom kindergarten, he also needs you. You can't give all your tto Moore at the expense of work and our son." Mavis couldn't help but feel that he made sense.

Callahan Group had just established a partnership with her company in Bostrain, and there were many things and details waiting for her attention. With Moore paralyzed now, she couldn't handle work for the tbeing; she didn't trust anyone else enough to delegate it either.

After all, she had to earn money in order to support her son; she didn't want this opportunity with Anthony handed on a silver platter turned into a loss.

And then there was Alistair...

It had been almost two days since they last saw each other; the little guy must miss her by now...

As Mavis fell into deep thought about these things, Anthony quietly read her expression and gently urged, "I know you're worried that Moore won't get used to having someone around 24/7 taking care of him. But how long can you personally take care of him? One year or two years? If his leg really doesn't heal properly... do you want spend rest of your life taking care of him?" "You're not his wife or even his relative. At the end of the day, only business partners," he continued persuasively. "This tragedy has nothing directly related with you... Are you going abandon everything including your child for someone who is not related?" Mavis lowered her lashes without saying anything.

Seeing that she seemed like seriously considering what he said, Anthony changed tack again, "Actually if you really have concerns about leaving Moore alone right now but still want go back down stairs later on, it's okay too! At least chere first and catch up on ssleep before returning tonight." Mavis hesitated but didn't refuse outright either.

To be honest, she was indeed very tired right now-her eyelids were heavy-and after adding up last night until this morning, she'd only slept an hour total! "Oh?! You..." Before Mavis could refuse again, Antony picked her up directly instead, and carefully placed onto another half bed beside him.

"I'm still wearing shoes!" Don't dirty the white sheets! Understanding what Mavis meant by this remark, Antony took off shoes for her and put them under his bed.

He helped her take off her autumn coat, placing it gently on the nightstand near the bed. His movements were gentle, his gaze considerate, as he attentively and patiently took care of her.

Mavis was completely bewildered, her mind suddenly went blank like a computer crash, and she beclike a thoughtless doll, allowing him to manipulate her.

Only those beautiful blue eyes widened and stared at him.

Her face was full of incredulity.

Not until Anthony covered her with a blanket and comforted her to sleep did she suddenly realize and reach out to touch his face, "You really don't have a fever? Could it be that the wound infection has worsened and spread to your brain?" This kind of behavior of serving her was something that the once high and mighty Anthony would never have done.

When he was facing her blank stare, Anthony's lips curled into a gentle smile as he took hold of her palm and lightly kissed the back of her hand.

With a devout gaze and gentlemanly movements.

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"I know you're surprised, but there's no need to be so surprised.” "Do you feel like the way | am now is not like me?" Mavis's gaze, filled with inquiry, was fixed on him.

Although there was no response, the expression said it all.

He lightly hooked his lips and patiently explained, "lI apologize again for what happened in the past. As a first-thusband, | had no experience. | will learn more and try my best not to disappoint you or make you sad." She didn't know if it was an illusion, but Mavis suddenly felt her breath tighten and her heart seemed to flutter with a faint tremble.

As he spoke, his gaze was serious, but his delicate and handsfeatures could not be hidden by his weak face.

The gentle and deep voice, like a spellbinding charm, made her heart beat faster inexplicably.

As a person who was obsessed with appearance, she fell in love with Anthony at first sight because of his face.

He used to be very cold and always gave her a sense of distance that was difficult to approach.

But at this moment, he fell ill.

On the blank face, there was an unhideable sense of shattered beauty.

Last night she thought Anthony was hateful, but this morning looking at his sickly face, all her resentment suddenly dissipated.

In the past, he had extremely high combat power, but now he seemed to have shed all of his aggressiveness and becharmless, even inexplicably easy to bully.

Damn it, she actually had the idea of bullying Anthony.

Was she crazy?