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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 1146
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Chapter 1146 A Round of Lobbying, or Should We Just Kill Him? First love girlfriend? Wasn't she Anthony's first love? Originally, Anthony had been suppressing his feelings for her. Could it be that the harsh words he said to her before were all because he loved her too much and thus harbored resentment? "How can he not forget?" Bryleigh's hope reignited in her heart.

To be honest, Anthony had been making headlines lately in his pursuit of his wife. She really thought that Anthony had fallen in love with Mavis.

Was he being sarcastic to her because he was still holding a grudge about what happened back then? Although they only dated each other for three days, her charm and family background were not something that Mavis, a rural girl, could compare with.

Seeing her reaction, Alistair knew he had done the right thing. In order to avoid getting into trouble, he could only bear with it and apologize to his parents. He believed they wouldn't mind too much.

"Daddy often murmurs a naffectionately in his sleep, which was heard by Mommy and caused a big fight. Mommy has been reluctant to reconcile with Daddy because of these things that bother her." Alistair always used exaggerated means to convey his message.

Bryleigh asked eagerly, "Do you know what nhe calls out in his sleep?" "This is a different price," Alistair tilted his head.

"You are not qualified to discuss terms with me." Bryleigh's face darkened as she took large strides towards him and grabbed his small neck.

With increasing force, there were obvious whitish marks on Alistair's neck.

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Just as the little one was about to lose air and almost faint, Bryleigh released her grip and said, "Go on." "Cough, cough, cough-" Alistair took deep breaths of fresh air and choked until his face turned red.

The fear of almost being choked to death just now filled his entire mind, leaving him with no capacity for rational thinking.

This woman was too scary. Whenever there was a chance, he immediately ran away.

"Mute?" Bryleigh sneered.

As Alistair regained his senses, he suddenly realized a question. Despite being in the hospital, Moore had hinted to this woman to kill him. Why hadn't she made a move yet? What was she waiting for? After waiting for his response for a while and not hearing anything, Bryleigh grew impatient. "If you don't speak up, | have a hundred ways to torture you," she said.

Just as the atmosphere was becoming tense, the doorbell rang.

Bryleigh cleared her throat and asked gently, "Who is it?" In fact, she was full of vigilance, and even the sound of a dropped needle can be heard in the quiet room.

"Miss, it's us." Without guessing, Bryleigh immediately knew who it was and hurried to the door to open it.

The two men who cin looked very different. The one on the left was slim and had a pointed face with high cheekbones, while the one on the right was bulky and portly.

But these two had been following Bryleigh since before she retired from the military service. When her family encountered a very serious financial crisis and everyone was looking for a way out, only these two were willing to stick with Bryleigh, even if their salaries were cut in half.

"Mando, Barrel, why did you guys only cnow?" Bryleigh remembered contacting them an hour ago.

"There's a traffic jam on the road, and | don't know what's gotten into the Callahan family. They're offering a reward of one million dollars with no limit for finding the kid. The people in Suham are going crazy searching for him." It was not difficult to hear regret in Mando's tone. In fact, before they arrived, they also joined the bounty team.

"Yo! Money tree, you're here?!" Barrel caught a glimpse of Alistair on the chair and almost jumped up with excitement. He then stared at Alistair with a greedy look in his eyes.

His gaze was too direct, making the little one feel uneasy. He unconsciously shrunk his shoulders and stuffed potato chips into his mouth.

Bryleigh shot him a sharp glance and said, "Barrel, lower your voice." Barrel obediently covered his mouth and whispered, "How cthe money tree that everyone is looking for outside is in the hands of your?" "Because | kidnapped him." Barrel and Mando looked at each other in surprise.

Mando said, "Miss, weren't you still hoping to marry into the Callahan family and use their influence to revive the Padilla Group? But by doing this... aren't you going against the Callahan family?" "He knows things he shouldn't know, and | hate kids. Even if | marry Anthony, | don't want to be a stepmother," Bryleigh's eyes gleamed with ruthlessness. "Wait until late at night, then take him away, find a desolate place, and get rid of him." Barrel said, "Are you going out now?" "I have urgent matters to attend to," Bryleigh picked up her bag and left without giving Alistair another glance.

She must create an alibi to avoid being implicated in the future.

As Barrel turned his head, he caught a glimpse of the snacks on the bed and his eyes lit up. "Oh, there's still food left! Miss is really thoughtful." He stuffed it into his mouth without a word, too busy to speak.

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Alistair looked at him without saying a word. He wasn't scared, he was just recalling Bryleigh's words from earlier.

Despite all the pleasing words he just said, all of which Bryleigh liked to hear, she seemed skeptical and even wanted to kill him.

Mom and Dad already knew he was missing. How can they find him? His heart was pounding with anxiety. Without Bryleigh, he didn't know these two men in front of him and felt very scared.

Barrel was a foodie, his eyes lighting up at the sight of snacks. "Be careful," Mando reminded him.

"This bag of chips isn't even enough to fill the gaps between my teeth! | stayed up all night with you last night, didn't win many games, and didn't even get to eat a bite." Barrel snorted coldly.

The skinny guy couldn't bear it. "Isn't it normal to win or lose? You've been nagging all the way." "What's wrong withnagging? You lost my hard-earned money! Otherwise, how could | be hungry now? | don't care. You go buysfood!" Barrel was furious.

Mando waved his hand. "Okay! Can't | go buy it for you? Seven breads, three cups of juice, ten sausages?" "Yes! I'm so hungry today. Bringfive tea eggs too." Mando turned around and walked out without waiting for another minute. Otherwise, his ears would have grown calluses from listening to them.

His hand rested on the doorknob when suddenly he stopped again. "Forget it. You go buy it yourself." Barrel felt a pang in his heart when he heard this, "What's wrong? Are you broke even for breakfast money?" "What nonsense are you talking about?! You go buy it while | watch this kid here. All you think about is eating-don't let him run away." Mando took out a few remaining bills from his pocket and handed them over to Barrel.

Barrel felt that both his dignity and IQ had been greatly insulted, "Are you saying that | have no brains? No way-you go buy it! Today, | must watch over him myself-hurry up!" "Barrel!" Mando couldn't do anything about him but kept reminding again before leaving the room.

There were sellers nearby. Since he was so young and didn't have much skill, he probably can't escape. Instead of wasting time, it was better for him to go there and cback quickly.

"Big brother, how can your stomach hold so much delicious food? You're amazing!" Alistair's little face was filled with admiration as he asked eagerly, "Can you teach me?" "You think I'm amazing?" Barrel pretended to cough lightly twice as if flattered by Alistair's words Alistair saw an opportunity and immediately played the role of a young fanboy, "Of course! | think you're super amazing. You seem way more impressive than the brother earlier!" v