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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 1154
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Chapter 1154 Horse Racing and Counting Stars Upon hearing her words, they didn't want to continue the conversation and had to change the topic. "Anyway, you can't take over the company. If you try to force it, most of our employees will resign." It was a blatant threat that seemed to have worked.

"And then?" Mavis asked.

"What do you mean 'and then'? When we were struggling here, you were probably still lost in scorner somewhere!" "Who said that?" A calm voice interrupted as the door of the conference room opened.

Mavis turned her head and was stunned. Anthony? What was he doing here? She immediately signaled him to leave but he ignored her and walked towards her instead.

One shareholder who didn't understand what was happening immediately shouted out, "How dare you barge into a high-level meeting! Where are the security?" "He seems... to be Anthony Callahan from Crana's Callahan Group. | met him once when | went to Suham." The nwas familiar to everyone present, but they hadn't expected to see the real person behind it. The fact that Callahan Group was collaborating with them was significant for these shareholders. For them, Anthony was like a benefactor.

The expressions of the shareholders changed, and they began to ingratiate themselves, "Mr. Callahan, how cyou have the tto visit?" "I heard your company is planning to move to Suham, and I'm quite interested, so | cto take a look." Anthony walked over to her, seemingly ignoring her, and sat down beside her.

"Are you considering further investment? We're actually discussing that right now. Do you have any opinions?" "I think Miss Parker's idea is excellent. Crana's economic development surpasses Bostrain by far. You shouldn't hold her back," Anthony said earnestly.

It was clear that his purpose for coming here today was solely for supporting Mavis.

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The shareholders quickly changed their tone from their earlier assertiveness. "We don't intend to hold Miss Parker back. It's just that this path is still uncertain, and no one wants the company to incur losses." "You have to pave your own path," Anthony said while tapping his finger on the table confidently.

"Of course, of course, deep down we support it. It's just that we're concerned about the risks..." "In that case, if anyone disagrees, you can transfer your shares to me. Callahan Group is willing to buy your shares at double the price." With these words, everyone looked at each other, instantly understanding that Anthony was determined to resolve this matter.

Getting in his good graces was more valuable than holding onto the dividends from this company. Who would be willing to give up the profits in hand? This time, everyone raised their hands unanimously and the motion was passed with full approval in just ten minutes, securing the cooperation of these experienced players.

Mavis couldn't help but sigh at how much her business skills paled in comparison to Anthony's - she still had a long way to go.

"How was that?" Anthony sat on her office chair, waiting for praise.

"I can only say that you're more cunning than those guys." Mavis covered her mouth and giggled.

Although she didn't want Anthony to get involved, he had already intervened and helped her take care of everything. She had no reason to blhim anymore; it would make her seem ungrateful.

Soon enough, all the employees were waiting for Mavis' announcement in the hall.

"As you may have heard, our company headquarters will be relocating to Crana soon. As the boss, | really hope that everyone can ctogether and work hard there. Today | promise you all: whoever goes with us will receive company-assigned housing as well as a 25% salary increase." This offer was incredibly tempting; it was hard not to be moved by it.

"But what if we don't go? Will we be fired?" Someone from the crowd asked a question skeptically.

"Of course not! Since you've chosen me, | won't give up on any of you. This is still our company; it's just changing into a branch." In reality, this change wouldn't affect ordinary employees much - it only touched upon sshareholders’ interests.

Everyone was satisfied with Mavis's offer; there were no objections or dissenting voices among them.

"Of course," she added, "if anyone wants to resign, you may do so through normal procedures. The company will compensate you with three months’ salary." She thought of every possibility while leaving their choice up to them.

"Miss Parker," Lorelai spoke first, "I'll follow you to Suham." "We're not leaving! We'll stick with you!" Everyone shouted in agreement.

"I'm going too!" "Thank you all for your understanding. | hope our company continues growing bigger and stronger." After everything was arranged properly, Mavis went back into her office without realizing that father-and-son duo had been watching everything unfold before their eyes.

"Mommy, you're so cool! | want to becsomeone like you when | grow up!" Alistair exclaimed excitedly upon seeing his mother again.

Mavis affectionately ruffled his hair, "Sure thing Alistair. I'm looking forward to that day too." "So can we head off now? To the great plains?" Alistair asked eagerly.

"Let's go then." To save time, they opted for private plane travel instead.

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After arriving at their destination, Anthony suggested renting a car so they could enjoy the feeling of driving on the open plains.

Both mother and son agreed.

Anthony took on the role of driver while they sat in the back with the sunroof open and windows rolled down to feel the breeze blowing across their faces, smelling only fresh grass.

At that moment, they felt an overwhelming sense of freedom. Mavis hadn't felt this relaxed from deep within her heart in years.

"Mommy! The sky here is so low! It feels like | can touch it if | reach out my hand!" Alistair couldn't contain his excitement and chattered away throughout their journey.

Not far away, they saw several horses and many people which made Alistair's eyes light up.

"lI want to ride a big horse! Mommy, it's so high up! This is so much fun!" Alistair was anything but still on horseback as he looked around excitedly.

"Mommy, can we go faster? Let's make the horses run!" Alistair begged when he realized that their current speed wasn't enough for him anymore.

Mavis immediately shook her head. "No way! It's too dangerous." "I'm a brave young man, I'm not scared! Let the horse run a bit, please, Mommy." Hearing this, Anthony extended his arms and lifted the little one in front of him. "Alistair is right. A true man shouldn't be afraid of this. I'll take you horseback riding." Before Mavis could react, the father and son had already taken off on horseback leaving her shaking her head helplessly behind them. But she didn't worry because she knew Anthony would never put Alistair in danger.

After riding several rounds, Alistair patted his belly, still wanting more. "Let's play again after I'm full!" Seeing them return, Mavis quickly handed them water. They then proceeded to enjoy grilled lamb leg, authentic milk tea, and local traditional songs and dances. The entire meal was filled with joy and laughter.

In the evening, they lay down on a grassy field counting stars together.

"Alistair," said Mavis pointing at sstars nearby. "That one over there is called Ursa Major. Isn't it beautiful?" Alistair nodded eagerly but then asked, "Where did Daddy go?"