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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 1161
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Chapter 1161 Side Story: Testing the Human Heart Alistair's fingertips unconsciously tightened around her much smaller hand, a feeling he never wanted to let go of.

When they were kids, it was Molly who held his small hand.

But now, after all these years, he towered over Molly and even had hands bigger than hers.

Sfeelings had quietly changed between them.

Together they returned to the Callahan Residence.

The Maserati parked outside the gate of Callahan Residence. Molly didn't get out of the car but rolled down the window and made a waving gesture at him. "Go back quickly. | won't go in. Say hello to my godparents for me." Alistair nodded with a slightly melancholic expression on his face as the luxury car quickly drove away and disappeared into the night sky.

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Watching the taillights disappear around the corner street, Alistair couldn't help but furrow his brows in frustration because that wasn't towards the White family's direction but rather towards Myrtlegrove Neighborhoods' direction instead. He felt an overwhelming sense of powerlessness that left him feeling dejected.

Molly turned up her car stereo volwhile driving to ease sof her troubled emotions when suddenly her phone rang and interrupted her Bluetooth ausystem. She glanced at it and saw that it was from her mother so she answered immediately.

"Mom? What's up?" Lyra asked back, "Did you drop off Alistair? Are you on your way back?" Molly hesitated for a moment before making an excuse, "Mom, | have plans with friends tonight so | won't be going home." "It's probably your boyfriend Archer," Lyra said knowingly.

Molly remained silent as Lyra continued speaking directly, "It's late at night so you're not allowed to go out! Chright now! There is something important | need to tell you! You have twenty minutes or else... you know how angry | can get!" She knew it too well.

When their father Malcolm got angry, it was just a little temper tantrum, but their mother, who usually appeared gentle, can turn even the crooked-necked tree in the yard straight when she was truly mad.

Lyra held the most authority in this household.

Feeling scared stiff, Molly replied obediently, "Okay mom, I'll be there soon." The luxury car quickly turned around at the next intersection without any delay whatsoever before heading straight back towards Lyre Spiti which only took ten minutes tops.

Molly parked the car and walked out of the Lyre Spiti parking garage. From a distance, she could see her mother standing elegantly at the corner of the alley, her hands folded, as if she had been waiting for her for a while.

Molly felt a strange aura from her mother's presence and quickly checked the time. She hadn't exceeded the tlimit, so she hurried over.

"Mom, it's cold tonight. Why are you standing here?" "Overate at dinner, just cout for a walk to aid digestion." Molly found it hard to believe this reason. If it were just for a stroll, there was no way her father wouldn't be accompanying her.

"Mom, just tellwhat you want to say. You know | don't like beating around the bush," Molly said, getting straight to the point.

Lyra didn't waste any teither. "What are your plans with Archer? What do you really want?" "I still want to be with him," Molly replied without hesitation.

The mother and daughter walked side by side in a narrow alleyway, their shadows elongated by the dim yellow light.

"But after all those fights you had before, why do you still want to defend him?" Lyra asked seriously.

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"Relationships aren't always smooth sailing. It's normal for couples to argue sometimes. Besides, ever since his leg injury last year, he hasn't fully recovered yet and that can affect his emotions. | understand that." Lyra furrowed her brows in frustration and spoke sternly, "Molly, your dad, godparents and Chad as well as | have all treat you like our precious little girl since day one! We love and spoil you so much because we don't want anyone else hurting or mistreating you." "But... Archer got hurt because of me! He went on that dangerous mission instead ofand ended up injuring his leg bone which led him into this condition today! Are you askingto be ungrateful towards him?" Lyra was speechless, "So if someone gets hurt for your sake, then it means that from now on every favor must be repaid through self-sacrifice? If another comrade gets injured while taking over a task for you in future missions, then would it mean that once again self-sacrifice is required from your end? Can such promises even be kept?" Molly lowered her head without saying anything more.

Lyra touched her cheek gently before sighing, "You grew up in military school since childhood and joined the army right after graduation so naturally there were very few opportunities for social experiences or exposure towards office politics etc., hence making it easy for others take advantage of your naivety." She had never experienced any financial difficulties growing up nor did she lack anything materialistic-wise; whenever people found out about her identity, they would immediately try their best at building relationships with her based off of good intentions only showing their best sides around her at all times.

Lyra sighed again before offering a solution, "Alright fine if being together with Archer is what makes sense then let's put this small test into action first. As long as Archer can pass my test, then | will agree." "Really?" Molly's eyes lit up excitedly but quickly added another question, "But what if Dad disagrees?" "He won't," Lyra assured confidently.

Molly was thrilled beyond words; she grabbed onto Lyra's arm playfully exclaiming, "Mom, you're the best!" Lyra had no expression on her face and wouldn't change her mind because of Molly's coquetry. "Don't rush to flatter me. This test requires you to tell him that you broke off all ties with your family, lost all your luxury cars, mansions, and bank cards, and are no longer the heir of Lloyd's Corp. The house you gave him before also needs to be taken back in order to completely sever ties with the White family." Molly's face changed. "Mom, isn't this too harsh?" "It's fake anyway. What are you afraid of?" True.

Molly nodded. "Okay, | accept this challenge." "The test period is six months. During this period, in order not to expose anything, | will release news about your break with the White family and actually take back all your assets from you. If you really believe he loves you and are willing to give everything for him, then enduring half a year of hardship shouldn't be a problem for you," Lyra said.

"Of course," Molly answered firmly without hesitation. "I trust Archer; he can definitely pass your test!" Lyra pinched her cheek gently. Although she felt sorry for her daughter doing this, it was necessary.

"Go hnow and get ssleep. I'll inform Anthony and Chad. You don't need to chanymore starting tomorrow since you can move in with Archer. But there's one thing: You're not allowed to sleep with him until after engagement." "Yes ma'am! | promise I'll complete my mission!" She grinned happily while holding onto Lyra as they walked back towards Lyre Spiti.

The next morning, Molly went to find Archer and talked to him about the matter.

"... That's basically it, Archer! We can finally be together openly now!" Archer was in the middle of taking a drag from his cigarette when he unexpectedly choked on the smoke. He looked at her with a skeptical expression and said, "You must be kidding me. Are you seriously suggesting that you want to sever ties with the White family for my sake? That's just not possible..." "It's true! I've agreed already. | must prove my determination by showing them!" Her confidence was high while his expression becserious as he replied, "But aren't you still their precious daughter from both the White family and Lloyd family? How could your parents let go so easily knowing that their child would live out in rural areas following me?" "Believe it or not, it's true," she replied. After a moment's thought, she added, "Oh, and my mother mentioned that the house that was given to you as compensation before, they want to take it back as well." Archer took several puffs of his cigarette, his face turning sour. "My parents are living in that house now. It was supposed to be compensation, a gift even. How can you take it back? And where are they supposed to live after?"