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God, the Real Miss Hated Everyone Equally

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9

After Brielle finished practicing, she took the folding knife and climbing stick and walked into the forest.

She was going to hunt and prepare breakfast.

She left the equipment in place.

She did not believe that Pearl and the others would dare to steal it.

If they dared to steal again, she would continue to beat them up.

When the director saw Brielle enter the forest, he immediately ordered the hidden team in the forest,

“Brielle has left the base. Get ready to steal the tent immediately!”

“Be careful, don’t leave any traces and let her find out!”

The forest team replied, “Got it. Arrange it immediately!”

The forest team had a total of 100 people. They hid in various hidden corners of the forest to prevent

wild animals from approaching this area. There were also some who followed the guests from afar to

protect their safety.

On Brielle’s side, there were a total of three special forces members.

After they received the task of the director team, they began to gather together to discuss how to steal

the tent without leaving any traces and would not be discovered by Brielle.

No. 1 said, “The tent suddenly disappeared. Brielle will definitely look for it. As long as she goes to

confront the guest on the other side, she will know that the tent was not stolen by them. She will

definitely be suspicious.”

No. 2 said. “That makes sense, so we can’t steal the tent ourselves.”

No. 3 asked in confusion, “If we don’t steal it ourselves, how can we make the tent disappear?”

No. 1 and No. 2 looked at each other and revealed the same devious smile..

No. 3 asked, “What are you laughing at? What idea have you come up with? Don’t hold it in your heart.

Tell me!”

No. 1 looked at No. 3 and said with a smile, “Do you remember the group of monkeys we met when we

first came to there?”

No. 3 widened his eyes. “Do you want to… lure Monkey over and let Monkey be the bad guy?”

No. 1 and No. 2 raised their eyebrows. “Exactly!”

No. 3 gave him a thumbs–up. “Good idea!”

No. I immediately contacted the members stationed in the southwest to the foot of the mountain and

told them their plan.

Then he said, “Hurry up and find a way to lure the monkeys over. Before Brielle returns from hunting,

let the monkeys snatch the tent away!”

“Got it the other side replied.

Brielle was completely unaware of the bad intentions of the program team.

She had already entered the forest to search for prey.

After a night, the poultry sent in by the program team wandered freely in the forest. They had already

run into the forest, unlike yesterday where they could see their prey within a few steps.

Brielle walked for half an hour before she saw a hen lying on top of a haystack in front of him.

When Brielle walked over, the hen flew up in fright and began to flec.

Brielle looked down and saw an egg on the haystack.

She bent down and picked up the egg-



that just came out was still warm.

Brielle took the egg and continued to walk into the forest.

One egg was definitely not enough for her to eat, and she still needed to find some food.

She originally wanted to catch a chicken, but after walking for a while, she suddenly saw mushrooms

on the ground.

“Eating chicken in the morning is not easy to digest. Make an egg mushroom soup and make do with it.

Catch chicken for lunch.”

Brielle squatted down and began to pick mushrooms.

She had done her homework in advance, and she had experience in the past. She could distinguish

which mushrooms could be eaten and which mushrooms could not be eaten.

She picked two pounds of mushrooms.

She cut a few small tree vines, made a simple basket, put the mushrooms and eggs in it, and began to

walk back.

On the way back, she picked up three more eggs.

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The harvest was good.

Brielle carried the small basket and returned to her station in a pleasant mood.

But when she walked out of the forest, the scene in front of her made her dumbfounded.

She saw a group of monkeys running over from who knows where.

There were at least twenty to thirty of them.

At this time, the group of monkeys were at the place where she had set up her camp, stirring up her

tent and climbing hills.

The tents and inflatable beds had been torn to pieces.

The things in the backpack were also poured out and scattered on the ground. More than half of the

things had been. damaged by the monkey.

Brielle’s face froze.

Her joy instantly fell to the bottom.

Her blood pressure began to rise rapidly.

Her heart was burning with anger.

Where did this monkey come from? It actually destroyed her tent and luggage!

When the group of monkeys saw Brielle appear, they even arrogantly bared their teeth and roared at


When a monkey found the basket in her hand, he immediately ran over and snatched it away.

Chapter 9

After flipping it twice, he found that it was not delicious, and then threw it on the ground in disgust.

Pa da


Cgg broke.

Brielle only felt anger burning in her chest.

It burned away her rationality as well!

“Monkey, I’m going to kill you all!”

Brielle roared angrily and charged madly at the group of monkeys.

Monkey didn’t show any weakness and bared his teeth at her fiercely.

He tried to scare her away.

However, Brielle had already lost her mind..

The fiercer these monkeys were, the more she wanted to beat them up. She was not scared at all!

“Go to hell!”

She grabbed a monkey.

She slapped the monkey’s face twice.

The monkey was stunned.

Brielle threw it down forcefully and went to catch another monkey.

When the other monkeys saw this, they also began to attack Brielle, trying to help the members of the

group take revenge.

Brielle sent one flying with a slap, and two flew away with a kick.

When the monkey king came up, it was also hit twice by Brielle, making it dizzy.

The monkeys were shocked.

The upright apes with strong combat strength!

The few terrifying upright apes that chased them away from the forest a few days ago were not as

ferocious as this one!

The monkey king made a prompt decision and sent out a signal for the monkeys to retreat.

The monkeys received the signal and immediately fled into the forest.

“Don’t run! You destroy my things; don’t think about leaving just like that! I’m going to rip off all your fur!”

Brielle was furious.

She ran into the forest.

Her speed was extremely fast.

Compared to the monkeys, the speed was not inferior, and it was even faster than them.

Seeing the terrifying upright apes getting closer and closer, the monkeys screamed in fear as they

swayed the tree vines and

ran away.

Aoo, what a terrifying upright ape. Run quickly, don’t fall into her hands, I will be eaten!

-Help, she runs so fast, I’m going to be caught! –

–Great King, save me, I’m going to fall into the hands of the man–eating female upright ape, woo!

The monkeys were frightened to death.

Seeing that Brielle was about to catch up with a backward monkey.

With a plop, she fell down accidentally.

The monkeys barked, as if they were laughing at her.

Brielle was furious.

She did not get up but crawled on the ground with her hands and feet.

Her speed was extremely fast!

She was even faster than running!

She roared as she crawled.

As she crawled, she stared at the monkeys with dark eyes.

She would not let any of the damned monkeys go!

When she was tired of crawling, she imitated the monkey and moved the tree vines.

When she swung the vines, she was even more agile than a monkey. From this tree to the tree, she

seemed to be able to fly.

The monkeys were all stunned.

Shit! Are we monkeys or is she a monkey?

-Woo, Mom, there is a monster. Mom, wait for me! –

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

[Shit! The program team is too bad. They deliberately lured the monkeys over and destroyed Brielle’s

tent and luggage!]

[My god! Sis E is angry; her anger look is so scary… It seems that she had show mercy to Pearl and

the others back then! If Sis E is so mad to treat them, they would be die earlier.]

[Sister E is crawling on the ground in a dark and crazy manner. I love her so much.]

[Sister E’s physical fitness is too strong. That movement of swinging the tree vines is not something an

ordinary person can do. She is actually so skilled. I suspect that Sister E has undergone special forces

training. Her ability to move in the wild is too strong!

[I even think that Sister E is stronger than special forces!]

[Sister E’s operation stunned my whole family. This is the first time I have seen someone chasing after

the monkeys to fight. In the past, I only saw people being chased by monkeys. I

I have experienced this. Last time, I went to a Mountain to have fun, but my phone was robbed by the

monkey. And finally, I was also hurt by them. I hate monkeys. Sis E helps me teach these monkeys a


(Although these monkeys are not the monkeys from Mount Emei, I can’t help but recall bad memories

the moment I see them. I hate all the monkeys. Sister E, beat them up! ]

[Sister E. don’t chase after them. There are so many monkeys. One person can’t beat them. Sister E

will suffer a loss! ]

[I think Brielle is going a bit too far. Even if the monkey destroys her tent and luggage, she can’t hit the

monkey. The monkey is an animal. They don’t know anything and can’t blame them. Brielle keeps

chasing them, which scares them.]

[Upstairs, which great Buddha was reincarnated? I want to smoke. Stay away from me. I’m afraid I’ll

burn you out of the sariras.]

[Am I the only one worried about Sister E’s mental state?]

The audience in the live broadcast room discussed animatedly.

Someone sent the video of Brielle crawling on the ground, swinging the tree vines to chase the monkey

to Twitter.

Brielle’s battle with the monkey group instantly went on a hot search.

Every netizen who saw the video was stunned and then let out a heartfelt sigh of admiration, “6”

There were even people who posted this video on the Internet.

This video also instantly exploded on the Internet. Countless foreign netizens rushed to the live

broadcast room to watch the live broadcast after hearing the news.

They were all curious about this female star who behaved strangely.

They had never seen a woman who chased after monkeys all over the mountain.

They had never seen a woman who crawled around the forest like a savage, stirring up the animals in

the forest.

The key was that this woman was very beautiful!

Brielle instantly exploded the world.

Ocean City.

Fairfax Group.


Wearing a tailored suit, Kayden walked out of the elevator on the top floor and strode to the office with

an innate aura of a superior.

When he passed by the secretary position at the door of the office, he saw his special assistant Kai

Eliot smiling at his phone.

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Kayden stopped and looked at Kai coldly. “What are you looking at during work time? Why are you

smiling so happily?”

“M… Mater Fairfax, have you finished your business so quickly?” Kai was shocked and quickly put his

phone on the desk. He stood up in a hurry with a guilty look on his face..

“I… I didn’t look at anything. I was preparing to work.”

Kayden looked at his phone coldly and ordered, “Give me your phone.”

Kai did not dare to refuse his strict tone.

He could only bite the bullet and pick up his phone. He unlocked his phone and transferred the phone

screen to Kayden.

Kai said awkwardly, “Mater Fairfax, I’m watching Brielle’s variety show live.”

“You don’t know, but this variety show is interesting. The staff of the program team deliberately left the

guests alone in the

forest and arranged a micro camera for a secret live broadcast.”

“Yesterday, the program team just left, and everyone revealed their true colors. Those seemingly kind

stars, all of them are selfish and hypocritical.”

“Oh, that’s not right. Except for Brielle, she always does as she pleases and despises everyone.”

“Right, just now, Brielle was still chasing the monkeys in the forest. I was watching that video. Mater

Fairfax, look!”

Because Kai knew that Kayden and Brielle had met each other privately, and that Brielle lived in

Kayden’s villa, Kai deliberately mentioned Brielle a few more times.

Kai opened the video for Kayden to see.

Kayden lowered his eyes and his dark eyes fell on the screen coldly.

When he saw the amazing operation of Brielle in the video, his expression froze instantly, and his eyes

revealed shock.

Then, he frowned, and his eyes revealed some worry.

Brielle looks like she is not in a normal state of mind…

After pondering for a moment, he ordered, “Contact a few experts who treat mental illnesses. Seven

days later, ask them to come to Ocean City.”

Kai asked worriedly, “Mater Fairfax, what happened to you?”

Kai thought that Kayden wanted to see a doctor himself.

Kayden glanced at him coldly. “If I tell you to contact him, then go contact him. Why ask so many


Kai lowered his head.

Kayden turned around and walked to his office.

After taking two steps, he stopped and looked back at Kai. “What is the name of that variety show?”

“Huh?” Kai asked.

Kayden asked impatiently, “What’s the name of the variety show that Brielle used to swing tree vines?”

“Wilderness Survival,” Kai said.

Kayden turned and entered the office.

Sitting in front of his desk, he did not immediately turn on his computer and start working as usual.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and searched for variety shows called “Wilderness Survival.”

He first understood the content of yesterday’s live broadcast.

Seeing the news of Brielle fighting Pearl and Jordan and the reverse of online reputation, his lips curled

up and he felt happy for her for no reason.

Then, he found the live broadcast room all the way.

At this time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had already surpassed 50 million!

He was a little surprised.

The population in domestic was only a few billion, and 50 million dollars was watching this live stream?

Chapter 9

He still did not know that Brielle had already become famous abroad. At this time, many of the viewers

in the live stream were international netizens.

In the forest, Brielle’s mind was full of monkeys.

After three hours of chasing, the monkeys had run out of strength.

The monkeys slowed down, each panting and looking hopeless.

However, Brielle was still agile and vigorous. Her breathing was even, and she did not even breathe

heavily. It was as if her physical strength had not been consumed at all!

Brielle grabbed the exhausted monkey king and slapped it in the face.

“Are you the one who brought these monkeys to destroy my things?”

“You dare to steal my things? Even if you are not human, I will not let you go!”