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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 445
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$3 188. Beautiful Morning

“Are they still sleeping?” Frank asked as he sat at the mouth of the


Kara turned her head with a gentle gaze. Her smile brightened when she greeted her husband’s handsface.

“Yeah, it looks like they're exhausted. Look.” Kara looked back at the twins. “Louis is sleeping with opened


While rubbing Kara’s arm, Frank joined in observing his children. A faint laugh escaped his mouth.

Louis and Emily looked comfortable in their sleeping bags. One was in the shape of a lion. Another one was in

the shape of a bear. Both were equally adorable.

“It’s natural they're tired. They went to sleep at two o'clock. Now, should we wake them up?”

Kara nodded slightly. “If we don’t wake them up, they'll sulk. They've been waiting for the sunrise here since last


Frank took a deep breath then exhaled quickly. “Okay, no problem. This is one of my favorite jobs.”

Frank changed position to rest on both knees. A second later, he began to shower the twins’ cheeks with soft


“Is it morning yet?” Louis muttered hoarsely. His eyes still hadn't opened, but his body was already writhing.

Emily frowned. After scratching her cheek, her eyes peeked out a little. “Good morning, Daddy.”

“Morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?”



Yawning, Emily nodded lazily. Meanwhile, Louis hugged Yemon again, giving in to sleepiness. No one knew when

the plush moved to his sleeping bag.

“Is the sun up yet?” Emily asked weakly.

“Yeah, it’s just starting to rise. The sky is turning red and looks so beautiful. Do you want to see it?”

After blinking for a while, Emily sat up. She looked like a larva with that sleeping bag.

“What about Uncle and Auntie? Are they awake?”

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“I don’t know. How about we meet them after breakfast with the sunrise? Who knows, Uncle Jeremy might want

to go hiking with us.”

Suddenly, Louis got up too. Still with his eyes closed, he furrowed his brows. “We want to go hiking?”

“Yeah, we're going to see the Mobius Arch and other beautiful rocks. We're going to explore the Alabama Hills all

morning, before continuing on to the museum. Do you guys like that plan?”

Emily nodded, but her expression was still listless. “Is Mommy g on the hike?” She looked at Kara with still

narrowed eyes. There wa hint of worry in her question..

Kara stroked her sweet chubby cheek. “No, Little Angel. Mommy an Aunt Ava are pregnant. We'll see you from

the van later.”

Unexpectedly, Emily shifted and hugged Kara tightly. Her lips pouted beneath her furrowed brows.

“Thank goodness. That way, my dreams won't ctrue.”

Kara's eyebrows arched high. “Dream?”

“I dreamed that we were all walking around here. Suddenly, Mommy


tripped over. Little Baby got angry because her head hit Mommy's stomach. She kept kicking until Mommy was

in pain.”

Frank and Kara smiled when they heard that ridiculous dream.


“You don’t need to worry, Little Angel. Mommy will walk very carefully today, so Mommy won't trip. Now, wash

your face and brush your teeth. Mommy will make sandwiches for breakfast.”

In an instant, Louis’ eyes widened. His back straightened. “Will Mommy add cheese to it?”

Kara nodded. “Yes, Mommy will make something better this morning.”

Louis’ hand lifted out of his sleeping bag. “Woohoo! I love delicious food. Con, Emily. Let's get ready. We

shouldn't be too late. Don’t let the sun be up by the twe have breakfast.”

While the two toddlers ran towards the van, Frank glanced at Kara with a look full of love. His hand stroked her

back affectionately.” You're a great mother, Kara. The kids wouldn't grow up this well if it weren't for you.”

“You are also great parents, Frank. They wouldn't have such memories if it weren't for you. I'm sure they will

never forget the camping experience here.”

Leaning her head on Frank’s shoulder, Kara looked out at the mountains. The highest peak looked like it was

burned by the sun.

“I will also never forget this experience. This view. This feeling,” Kara whispered while stroking her husband's


“Yeah,too. This is the best short vacation in history. Later when Rylee or Russell has been born, let's create

more beautiful moments.”

Kara turned her head and nodded gently. Her sweet expression made Frank's heart flutter. He kissed her lips




While Frank and Kara got ready for their next adventure, Jeremy and Ava

were still lying on the bed in the van. Both of them were holding books. Occasionally, they exchanged


“Jeremy, do Eand Soleil sound good?” Ava asked in a half- whispered voice. Jeremy liked that soft tune.

“Good. What do they mean?”

“Sun is in Spanish and French. | think it's a good nfor a boy.”

Smiling, Jeremy kissed Ava’s temple. “Let’s put them on the list.”

“Okay. What about Stella and Estelle?” Ava asked, raising an eyebrow.

“For a girl's name?”

Ava nodded. “It means star. It sounds beautiful and graceful.”

“Just like you?” Jeremy smiled seductively.

Ava let out a laugh. “It’s still early for teasing, Jeremy. You better report your findings.”

Jeremy pursed his lips and showed her the page he was oper This is about constellations. Apparently, there are

88 constel officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union. only read a few.”

“Is there anything that interests you?” Ava put her head closer to Jeremy's shoulder.

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“| like Orion, one of the brightest and most beautiful constellations. is located at the celestial equator, so it can

be seen all over the earth. It looks like a man holding a sword and shield. In Greek mythology, Orion is a skilled

hunter. He must look very dashing.”

“Just like you?” Ava smiled.

Jeremy snorted a laugh. “Yes, if our child is a boy, | want him to be


dashing like me.”

“You're so confident,” Ava muttered before kissing her husband's cheek. “Then, is there anything else you like?”

“Aquilla. Its shape resembles an eagle. In Greek mythology, Aquilla is a pet and a creature that was tasked with

carrying lightning by Zeus. Sounds cool, right?”

Ava nodded. “Let's put them into the list.”

When they were about to read again, the sound of a horn roused their

bodies from the bed.

“Uncle, Auntie! Are you still sleeping?”

Jeremy and Ava stared wide eyed. They quickly threw off the blanket, put on clothes, then greeted the two

toddlers who were waiting at the


“Twins? What are you doing so early? Shouldn't you still be sleeping? You slept late last night,” Jeremy said with

a high arched eyebrow.

Behind Jeremy, Ava appeared with tousled hair. “Good morning,


“Good morning, Auntie. Have you just woken up? We cto tak Uncle Jeremy on a hike.” Emily's tiny forefinger

poked Jeremy's knee That's why we're so excited to wake up so early.”

“Where do you want to hike?” Jeremy's eyes widened even more.

“Around here. Daddy is taking us to look for the famous curved stones. Do you want to calong?” Louis tilted

his head. His face. was fresh and full of enthusiasm.