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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 450
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S31 193. Souvenirs

Not only the Twins, but Frank and Jeremy were also wide-eyed. ” Asking what?”

While Louis and Emily blinked waiting for an answer, Kara and Aval exchanged glances.

“Ava and | are talking about preparing for the birth of our babies.

We're having a bit of trouble because we don’t know if they're boys or girls. So....”

Frank matched the swing in Kara's tone with the movement of his head. “Do you want the doctor to announce

the gender before they

are born?”

Kara sighed with a smile. “Yeah, how about we have a gender reveal?”

In an instant, the twins’ eyes widened like the full moon. Their mouths were also wide open, letting out joy.

“Will we find out soon it’s Russell or Rylee?” Emily pointed at Kara's bulging stomach.

“And also Oscar or Oasis?” Louis pointed at Ava’s stomach while glancing at Jeremy.

While Ava and Kara were confused, Jeremy put on a lazy look. “Louis


Louis chuckled in amusement. “What's the harm? It's a nice name.”

Emily shook her head at his joke. “Please ignore Louis, Mommy. Back to the topic. So, we will soon find out

whether our little baby is a girl or a boy?” Emily's neck perked up.

Kara smiled again and nodded. “Yes!”


“Hooray...!” Emily raised her fist high. Her legs bounced a little. “We'll know soon it’s Russell or Rylee!”

“Woohoo! We don’t have to wait any longer.” Louis spread his arms and legs equally wide. His head tilted up

while his sweet voice

vibrated the air.

After the short celebration, the twins hugged Kara again.

“Thank you, Mommy. | like this plan.

“Yeah,too. Let's tell Mrs. Black to cook more delicious food. She

should give us a different special menu!”

Chuckling, Kara stroked Louis and Emily’s heads. “So you guys agree?”

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The twins looked up, answering, “Yes!”

“What about you guys?” Ava raised an eyebrow at Jeremy and Frank.

The two men pressed their lips with their chins. Their shoulders move up as if they were set.

“Sure. Anything to make my wife happy.” Jeremy approached Ava, rubbing her back.

Meanwhile, Frank held Kara in his arms, kissing her lips. “When d you want to hold it?”

“After Barbara and Philip cback!”

“Yes, Auntie can grumble seven centuries if we hold this important event without her,” Louis nodded firmly.

“Humans don’t even live that long, Louis,” Emily protested.

“That's called a figure of speech, Emily. Hypervolley.”




The sound of laughter instantly spread in the van.

“Then where do you hold it? Should Jeremy and | look for an EO?”

Kara spontaneously waved her hand. “No. Ava and | have already arranged everything.”

Ava nodded gracefully. “The event doesn’t need to be extravagant. Let's just eat together. There's no need for

flares, fireworks, confetti, or other items that could add to waste or have a bad impact on the


“Can we do the LED dance again? We still keep the costumes. We made them with environmentally friendly

materials, except duct tape.”

Louis danced like he did at Jeremy and Ava’s wedding. Before long,

Emily began to imitate.

Kara nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Little Bee. You can also prepare a show.”

“Then, what way do you want to reveal it? You're not using balloons, right? Your concept is environmentally

friendly,” Jeremy said curiously.

Kara and Ava smiled faintly. “That's a secret. Let us take care of

“Oh, | love surprises. | can’t wait to welcAunt Barbara and Und Philip home.” Emily cupped her cheeks.

“Yeah,too. | can’t wait to party!”

A second later, Louis pointed at Kara's stomach. “Russell, get ready! Your nwill be announced soon!”

Emily furrowed her eyebrows, looking at Louis with sharp eyes. “That could be Rylee.”





Before the twins got into a fight, Kara quickly broke it up. Glancing at Frank, she expressed her concern. Either

one of Louis and Emily would be disappointed.


“Welchome, Barbara and Philip!” The twins cheered as their aunt and uncle entered the apartment.

Receiving such a welcome, Barbara gasped. “You're all here? | was sad because no one greeted us at the airport.

| thought you'd forgotten about us.”

“We can’t possibly forget you, Auntie. If it weren't for you and Uncle

Philip, we wouldn't have anyone to mess with,” Louis teased.

“Look, Auntie! We even bought souvenirs from Alabama Hills for you.” Emily handed her a bag containing two


Barbara accepted it with her eyebrows drawn together. “You still have

tto think about souvenirs for us?”

The twins nodded. “Yes, we are good kids, Auntie.”

“But Philip and I didn’t bring anything for you.” Barbara shook her head seriously.

In an instant, the curve of the twins’ lips shrunk. Emily started to tra her own fingers in front of her stomach.

“Auntie, you went all the way to a very beautiful place. How could you cback without bringing us

something?” Her sweet voice sounded pitiful.

Barbara glanced at Philip guiltily. “Baby, see? | told you. We should just buy one for Louis and Emily.”



“What else can we do? We already have a lot of groceries. There's no place to accommodate Louis and Emily's

souvenirs,” Philip

whispered, emphatically.

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“How full is your baggage?” Louis glanced at the suitcase and mountaineering bag that Philip was carrying with

one eyebrow furrowed. “Won't two key chains fit?”

“Or two pretty magnets,” Emily continued before looking down languidly. “In fact, | already imagine that our

refrigerator will be full of magnets from many countries.” Her toes moved to press the floor.

Bending her knees, Barbara held Louis and Emily's shoulders. “My nephew and niece, I'm sorry | didn’t bring any

souvenirs for you. Next time, we promise to buy you something.”

“You really forgot to bring us souvenirs?” Louis inquired one last time.

Barbara nodded. Louis puffed out his cheeks and bowed along with Emily. “But that is Lofoten. Next time, you

guys might not visit it again.

Barbara pursed her lips. She glanced behind, giving Philip a signal with a wink. Smiling crookedly, Philip slipped

something into her hand

“As an apology, how about you guys accept this?” Barbara dropp something hanging from her index finger in

front of Louis and Em When the two toddlers looked up, their eyes immediately lit up.

“Key chains from Lofoten?”

While laughing, Louis and Emily received a whale-shaped keychain in front of a rorbuer-a typical Lofoten cabin

like the one Barbara and Philip stayed in on their honeymoon.

“Thank you, Auntie.”

00 000 00

Barbara pinched the twins’ cheeks. “You think we don’t buy souvenirs,


hmm? We can’t possibly forget you. You ask how we are every morning and night.”

The twins smiled sweetly. They turned to Frank and Kara, showing off the key chains in their hands. At that

moment, Philip placed a bag beside Barbara. After opening it, he took out a transparent box which made Emily


“Lofoten magnets!”

“Yes, let's fill your refrigerator with these beautiful magnets.” Philip handed the box to Emily. Emily accepted it

as if it were a precious


“Besides, we also bought this.”

Barbara opened the bag wider. Everyone widened their eyes seeing.

what's inside.