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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 454
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S31 197. Twins’ Birthday

“Is this a folding camping chair designed specifically for kids?” Louis exclaimed with sparkling eyes. Emily beside

also looked up, waiting for an answer. Her face was no less bright.

Barbara smiled proudly at that response. With a chuckle, she nodded. “Yes, with your names printed on the


“Wow, this is really cool! Thank you, Uncle Philip, Aunt Barbara.”

“Yes, thank you, Uncle, Auntie.”

While Emily hugged Barbara once again, Louis was busy pulling a pink. chair out of the box. “Emily, this is your


“You want to try it right away?” Emily helped Louis stretch the chair so he could sit on it.

“Yes! We have to take a photo with Uncle and Aunt while sitting here,” Louis said, excitedly. He didn’t care that

the small suir on his body

made it difficult for him to move.

However, when he found his chair, his movements stopped. His eyes flickered to see the thick waterproof cloth

where his nwas


“Uncle, Aunt, have you forgotten? My favorite color is blue. Does t shop where you bought this not have blue in


Curious, Emily got up from her new chair. As she looked into the box, she immediately covered her laughter with

her hands. Louis’ chair was made from black with touches of pink on several parts.

“It looks like this is a couple chairs, Louis. Look! My chair is pink with black stripes, the opposite of your chair.

Our chairs look matching when we put them together.”



“Yeah, but my nis pink.” Louis puffed out his cheeks. He regretted having imagined a cool blue chair in his


“Sorry, Louis. We deliberately chose this color to make you happy. Didn't it happen?” Barbara asked while

secretly glancing at Philip.

Philip smiled slightly as he stroked Barbara's back. “Oh, what should we do, Babe? Louis doesn’t like our gift.

Should we return it to the shop?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“It's not like that, Uncle. I like this chair. It’s definitely comfortable when taking it camping. The design is cool.

But why is it black? If we put it in a dark place, | might fail to find it. It won't be visible.”

Emily hit Louis’ arm lightly. “Louis, just be grateful. Uncle and Auntie have been kind enough to give us this

beautiful chair. Thank them.”

Louis’ cheeks puffed up even more. His lips moved forward. “Uncle and Aunt always gaveblue gifts before.

Why not now? In fact, today is more special. It's our fifth birthday.”

Suddenly, Louis gasped. His eyes widened, looking at his younger sister with full prejudice. “Emily, do you

remember what Uncle Philip and Aunt Barbara promised us?”

Emily blinked. “Which promise?”

At the end of her mumbling, Emily's jaw dropped wide. “Is this the gender reveal of their child?”

“I think this must be a gender reveal. Otherwise, there's no way they would givea pink chair!”

A second later, the twins spun around to face Barbara and Philip. ” Auntie, Uncle, are we getting a little sister?”

Philip and Barbara smiled. After looking at each other, they both nodded.


“Woohoo! Our prayers have been answered! We finally have a little sister.” Louis ran around his uncle and aunt.

He didn’t care if his actions attracted the attention of the guests. He was too happy.

Meanwhile, Emily was jumping up and down happily. Her laughter was so light. It warmed every heart that

caught its vibrations. When Louis stopped running, Emily immediately stood on tiptoe, trying to press her cheek

against Barbara's stomach.

“Thank you, Auntie! I'm so happy it's a girl. I'll definitely take good care of Little Sister.”

A second later, Louis joined Emily. “Thank you, Auntie. This is the most unique birthday gift | have ever


Around them, the guests applauded loudly. Barbara blushed receiving that much attention. Philip also nodded

awkwardly to everyone who congratulated him.

“By the way, where are your parents?” Philip whispered when he couldn't find Frank and Kara in the crowd.

The twins looked up again.

“Mommy is resting in her room. Daddy is accompanying her.” Emily pointed her index finger at a window

“Mommy isn’t feeling well,” Louis added. “Mommy has experience several false contactions today?”

“Contractions, Louis.” Emily elbowed his arm.

“Yes, that's what | mean.”

Barbara furrowed her eyebrows. “Isn't the due date still two weeks away?”

The twins nodded. “Yes, but Russell s very active. Maybe he can’t wait to meet all of us.”


While Barbara was sighing in surprise, someone came. “Hello, Harper Junior. What are you talking about?”

Louis and Emily looked to the right. Seeing the casually walking guest, their eyes widened.

“Doctor Wela? Doctor Rony?”

The twins welcomed the couple with a warm hug. “Thank you for


“We couldn’t possibly miss our favorite toddlers’ birthday. Happy birthday, Louis, Emily.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

After saying a prayer and greeting Barbara, Wela looked around at the large yard. “Where are the other pregnant


“Aunt Ava is visiting Mommy in the room.” Emily pointed again at the window from earlier.

Ava’s eyes widened. “What's wrong with Kara?”

“False contraction,” Louis answered cautiously.

“Is it that bad that she has to rest in her room?”

“Mommy actually wanted to join in the party. But, her face looked pale. So, Louis and | asked her to just rest.”

Emily nodded slightly. “Mommy will cdown here when it’s tto blow out the candles.”

“Then you guys continue having fun. | want to see your mother for a moment. Rony, the gifts.”

“Okay, Doctor Wela. Please tell Mommy that we handle the event well. The guests all looked happy.”



Then, while Rony handed over the gifts to the twins, Barbara walked by Wela's side. “I'm coming with you. I'm

also curious about Kara's situation.”

“Your husband is coming too?” Wela tilted her head, seeing Philip who was wide-eyed at Barbara's side.

“Can't | calong?”

Barbara stopped in her tracks, giggling faintly. “Accompany Rony, Babe. Wela can take care of me.”

“Okay. Doctor Wela, | entrust my wife to you,” Philip said as he stepped back.

Wela laughed lightly. “Don’t worry. I'm a doctor. | know more about caring for pregnant women than you.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Arriving at the main bedroom downstairs, Wela immediately greeted Kara. The pregnant woman was sitting on

the bed, leaning against her husband. “Hello, Russell's mother. How are you today?”

Kara tried to smile even though her lips had lost color. “Hello, Wela. Why did you bother coming here? You should

enjoy the party. You too, Barbara.”

“Louis and Emily said you weren't feeling well. There's no harus visiting you, right?” Barbara shrugged.

Kara laughed slightly. “I'm fine. It's just false contractions.”

Wela and Barbara shifted their gazes to Frank in unison. “You t so?”

Frank took a deep breath. His hand continued to massage Kara's hand. “I don’t know, | feel uneasy. Are false

contractions really like this? Kara has been complaining for two hours that her stomach feels tight and twisted.

Her back hurts too. Look, she’s sweating.”


“This is a normal process, Frank. All women who want to give birth must go through this phase. In the past, when

| was about to give birth to twins, | felt this too.”

“May | check her?” Wela approached Kara from the other side.

“Yes, please. But I'm fine, Doctor. This might be the effect of fatigue in the last few days.”

Unfortunately, the curve of Wela's lips narrowed. Her hands had

moved downwards, as if searching for something. “Your stomach has dropped a lot, Kara.”

“Isn't that how it should be? I'm getting closer to the day.”

“No. Two days ago it wasn’t like this. It’s... it's like a few hours before giving birth. Wantto check whether

there's an opening or not?”

Kara glanced at Frank. Seeing her husband's worried face, she finally, nodded. Frank helped her adjust her

position, lying down with her legs) bent and apart.

“Frank, you won't be jealous, right?” Wela joked as she threw the bottle of antiseptic liquid into her bag and then

rubbed her hands.

Frank snorted slightly. “I'm not in the mood to joke, Wela.”

“Con, don't be too tense.”

However, just as Wela moved closer Kara groaned and gripped Frank's hand. Her breathing suddenly became


“Frank... | think... | really want to give birth!”
