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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 457
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S31 200. Russell Is So Cute!

“Hello, Good Boy,” Kara held Russell carefully, as if the little creature was a very fragile pearl. Tears could not

stop running down her face.

After kissing the baby who was covered in a towel, Kara whispered again, “This is Mommy, Russell. I'm happy

that | can finally hug you like this.”

While biting his lips, Frank also bowed. He stroked the tiny back then kissed his head. “And this is Daddy, Russell.

Daddy is also happy that you are finally here.”

Still with a wide smile and red eyes, Frank looked at Kara gently. Before the pool of emotion dripped again, he

quickly kissed her forehead. Kara closed her eyes accepting the warmth.

“Thank you for giving birth to our son, Queen Bee,” Frank whispered hoarsely.

Kara smiled wider and nodded faintly. “Thank you for accompanying

“That's what | should have done a long tago.” Frank stroked her cheek before kissing her again.

“Daddy, we want to see Russell too! Can we ccloser?” Emily asked, jumping a little on the chair. She and

Louis seemed to be standing on a remote island in the middle of the vast ocean.

Frank laughed lightly. Nodding, he picked up the twins, moving them to Kara's side. The wide bed was instantly

filled with happiness.

“This is Russell, Mommy? This is our little brother? He's so small!” Emily screamed shrilly.

“You want to touch him?” Kara whispered softly.



urned wide eve

Emily “Is that okay? He looks like he’s sleeping. His eyes aren't blinking. What if he wakes up and cries again?”

Frank directed Emily’s hand carefully. As her little fingers arrived at the towel around Russell, her laughter

echoed. Her eyes filled with tears. “Louis, | touched our little brother!”

On the second contact, Emily began to sob. “Russell is so cute,” she wiped her eyes before moving her hand by


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Beside Emily, Louis remained silent. His eyes flickered as he studied Russell. Only when Frank touched his

shoulder did he break the


“Daddy, were we this small before?”

Louis’ question gave Frank a hard slap on the face. Covering his regret with a bitter smile, he nodded,

“You guys are even smaller. You have to be kept in an incubator so you don’t get cold. You've seen pictures of

you and Emily when you were born, right?”

Louis nodded. “I have seen it. | was holding Emily in a box. We're wearing blue and pink hats. We've got lots of

wires attached to our bodies.”

“That's the incubator. Daddy is very proud of you, Buddy. You've been able to protect Emily since she was born.

And Daddy is proud that you two were able to survive through the difficult times.” Frank rubbed Emily's back.

The little girl turned her head and smiled sweetly.

“Will Russell also go into the incubator, Daddy?”

Frank shook his head slightly. “No, he’s very healthy. Look. His body looks fit, right? Soon, he'll start actively

looking for food.”

The twins didn’t move, watching Russell carefully. After a few


moments, the little baby’s eyes opened again.

“Daddy, Russell is awake!” Louis whispered enthusiastically. But when he paid more attention to the baby, his

smile shrunk. “Russell's eyes are blue? How is that possible?”

Kara and Frank smiled in amusement. “Your eyes used to be like that

too, Little Angel. They will slowly start to change later.”

The twins’ mouths rounded.

“I hope Russell's eyes will be gray too. So, the three of us are the same. Mommy won't be angry, right, if none of

our eyes are the sas Mommy?” Emily tilted her head.

Kara shook her head faintly. “Your eye color is very beautiful. Russell would also be happy if his eyes were the

sas yours.”

“But Mommy's eye color is also beautiful. | like looking at it. It feels warm.” Emily put both hands on her cheeks.

Louis nodded in agreement. “Yeah, if Russel had amber eyes, | think

he'd still be cool.”

Suddenly, Russell started crawling. His still wet hands reached out. Her gaping mouth hit Kara's chest several


“Oh, look! Russell must be very hungry. He's looking for Mommy’s milk.” Louis pointed at his youngest brother

then moved forward.

Meanwhile, Emily was giggling. “Russell is like a baby turtle that has trouble walking on the sand.”

“You compare our little brother to a turtle?” Louis gasped.

Emily's laughter grew lighter. “Just similar, Louis. Not the same.”

When Russell managed to find his food, Louis and Emily clapped.

“Russell is smart! He can find his own food though he was just




born!” Emily patted her brother's butt.

“Mommy, can we hold Russell after this?” Louis glanced at Kara with a high arched eyebrow.

Kara raised her chin. “Yes, Little Bee, but after Russell eats and rests. You can wait, right?”

“Yeah, | can wait. If necessary, | won't have to sleep tonight to look

after Russell.” Louis dared to touch Russell's hand.

From her position, Emily compared her hand with his. “Mommy, Russell has to eat a lot. He's still very small.”

Feeling excited, Frank hugged the twins from behind. “Because of that, you have to love and take good care of

him. There are many things he can’t do yet. He needs your help. You don’t mind helping him, right?”

The twins nodded vigorously.

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“Don’t worry, Daddy. | will always protect Russell. He is the most beautiful gift | ever got.”

“Yes! Even though | don’t have a sword and am not as strong as Louis, | will try my best to guard him.” After one

firm nod, Emily laid her head on Kara's stomach, right under Russell's feet. “Thank you, Mommy. You have given

us the most special gift!”

Then, Louis put his head on Kara's shoulder. “Thank you, Mommy. I'm happy that you gave us such a cute little


While the happy family enjoyed their ttogether, behind the glass window, Barbara watched with teary eyes.

“Babe, are you okay? Want to get sfresh air outside?” Philip rubbed Barbara's arm.

“I'm fine, Phil.” Smiling, Barbara glanced over. “This is the first t|


have seen blood, without fear.”

“Really?” Philip raised an eyebrow.

Barbara nodded sincerely. “Even though it looked painful, the feeling of happiness that cafter was much

greater. | am so excited to give birth to our little girl.”

“You're not scared anymore?” Philip still couldn't believe it.

Barbara took a deeper breath and patted Philip on the shoulder. “Yes, as long as you accompanylike my

brother did with Kara.”

Philip's smile brightened. His eyes sparkled with emotion. “I will definitely accompany you, | hope you can give

birth smoothly, Babe.”

“Then you should also accompanyto pregnancy exercises more Barbara poked Philip in the chest with her

index finger.


Philip caught it with an amused smile. “Okay. I'll try. Now, how about we accompany Mrs. Martin outside? The

others will arrive soon. We still have to give the twins a surprise.”

Barbara nodded enthusiastically. Taking Philip's hand, she stepped

towards the exit.
