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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 055 Familiar Feeling
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Winnie Hoffmann threw everything down beside her and said angrily to the director, “Do you know what you just said? Why should | be a maid?” The director, who had grown tired of Winnie Hoffmann's unruly temper, shouted at her, “You have to do it or you won't be in the entertainment industry anymore!” The whole cast was shocked by the director's words. They all looked to Rosemary as if they were going to strip her naked.

Rosemary was really upset to be stared at like this by them. What the hell was going on here? Was Nathaniel helping her secretly? After hearing the director's words, Winnie Hoffmann sat there as if she had lost her soul. No one knew what she was thinking, and it was a long tbefore she said, “Okay! I'll do it!” Rosemary was taken aback by what she said. She didn't think she’d agree to switch roles, which made her sure that it wasn’t Nathaniel. Could it be The Grant family? Only The Grant family hasd such a great influence in Cornshire.

When Winnie Hoffmann agreed, the director shouted to the group, “Everybody to your places! Action!” Winnie Hoffmann took a deep breath and went to her knees. “My lady, I'm sorry, and | beg you to letgo with him, for the sake of our true love.” Winnie Hoffmann was ready to be slapped in the face by Rosemary, but she just said, “Ungrateful girl, I've been nice to you, how could you do this to me?” Cut! “OK, that's it!” Said the director to them.

Rosemary held back the tears in her eyes, smiled and went to Tina and sat down.

“What a surprise! A new kid can make it through the first time.” “Yes...” There was a lot of talk on set, and Winnie Hoffmann’s face turned green because of anger. No one had ever disgraced her so much before, and she would get it back sooner or later.

Tina sat in front of Rosemary and asked, “Why didn’t you just slap her?” “Actually, | think it's better this way, without the slap.” Rosemary said quietly.

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“Yes, you are a good man, but | don’t think she appreciates it!” Tina said angrily, holding an ice pack to put it on her face.

“Sir, maddidn’t slap back. Shall | go back and talk to the director?” Glasses man asked respectfully.

The masked man was silent for a moment. “No, let her go! Put two men in the shadows to protect her. Don’t make them suspicious.” “Okay!” Rosemary suddenly stood up in front of the director, then she smiled and ask, “Mr. Young, do you know who just askedto play the leading role?” The director saw Rosemary and revealed his baby fat face, saying, “Miss Harris, don’t you know who it is?” “I'm just asking because | don’t know. | don’t mean anything else. | just want to thank him!” Rosemary explained with a smile.

“I was just doing what | was told. As for who it is, | really don’t know.” Said the director with a smile.

Rosemary saw the director seemed to be really unaware, and did not ask further. Since it was getting late, she said goodbye to the cast and went back with Tina.

“Wow... | am really very happy today! Did you notice the look on Winnie Hoffmann’s face when she knelt down for you? | bet she wanted to rip you apart.” Tina said, dancing.

Rosemary touched her face and asked, “Tina, do you think I've always met people who have bad luck with me?” Tina stopped and looked at Rosemary suspiciously. She touched her forehead, then her own, and said, “You don't have a fever!” “Con!” Rosemary smiled and patted her hand away. “You see, after | met Edmund, Olivia almost killedon a desert island. And then | met Nathaniel, and | got slapped three times for no reason. Why do | always meet people who bringbad luck?” Tina was speechless.

“Miss Harris, what kind of logic is that? It just means that the people you know are too good, and those people are jealous that you get to be friends with them! That's why they hate you!” Tina glared at Rosemary and sighed deeply.

“All right, enough with that. I'm gonna take you out for a steak for being withtoday.” Rosemary said, pulling Tina.

“And a dessert to go!” “Sure!” Rosemary took Tina to the restaurant, found a remote seat, and Tina went to the bathroom with a stomachache.

Rosemary ordered sof Tina's favorite dishes, then returned the menu to the waiter.

Rosemary picked up the coffee on the table, leaned her chin on one hand and looked out the window.

Rosemary suddenly saw a familiar figure outside, and it looked more and more like Carina. She put down the coffee and ran out.

“Ouch!” Rosemary fell into a sturdy embrace.

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“Are you all right?” A deep, charming voice sounded in her ear.

Rosemary looked up at the man in front of her, his face masked, and she could not see his real face. His silver-gray hand-made suit symbolized his noble status, and his perfect figure was like a Greek statue, which made people surprised.

“Sorry, | was in such a hurry that | didn’t notice. I'm really sorry!” Rosemary said apologetically, knowing that it was her who had run into him.

“What are you doing in the doorway?” cJoseph Flower’s voice.

“Miss Harris, what a coincidence!” said Joseph Flower with a smile.

The man in the mask looked at them and said, “Do you know each other?” Joseph Flower smiled and said, “This is my friend Ellen!” “Ellen, this is Rosemary Harris!” “Hello, Miss Harris!” The masked man held out his hand to greet her.

“Hello, Mr. Ellen.” “Miss Harris, did you calone?” Joseph Flower looked inside and asked.

Rosemary smiled and said, “I'm here with my friend.” “I assyou haven't eaten yet. Why don’t you join us?” Joseph Flower suggested with a smile.

“Well...” Rosemary looked at Joseph Flower and smiled, saying, “I don’t think so. We'll get in the way of your conversation, or...” “No, you won't.” The masked man said directly, giving Rosemary no chance to say no.

Rosemary pursed her lips, trying to tell them she had other things to do. But if she said that, would they think she was being too melotic? MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 mmMwWLLIOfiflO& 1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MULL TO £2 E1061 mmMwWLIiIOfiflO&1