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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1441
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The man outside with the loudspeaker shouted at Anthony inside, these people are first class killers, if they just wanted to take

their lives, they could have been exterminated by just throwing in a few bombs, but no, the only certainty was that they were

interested in the shipment.

"Anthony, when the fuck did you even start to be a shrinking violet, I'm giving you a minute, if you don't cout again, I'll just

destroy you here."

The man speaking outside nicknamed Wildcat, formerly the elite of foreign special forces, later retired from the military followed

sveterans below to establish the current mercenary organization, these people from the beginning to now has not which

mission has failed.

And that's precisely why Anthonywas not put in the spotlight.

Anthony knew that at the moment the highest point outside must have shot a sniper there long ago, and now he just had to open

his mouth, that bullet would immediately fly towards his side.

What he can do today is to try to stall for tand let the young master send someone to rescue her.

In all these years, this is still the first the made such a mess of a return.

Anthony tightly gripped the gun in his hand and whispered to the two brothers beside him, "You two take two brothers and go

around to the front, pay attention to safety."


Outside still cthe shouting of wild cats and the occasional gunshot, Anthony hid behind the concrete wall and shouted at the

leader of the men: "Wildcat, you have the guts to give a single fight with me, what kind of good man is sneaking behind?"

The words fell, Anthony thought the other side will directly drop the bullet, however, wait a minute around still no sound, the heart

flashed a touch of doubt, always feel where wrong, just can not think carefully, the other side again open.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Anthony, | respect you as a man, how about we make a deal, as long as you are willing to join my team, | promise not to hurt your

brother a hair, yes, | heard that you have been looking for your wife, a few days ago my brother below toldthat in C country to

see a girl who looks exactly the sas your wife. "

The words fell, Anthony's body trembled slightly, yesterday followed Sunny's brother cto report indeed said Sunny in x

country, could it be that he has set eyes on Sunny?

A sense of foreboding slowly swept in, but he still coldly said: "Wildcat, | appreciate your kindness, | do not need you to worry

about my affairs, as the saying goes, birds of prey choose good wood, this saying just for you, lest in the end how to die do not


"Seek death!"

The words fell, Anthony stood where it was already full of bullets, only Anthony has long since changed the place.

However, the line outside was completely unaware that they had long been surrounded.

"Not good, we are surrounded, retreat quickly."

Wildcat, who was strafing inside with his submachine gun, changed his face when he heard the news from his comrades, cursed

loudly, and shouted to everyone, "Retreat!"

It's just too late, when Wilson proposed to cthere was no intention to let so people leave alive, surprisingly to play, then he will

accompany the end.

A moment to see, the scene of the battle is fierce, bullets fall like meteors, wild cat watching his comrades have fallen to the

ground, his face is getting worse and worse, mouth loudly cursed, did not expect Harrison to pit him.

"I'll fight you!"

Wildcat with a machine gun against Wilson and others desperately, Roger took out the gun to the left and right arms of the wildcat

as well as the right arm bang two shots, you can hear the wildcat a loud scream.

Anthony's face was a little hard to cout of it, looked at the two hands not resting on the blood of the wildcat a glance, then

walked to Wilson, lowered his head and shouted, "Young master, Mr. Finkler!"

"Is everything okay?"

"The subordinate is fine!"

"It's good that it's okay, you take the men down to rest first, leave this place to me."

Patting him on the shoulder, Wilson said with concern.

"Young master is not well, Harrison has rescued his daughter."

Roger faintly froze, then looked at Wilson and said worriedly, "It seems that Harrison has been prepared for a long time."

"Well, he has been planning all this today from the beginning, and these people in front of us are just scapegoats he found to delay


Wilson frowned, now the only person who can hold Harrison has been saved by him, then the next he is more to him is not to be

afraid of, the other he is not yet worried, he is worried about him to go back to Rosemary.

"But don't worry too much, before | quietly put a tracking system on his daughter, no matter where she went | can find it."

At that, Wilson looked at him with a touch of approval in his eyes, not expecting that this guy had left a hand in the situation

without his knowledge.

He had thought about it before, but just thought that after all, the girl did not know everything about Harrison, and the

implantation of the chip in the body is a cruel thing, did not expect it to be done by him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"It can't be helped, you dumped Stunning Night onfor over a decade as soon as you did, and there are sthings | have to

be wary of." Otherwise, he would have died a long tago | do not know how many times.

If not before meeting Rosemary, these things Roger may not have to worry about, but since Wilson met Rosemary, the whole

person has changed, since this is the case, then sthings must have a person to do, and that person is him.

Patted his shoulder, Wilson wanted to explain, but ultimately did not say, because he knew that you are kind to others, others will

not necessarily be grateful to you.

These years Roger to help him take care of Stunning Night hands can not be stained with blood, even if you do not go to provoke

others, others will cto you.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, leaving us little time, | believe Harrison will soon make a bigger move."

He is now really a wolf in front and a tiger at the back, and Rosemary still does not know how it is.

It rained all night, the next morning, just after dawn, perhaps because of the rainy weather, Rosemary felt scoldness

subconsciously pulled the quilt, out of habit, she pulled the quilt to cover the person next to her, turned around and found that the

seat next to her had long been empty, Alina did not know when to leave.

Afraid of waking Fiona, Rosemary hurriedly got dressed and went out of the tent, and as soon as she did, she saw Zoe coming out

of the tent.

"Have you seen Alina?"

At that, Zoe frowned and said, "Isn't she sleeping inside?"

He just went in to change his clothes, which is only a few minutes, | did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Rosemary saw his face upset and thought maybe the kid had gone to the bathroom, so she said to Zoe, "Maybe she might have

gone to the bathroom, I'll go check next to her."