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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1448
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"And how many people around you are not here for the broken keys around you?"

Mr. Sean looked at her and asked back with a smile.

Indeed, ever since her identity was known, those who suddenly appeared around her cfor that legendary treasure.

"So you are killing innocent people indiscriminately, even children, in order to get a copy of something that has not been

determined so far, is that right?"

When you think of those families being destroyed one by one, even children as young as Alina, you can see how cruel these people


"The world is inherently unfair, and they can only be blamed for not being reborn there."

At that, Rosemary's face paled, in these people who have long been blinded by the conscience of profit, you talk to him about

conscience is simply ridiculous.

"Is that so?"

Rosemary sneered and looked at him as she continued, "You will do anything to them to achieve what you want, treating human

lives like grass, and one day you will pay the price for your actions."

Oh ......

Mr. Sean listened to just a light laugh, he has been in the road for decades, this kind of words he has long been tired of hearing,

"you these words | grew up hearing, but God still seems to like people like us, you see, | am now living a good life, but you, what

can you do with a good heart, but still is my prisoner?"

Hearing Mr. Sean's words, Rosemary's body was trembling with anger, and if he could he would like to shoot him dead.

"Do you think you can get the treasure there as you wish by capturinghere?"

As long as she doesn't nod her head, no one can take what's inside.

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"You're already in my hands, do | need to worry about that?"

Mr. Sean laughed and shook his head, and in a short while he saw two men in black escorting two men covered in wounds walk in,

and when Rosemary saw who the other man was, he couldn't wait to go up and tear White Night apart.

"Arthur, Alexander, wake up?"

Rosemary shook hard, only to see Arthur slowly open his eyes and blush when he saw it was her, "Rosemary, why are you here?"

"Did they take you in?"

Glancing at White Night, Arthur asked worriedly.

"Vile, what the hell do you want with my friend?"

Rosemary looked at him with a face full of anger and shouted a loud and furious rebuke.

"Don't want anything, just worried that you will be too lonely here, so | had to ask your friend to cover to see you, don't worry,

soon your family will all be reunited."

The words fell, Rosemary was so angry that she couldn't even speak anymore.

"I'm warning you, if you touch my family and friends, | promise you, I'll make sure you get nothing."

"As long as Miss Harris can afford the consequences of this, then | have nothing to say to someone white, after all, with so many

people accompanying, it is worth it."

"You ......"

"This will not end well for you."

White night shallow smile, looking at her: "There is no good end Miss Harris worry, give you three days to consider, as for your

family and your friends, their life and death can all depend on you."

After that, Mr. Sean said to the bodyguards standing at the side, "Take Miss Harris down to rest and take good care of her, you hear


"Yes Master."

Natalie walked up to Rosemary and turned to her and said, "Miss Harris please."

After saying that, Rosemary helped Arthur and Alexander and left.

"Didn't Zoe send someone to protect you? How che still caught you?"

Alexander, who was unconscious on Rosemary's bed, asked with a worried look.

"We just arrived at the foot of the mountain, we heard that car driver said you have advanced into the mountain, because the

weather was bad, just in tfor the rain, and Tracy and still injured, so we planned to stay in town for one night, the next day into

the mountain, but unexpectedly did not take long to ca group of black-clad people surrounded us, and soon we had the upper

hand, and finally had no choice,and Alexander had to let Spring first take Tracy away, we dragged them as much as possible,

and finally ......"

"Good job guys!"

All this tthey thought the one behind it was Organization X, but they didn't expect to let Hexploit the situation.

Sure enough what is the mantis cicada yellow bird in the back, now she ismost worried about Wilson.

| do not know if the white night is confident enough or expected that they can not escape, they will be locked together and not how

difficult, but things have cto this, but also can only be with the situation.

"Natalie, can you geta plate of hot water?"

Since there is no help in hurrying now, it is better to take care of Alexander's injury first.

Everyone is smart, since the white night will be so relieved to lock them together, the room is naturally installed inside the

monitoring, so now every word they say will enter his ears.

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"Cas you are, your foot is injured, sit aside and rest for a while first!"

Rosemary helped him to sit on a stool aside and smiled.

They now have three days, which isn't long, but it's enough tfor a lot to happen in three days.


Arthur is not the sas Alexander and the others, although he knows martial arts, but it is only ordinary defense kung fu, the

soporific is that the other party was only to catch them, so the attack is not so heavy.

Natalie walked in with a tub of hot water, and then Rosemary asked her to go get them something to eat again.

At this time, Hstudy, White Night looked at the three people in the portrait, then turned to the man beside him and asked,

"Watch them well, remember, do not treat them slowly, now she is still of great use to us."

"Your Lordship, we kidnapped Miss Harris over here privately, and if it gets known over there, I'm worried ......"

"What are you afraid of, our Bai family has endured humiliation for so many years, what is it for, is it not for today? As long as

Rosemary promised to take us there, once we get those treasures, what else can she do to me, even if it's the United Nations what

am | afraid of?"

"That's true, but after all, no one knows exactly what's hidden there, and if we once turn over a new leaf with them now, I'm afraid

she'll use her existing power against us, and then even if we're innocent, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

As soon as the man's words fell, White Night could not help but begin to consider his words, but thinking that he was only one step

away from his dream, his heart wavered.

Who made the difference between their identities is so one word?

"You are right, from what | know about her, he would indeed do such a thing, but even if her hand is stretched out, there is always

a place where she has to stop her hand, instead of letting her turn her head against us, we should just put this matter on Murray

Johnson, with her suspicious character, and Murray Johnson's ambition for the treasure, he will soon take a shot at her."

| have to say, Mr. Sean's move is indeed ruthless enough, once Murray Johnson will make a big deal, will inevitably involve a lot of

people, when the United Nations will naturally step in.