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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1449
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"What do you mean, Arthur and Alexander were both taken?"

Fiona did not expect them to take both Arthur and Alexander. It seems that the other party intends to use them as a threat to force

Rosemary to open that stone door.

"How can this be? And did you see clearly what the other side was?"

Spring shook his head right, his face is very ugly, the young master let them protect the young lady, not only will the young lady

lost, but also himself made such a mess, she swore, next tif in encounter those people will definitely be broken them in pieces.

"lI dragged everyone down this time, and if it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have been taken away."

If she is not injured, even if the other side so many people, they can run away even if they can not win the fight, not to let them be


Tracy is very guilty, she was originally to protect Missy, did not expect to end up dragging everyone.

"You guys think hard about whether those people have any markings on them or on their clothes, and as long as we know who they

are, we can figure out how to go about getting them back."

Now the situation is a mess, his secret guards because of the sneak attack dead and injured a lot, and now Shelley and Tracy are

injured, even now go back to drop people over, it will take stime.

"Do you think it could be the X group that Wilson was talking about earlier, hasn't he always wanted our share of the treasure?"

After thinking for a moment, Shelley asked.

"I've fought the X's before, and although they all have the sclothes, they all have an X mark on their arms, and the ones who

assassinated us this tdon't, and it doesn't look like the X's style to see them."

Shelley just finished the words directly by Tracy vetoed, she has been in the road for so many years, as long as the face, not to say

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100%, but 95% of her have seen, and today those people are obviously raw faces, it is clear that they are formally trained.

"Today when | fought with them | found that these people do not look like killers, rather like they cout from inside the army,

they are particularly disciplined whether they attack us or make moves, so | am sure they are either trained in the army then or the

people who trained them cout from the army."

Spring said with his arms around his chest, slightly pondering.

"Impossible, if according to you, then is it not the case that in addition to those involved in the robbery of this treasure in the

underworld, people from the white channel are also watching intently?"

Shelley saw that everyone was silent, could it be that she was really right? If that's really the case, then wouldn't Wilson be in


"Summer, go back to C City quickly to find the young master, tell him what's going on over here and tell him to be prepared, I'm

afraid they'll start dealing with the young master soon."

Summer instantly understood what Zoe meant, and without delay, immediately set off for C City.

"Spring, go to Yiping Town and ask around, see what's going on there, and contact us as soon as you find them."


"I'm going with Spring too?"

Fiona stood up, it seems necessary for her to find the guardian of the Tears of Concealment, there are sthings that perhaps

only he can unravel the doubts in her mind.

After giving her a look, Zoe said, "Be safe."

"Brother, so what do we do now? You're not going to stay here forever, are you?"

"You and Tracy take a break."

At that, Shelley and Tracy looked at each other with reluctance flashing across their faces, "Mr. Tang, my injury isn't anything

serious, not to mention that we've been staying here and there's no way to inquire about Missy?"

This high mountain to signal no signal, and there is still a day and night away from Yiping Town, not to mention that so many

people here are still injured, it is not fast to go. "You guys take a break, we're waiting!"

At that, Shelley hurriedly asked, "Waiting for who?"

After giving them a look, Zoe did not answer them, but went aside to pick up sfirewood and threw it into the fire, without


Tracy wanted to ask more questions, but Shelley stopped her and shook her head, "Forget it, my brother has his own way."

At the stime, Wilson and Logan's killer alliance group together against Harrison, several secret arsenal were Logan to end, at

the moment Harrison is like the street rat, everyone shouted.

"Is Dabao still like that?"

Since knowing that BlGrant was rescued, Logan first cto visit Blwith several of his partners, and when they saw him

like this now, all of them felt bad.

A good child turned out to be this way.

Without waiting for Wilson to say anything, Logan volunteers to join his team and team up against Harrison.

"Well, that hit him too hard." Stroking his little head, Wilson looked at him with gentle eyes, but there was an unimaginable amount

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of grief in them.

"You should not worry too much, Dabao is not an ordinary child, maybe he needs stto heal himself, we are waiting."

Although his heart was also very hard, but when he saw Wilson's eyes were full of self-bland grief, he could only comfort.

God knows how much he misses the little guy who used to scream at him all the time, and now when he sees him like this, the pain

in his heart is no less than others.

"Here's what you asked for."

Roger handed Wilson the information in his hand, picked up the tea on the table and drank it in one go.

After looking at it for a while, Wilson handed the information to Logan and said, "I suspect that Organization X is not the real one

behind it, so I'd like to ask you a favor to see if you can go inside and find sinformation."

Logan looked at the information on it and looked at him incredulously, "You suspect that the mastermind behind this is someone

from here?"

"Harrison and Organization X are just obstacles used by the other side to cover all this up, and the real one should not be them."

"But do you know what it means behind the scenes once you've moved on from that?"

Of course he knew that, but now he couldn't care less. If he didn't get this cavity out, both he and Rosemary would be in his hands

for the rest of their lives.

"You can think about it, but only half a day, you can also refuse, after all, once the investigation, it is likely to drag you guys into it."

In any case, he appreciated Logan's outpouring of help, but he still didn't want to put them in danger just because they had a soft

spot for his children.

So even Logan's rejection of him is to be expected, after all, if it were him, he would have considered it.

"No need to think about it, | can answer you right now, as long as you think it through, no matter if there is a mountain of swords

or a scourge ahead, we will be behind you." Not just because he has his Dabao.