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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1459
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"Brother, can you please pull over for a moment, my friend is in a hurry and would like to go to the convenience."

"Hold on a moment, we'll be there soon."

Arthur knew that if they couldn't stop here, once the car was driving ahead, it would be difficult for them to get out.

Now there are many shrubs on both sides of the road, which is nothing but the best natural barrier for them, even if they can't beat

it, it is convenient for them to escape.

"Brother Xie, | can't, my stomach hurts."

At this point, Alexander suddenly shouted, with a strong tone of stoicism.

"That brother, you see we are not short of time, besides you only need to send us to Yiping Town, as for the tis not limited, not

to mention that people have three emergencies, just a little bit of accommodation, okay?"

The men in black looked at each other and then said impatiently, "Okay then, but you have to hurry up, the boss has ordered that

you must be delivered to Yiping Town before the sun sets."

"Yes, thank you!"

Arthur helped Alexander out of the car just as he heard the man driving say to the man beside him, "You go help."

With these words, Arthur said with a smile, "There is no need to bother this brother, we can just do it ourselves."


The other party did not say much, and went directly to the other side to support Alexander and went to the front.

Just when Arthur was wondering what to do with the man in front of him, the man in the car suddenly rubbed off from the car and

said to Arthur, "You don't have to go, stay withand talk!"

It seems that the other party has already guessed what they want to do. Arthur reached out and patted Alexander's arm and said,

"Then you take care of yourself and callif anything happens.”

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Alexander looked up at him, nodded, and gave a soft hmm.

"By the way bro, about how long until we get to Yiping Town, why does it seem tothat this road doesn't want to go in that


Arthur asked with a tentative tone, and heard the other party sneer and say, "Do you think our boss will really let you leave alive?"

"Do you want to go back on your word?"

Although it had been foreshadowed, Arthur did not expect them to cforward with it.

"What do you mean by going back on your word, from the beginning we have no intention of letting you leave alive, originally the

boss told us to settle you when we get near Yiping Town, but since you are in such a hurry, then we brothers don't mind giving you

a ride now, so that we brothers can still wave around for a while before returning to our orders. "

The words fell, the man raised the gun in his hand towards Arthur with a bang, however, just when Arthur thought he was going to

die in this guy's hands today, only to hear a bang, the man fell down.

"Less ...... less master?"

The man looked incredulously at the man who shot himself, that he would end up dying at the hands of his young master.

"What are you guys doing here? Where's the silly girl?"

"Who are you?"

Arthur looked at the debauched man in front of him, and he had just clearly heard the man call this man Young Master before he


Sean saw him looking at himself with a wary face and explained helplessly, "My nis Sean, Wilson askedto cand save



Seeing a suspicious look in his eyes, it was clear that he didn't seem to know who Wilson was anymore.

"No good, Alexander is in danger!"

Suddenly remembering that Alexander was still in the hands of the man, Arthur rushed in the direction they had left.

By the tthey got there, however, the man had fallen in a pool of blood, while Alexander was pale and gasping for air.

"Are you okay?"

Arthur hurriedly helped him up and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine!"

Seeing that he was pale and frightening, Sean grabbed his arm and took his pulse, after which he put his hand down and said

admiringly, "You're already injured like this and you're still standing here, it seems that your body has made you suffer a lot, eat

this first!"

Sean pulled out a bottle from his body and handed him three pills everywhere. These pills were specially brewed for him by

someone he had asked before, and every herb in them was precious, which is why he was sometimes too poor to even afford to


Alexander thought nothing of putting the pills he gave him into his mouth, Arthur just wanted to stop it was too late.


"How do you feel now?"

"Can't die, but to last until now, indeed sability."

Can make him Sean admire people in this world is not much, Alexander in front of him is one, although he does not know why he

his body will be so badly wounded, but obviously not this recent period of injury, but he did not have tto think, as long as you

can not die also even for that silly girl.

"I just heard him call you young master, | don't know you ......"

Seeing Alexander better, Arthur only began to drop his gaze to Sean's.

"This you do not need to know, you know need to know that | will not harm you on it, by the way, why only the two of you, silly

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"You mean Rosemary?"

Although it was hard for him to associate the word silly girl with Rosemary, he could guess from the tone of his voice twice that the

silly girl he was talking about should be talking about Rosemary.

"Who else could it be but her?"

When it comes to this, Sean's tone is thick with dissatisfaction. Before he left, he told her to wait for him to cback, but what?

He fell into the trap of the big bad wolf accidentally, and now he still needs to save him.

Arthur will Rosemary's decision to tell him once, just fell on the voice heard Sean no good yelled: "I said she is stupid, Sean that

son of a bitch words can also believe, also do not look at their own several pounds and a few.

Despite this, Arthur also saw a look of concern in Sean's eyes, and it seemed that Rosemary was saved.

"Silly girl side to me, you first rush him back to Yiping Town to heal, or then even the great golden immortal can not save him."

Although Arthur did not know how Alexander's injury in the end, but from his face does not seem to be light, thinking of

Rosemary's advice, so he helped him into the back of the car to lie down and close the door, said to Sean: "Thank you Mr. Jung

master of life saving, Rosemary will trouble you. "

"Don't worry! I'll make sure she comes back safe and sound."


After saying that, Arthur started the engine and the car left like an arrow.

Although Sean had already agreed to her terms, she was always uneasy and looked out the window, hoping that everything would

go well.

"What's on your mind?"

Suddenly, a male voice sounded behind her, and Rosemary turned around to see Sean, who had appeared at spoint.
