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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1460
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"I find that every t| see you, nothing good happens, look, I've only been gone for how long, and you've been caught here by

them, and foolishly went to negotiate terms with the Big Bad Wolf, if | hadn't cin time, maybe your two friends would have

reported to Hades."

Sean jumped in from outside, patted his clothes on his body, glanced at her, and said in a wonderfully chipper way.

"You mean Sean actually went back on his word?"

Rosemary didn't think her fears just now were true, so she hurriedly asked, "So how are they now? Are they hurt?"

The thought of Arthur and can not know any martial arts, and Alexander before leaving and still in a coma, at this moment

Rosemary heart a wave of anger rubbed upward.

"With me, how can they be okay!"

"I'll find him."

With that, Rosemary headed outside, she wanted to ask the white wolf how many times she meant it.

"Why don't you go?"

Rosemary had just reached the door and noticed that Sean hadn't caught up with her. She couldn't help but stop and turn to look

at him, and saw Sean's gloating expression.

"Sean, how did you get in here?"

Earlier she asked Natalie had accompanied her to the garden to stroll around, only to see that there are posts everywhere, even a

fly can not cin, but this guy actually arrived here without alerting anyone, so it is clear that he is very familiar with this place.

"Heh, finally remembered something, it seems there is still salvation, and it's not in vain that | call the way from C city."

Sean sat by himself, knocking melons, that leisurely look as if in his own home.

"So you've seen Wilson have you? How is he now, have you seen Bland Nina?"

She hadn't heard from them for a long time. Ever since Zoe told her last tthat Blhad been found, she had been thinking of

finishing this side of things early and going back, only she hadn't expected to end up being caught here.

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"I thought you'd forgotten you had a husband and children?"

Thinking about what Arthur had told him, Sean's heart held a flof anger.

"What do you mean by that?"

Looking at him, Rosemary couldn't understand why he would say that.

Seeing Sean also looking at himself, he then thought of what he had said to Arthur earlier, and it seemed that Arthur had told him

what he intended to do.

"You know all about it."

With her head bowed, Rosemary was like a child who had done something wrong. In fact, if she had any other choice, she would

not have done this, who does not want to live happily with her children and husband every day, but things have cto this point,

even if she is reluctant, there is no other choice.

"I know you don't want people to have to make other sacrifices for you, but will they forgive you if you do this?"

Not to mention that now even if she found the stone door can not open at all.

"As long as they are safe, do not forgive all over do not forgive it!"

At the beginning she was to save her own children before agreeing to Harrison, and later she saw so many families being

exterminated one by one for this treasure without any basis, no matter how she finally chose, there are always people sacrificing,

instead of this, then it is better to let all these things by her alone.

"You ah really do not know how to say you, | just want to ask you a question, have you found the last broken key guardian?"


If she could, she'd rather never find out.

William lifted his hand and knocked her on the head, and said without good grace, "You have not even found that last broken key,

so how do you know that you must be able to open that stone door, and, don't you know that the route about how to reach that

treasure is only known to the guardian of the Concealed Tears?"

"How should | know, Tracy hasn't told her yet either!"

Rosemary rubbed her head and muttered in a very breathless manner.

"Calling you a silly girl is really the right shout, you say at first Wilson what he really saw in you?" The company has been sold and

is still happy to count the money for others.

Sean shook his head helplessly, but after making sure Rosemary was okay, he decided to talk to Sean the old guy.

"You beatup every twe meet, so it's strange that I'm not stupid?"

"It's so silly and cute!"

Gently scratching the tip of her nose, Sean chuckled.

"Well, you Carry's stay here and I'm coming over later to get you out of here."

Sean stood up when he heard Rosemary say, "I'm not leaving!"

At that, Sean turned to look at her incredulously, frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Things started because of me, naturally | need to end him, whether this has this treasure or not, | will erase it from everyone's

mind forever."

This is her ultimate goal, she doesn't want to see anyone get hurt because of this treasure, and she doesn't want to see anyone

get their family ruined because of this so-called treasure, so no matter what, she must destroy it.

"Do you know what the end result will be if you do this?"

If it could really be destroyed that easily, he would have destroyed it already, how could he still wait for her to come.

"Sean, | have decided that no matter what it takes, | will destroy it with my own hands."

"Even if it costs you your own life?"

With his eyes fixed on her, Sean asked, word for word.

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"If I can, I'm in!"

"Don't you even have to think about other people's feelings? If something does happen to you, what about Wilson, what about your


Sean really wanted to tie her back with a rope and lock her in and never let her out for the rest of her life.

It's just that he knows that once she decides on something, even Wilson can't sway her.

"Wilson will understand me, and my kids will supporteven more."

The corners of Rosemary's mouth lifted in a happy smile and she smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Sean closed his eyes in pain, what comes always comes again.

"I know that once you have decided on something no one can change, but I still hope you can think about it properly, and if you

still haven't changed your decision by the t| get back, then | will definitely support you."

After saying that, Sean got up and left in an open manner.

Watching him leave in disappointment, Rosemary knew he was angry, but she had no regrets. Everyone is born with what she has

to do, and she was no exception.

"Young master, you're back?"

"Where is White Night?"

"In the study!"

With those words, Sean headed in the direction of the study.

The maid hurriedly caught up and shouted anxiously, "Young master, the master is having a video conference and won't let anyone

in to disturb it."

"Get out of the way!"

Sean pushed the maid out of the way as soon as he pushed the door open with force, and when White Night looked up and saw

him, he only heard him turn off the video after speaking to it.