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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1461
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"Little wave, after so many years of not seeing you, why are you still so fidgety?"

White Night stood up and walked to a side table to sit down, said lovingly.

If he hadn't already seen his true colors, perhaps he would have really been mesmerized by the illusion before him. At Home,

everyone knew that White Night doted on Sean, his only nephew, yet only Sean himself knew that it was all a sham.

What Sean wanted was just the shares in his hand, plus before Sean's father passed away, he had his lawyer draw up a contract

that as long as White Night treated Sean well, all the White family's industries would be managed by White Night on his behalf, but

what Sean's father didn't know was that the real Sean had left this world shortly after he left, and he was mistaken for the real

Sean by the people sent by White Night. Sean was taken back to the White family and from then on had the identity of the young

master of the White family.

It was all peaceful until the day Mr. Sean killed the woman he loved most in order to control him, everything changed, and at that

this people were secretly looking for him, and in order to keep his true identity from being known, he chose to travel around

the world.

"lI don't care what you're going to do, but if you're going to hurt my friends then | can't sit back and do nothing, | believe Rosemary

is here with you Queen Kara doesn't know yet, right? What do you think will happen to her if | distribute this news?"

White night brewing tea hand in hearing Sean's last sentence when the hand a slight beat, then said faintly: "Xiaolang, you know

that uncle do all this for you, you also know that uncle this life childless, although now the white family's industry is | am

managing, but this is still the end of the day is not yours? Why do you have to be like this?"

Poured a cup of tea to his front, white night bitterly advised.

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"Rosemary is my friend, and I'm taking her away right now."

After saying that, Sean was about to walk out, but was called out by White Night: "Wave, | didn't know Rosemary was your friend,

but | want to meet someone for you before you take her away."

"Don't be in a hurry to open your mouth yet, wait for everything until you see that person."

White night shallow smile, walk to the bookshelf gently press the candlestick on the side, only to see the large bookshelf slowly

open, Sean did not expect this study there is a secret room so large.

Before he had heard Sean mentioned to him, but what specific location until he lived in after often to feel to find a lot, but this

study in this he has not found through.

Sean followed him slowly, and after about ten minutes, he saw a person lying on the bed inside. When Sean approached, his whole

body was stunned, and he pounced on it, looking at the face he had longed for, so you can imagine how excited he was at the


"How did she get here?"

The girl on the bed is like the sleeping beauty in that fairy tale, with delicate features, fair and tender skin, and eyelashes like

butterfly wings, which is already intoxicatingly beautiful just now, not to mention after waking up.

"Back then you mistakenly thought that I killed her, but in fact not, all these years | have been trying to find an opportunity to

explain this matter to you, but you have not returned since you left, | know that this girl is very important to you, so at first | saved

her after quietly invited the world famous doctor to see her, although the bullet in her head has been removed, but because of the

injury to the Nerves, so has not yet woken up, the doctor said that perhaps she is waiting for someone, when | sent someone to

find you to cback to tell you about this matter, but you will my people wounded, and run without a trace, | have no choice but

to put her here to recuperate in order to wait for your return."

"Clive, is that really you? I'm sorry | couldn't look at you until now, can you hear me?"

Sean grabbed the girl's small, soft, boneless hand and murmured.

It is said that men have tears do not play lightly, just not to the sad place, a tear drop of a drop fell on the girl's fair little face.

Standing behind the white night looking at all this in front of him, just a light sigh, and then slowly walked out of the secret room.

Sean knelt in front of the bed and quietly looked at his beloved girl, he thought he would never see her again in his life, but never

thought they would meet again in his lifetime.

"Clive, I'm your brother Bai, haven't you always yelled that you want to go out into the world? As soon as you wake up, Brother

White will take you there."

The long eyelashes of the girl on the bed fluttered lightly a few times, and Sean, who had been sad, did not notice.

After an hour, Sean cout of it with red eyes. In addition to White Night, there was Home's butler in the study.

"Young Master ......"

"What do you want before you lettake her?"

Sean is not stupid, the reason why White Night will save Clive is just to hold him back, because he knows very well in his heart that

the only person in this world who can sway him is the girl lying inside.

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Clive left him for his sake, so he won't let go so easily this time.

"Look what you said, we are all family, you can take her away if you want! But before the doctor specifically ordered, Clive's body

is particularly sensitive, she needs a long tto adapt to an unfamiliar environment, otherwise it is very detrimental to her

condition, now she has been lying here for almost five years, if this suddenly to an unfamiliar environment, | am afraid that her

body will not be able to hold up."

"Yes young master, back then after you left hin anger, the master did not know how much effort it took to keep Miss Clive

alive in order to not let you fall into regret in your future life, and the doctor also said that Miss Clive's condition is now very stable,

and there are signs of coming to her senses at any time?"

The butler also conformed in a side.

"Since this is the case then let her stay here for the tbeing, | will temporarily live in Hnow during this period."

After saying that, Sean glanced at the secret room behind the bookshelf and turned to leave.

At this moment, Rosemary walked back and forth inside the room, her mind full of what Sean had just said to her.

Although she knew that the road ahead was dangerous, Rosemary still did not give up the idea, but her heart was particularly

eager to see Wilson and the children, because she was so afraid that she would not even see them for the last time.

When Rosemary was lost in thought, the door to the room was pushed open and Sean cin, his eyes full of pain, a Sean

Rosemary had never seen before.

"What's wrong with you, didn't you say you'd letanswer you tomorrow?"