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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1466
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Zoe had someone send Wilson what Fiona had said before and then left Yiping Town quickly with Fred.

The city of C had already been filled with the sudden situation, Lu's stock plummeted, Chad was taken into police custody, and

Wilson was on his way back to C.

It all cso suddenly that Wilson was at a loss for words.

"Chad, you'd better make an effort to give a clear account of what happened, only then can you fight for leniency, or else when the

tcomes, not to mention you, even your brother will not be able to escape the law as well."

A middle-aged man in a police uniform sat inside the interrogation room for more than three hours extracting a confession from

Chad, who did not say a word until the end.

Lu's in C city and even the national business can be said to be the leading, and this tthe above suddenly said they are involved

in money laundering, drug smuggling, arms trafficking, a series of trumped up charges on their heads, it is clear that someone is

rushing to them, and the identity of this person is not simple.

So until then, the only thing he can do is wait and wait for Wilson to return.

"Second young man, why are you doing this? The Grant Group is not under your name, maybe the young master knows that the

matter has been exposed and wants to find someone to take the blame, so he gave the company to you to take care of, why do

you have to be the big head for no reason?

The other cop laughed and persuaded, only to see Chad lazily lift his head and look at them coldly, laughing, "You guys are that

anxious forto give a false testimony so you can send my big brother here so you can carry out your next plan, right?"

These people really think he is a soft persimmon, easy to pinch, easy to cajole? Thinking that a few words can divorce the

brotherhood between them is really too simple to think.

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"If we didn't have favorable evidence that The Grant Group was involved in several illegal transactions, | wouldn't dare to lock you

up here even if | had a hundred guts, right?"

"Chad, I'm warning you, openly defaming a national police officer is a felony, so think twice before you say anything."

"Heh, slander, just you? Also the national police, the truth of the matter is what | believe you know better than anyone else in your

heart, and your words just happen to be fromto you."

With these words, the middle-aged officer sitting in the middle slammed the table and glared angrily at Chad, "Since you refuse to

cooperate, don't blme for not giving you a chance to defend yourself."

After saying that, he shrugged it off and left.

Chad was once again taken back to his cell, only to be brought out again before long.

"Chad, there's someone here to see you."

"What brings you here?"

Seeing the visitor, Chad asked in no uncertain terms.

North looked at Chad, who had lost a lot of weight after only a month of absence, and said indifferently, "I cto see if you are

used to living here, and | brought you sthings to give you."

Placing the bag on the table, the guard standing next to it took it and checked it out.

"I'm fine, you can go now."

This tthings are obviously not simple and Chad doesn't want to involve her, after all, these things have nothing to do with her.

"Hey, ask you a few questions, and I'll leave immediately after."

"Say something, say something, say something!"

North held him back and said, "Letask you, did your big brother do what they said he did or not?"


"In that case, do you know why they would do that?"

Chad threw her an idiotic look and said, "If | knew that why would | still be here?"

Indeed, this tthings ctoo suddenly, what is going on perhaps only his elder brother is clear.

"Chad you listen to me, before | met your lawyer, he wanted to bail you out several times finally were a middle-aged police officer

surnamed Yao blocked, later | went to check the information of this officer Yao, found that he is these days parachuted to your C

city to come, but also the top of your people personally out of the transfer order, | guess they are this tfor your family to come.

At that, Chad hurriedly asked, "Is the news true?"

"Of course, | had to drag several layers of connections to get someone to helpfind out, but in the end, | couldn't find out the

last one."

Knowing that she was bent on helping him, he was grateful, "Thank you for helpingdo this, but this tthe matter is a little

tricky, even if my big brother comes back, it may not be able to return in one piece, no matter what, this is also a matter of my The

Grant family, you should leave it alone, if the other side knows that you are investigating her, you will be in trouble. "

Although North to her feeling nothing particularly good, but get along for so long, also have sunderstanding of her character,

although the mouth is poisonous, but good-hearted, so he did not want her to get involved.

"Don't worry, as long as these things are not done by you, then | will have a way to give you justice, wait for me, | will be back

soon, wait for me!"

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After saying that, North grabbed her bag and ran without a trace.

Chad looked at her departing figure, the corners of his mouth hooked into a Tammy smile, when the two of them together slowly

emerged in front of the time, although every tshe was angry half dead, but every day was very happy.

And Chad did not expect that North really said to sit to return their The Grant family a clean slate, but at the stThe Grant

family also suffered a serious blow.

"Mr. Grant, you're back."

Wilson went straight to the office as soon as he got off the plane, and Linda rushed to greet him as soon as she saw Wilson.

This tthe matter is more serious than which happened before, if it was the previous, Linda will see Wilson appeared with a

hopeful look on her face, while this tis a strong look of concern, it can be seen that this thow difficult the matter is.

"Get all the lawyers over here and meetin the office in ten minutes."

Ordered down, Wilson went straight into the office.

"Wilson, you're finally back, you know everything!"

"Well, Linda already briefedon the plane, but | still want to hear your opinion."

After all, it was Joseph who was keeping an eye on this matter, so he knew better than anyone else.

"As you expected, | went to those leaders of the relevant departments immediately after | received your notice, and finally learned

that just on the first day you told me, the top directly issued a transfer order to transfer a middle-aged man to our city Public

Security Bureau, and on the third day, someone was sent to take Chad away because they received a report from different people

that The Grant Group was suspected of several illegal transactions, so Chad was brought there to assist in the investigation."