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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1467
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"Any movement on Ree Cary's end?"

Wilson asked faintly while looking at the papers on his desk.

"No, ever since Laurent Grant's accident, he seems to have shut himself up completely, not only him, but even Miss Clement hasn't

done anything."

After saying that, the hand that was working on the work paused for a moment, Wilson looked up to Joseph, "Go and ask Clement

out for me, at the splace."

"Are you worried that Cheney had something to do with framing Lu?"

"No, it's that | need his help right now, and Clement might be able to help us."

Joseph does not understand, this they and Cheney has always been a deadly rival, especially Cheney to their bones is hated, this

tnot to fall on the stone is already very good, how can also help us.

"There is no permanent enemy in the mall only common interests, if | remember correctly, before Cheney has always wanted to

Brazil's piece of mine, the last because of the people of the X organization to take away from it, leading him to this matter has

been gnawing Yu Huai, if | now tell him this last mastermind, you say he can still swallow this gas? "

Wilson's lips hooked up a cold smile, then continued to lower his head to deal with the work.

"When did this happen?"

Why is it surprising that he has not heard any news.

Joseph can't help but feel that his ability to handle things has not regressed recently.

"It's normal that you don't know, there are not many people who know about this matter, but it just happens to be known to me."

"Understood, I'll go arrange it now."

With that, Joseph headed outside.

"Wait a minute!"

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"What's wrong?"

Wilson walked up to Joseph, stretched out his hand on his shoulder, said with a serious look, "You will return to Leng Group after

you finish what | have explained, remember, no matter how big things happen to Lu, you have to remember, never let Leng stir up,

the identity of the person behind it is not something you can afford to offend. "

"What kind of words are you saying, or do you think I'm the kind of person who is afraid of life and death?"

Hearing Wilson say that, Joseph said angrily.

"You know | don't mean that, it's just that this tthings are as troublesas ever, you and Edmund are good brothers who

have accompaniedto the death, since the other side is coming forLu, it's natural forto take care of him, and you guys

need to just watch silently behind the scenes."

Joseph looked at him and saw that he looked very heavy, something they had never seen in all their years, so it was clear that he

had given it a lot of thought and consideration, "Do you already have a thoughtful response?"


Hearing him say so, Joseph also reassured, "Since you already have thought of a good response then | will listen to you for the time

being, but you have to remember, we are good brothers, born to die good brothers, no matter what difficulties, remember to say

when you can't carry."

"Don't worry, | will!"

Patting him on the shoulder, Wilson said with a smile.

After Joseph left, Anthony walked in and said, "Young master, things are all set."

"Got it!"

Anthony looked at him and thought about it and continued, "Young master, have you really thought about doing this? In case ......"

"You don't have to say it, I've already decided."

His plan to break the axe into a boat was imperative from the the decided that this was the only way to present her true face

to everyone.

Seeing that he had already decided, Anthony could only leave the office in silence.

After that, Wilson root his team of lawyers will do things in detail after an Owen will explain all the things to Linda, drove to the city

public security bureau.

"Chad, you can go out now."

A police officer shouted at Chad.

The heavy iron door was opened hard by the guard, Chad slowly walked out of the cell, when he saw a figure in a prisoner's

uniform not far away, Chad thought he was blinded.

"Big Brother ......"

Wilson turned his head with a Tammy arc at the corner of his mouth, his mouth moved slightly, then smiled and left.

Wait for me!

If he didn't know what was going on before that, he knew why even if he was stupid when he saw the prison uniform on Wilson.

Wilson is taking it all on board for his peace of mind.

"Second youngest!"

Outside, Anthony and another lawyer were already waiting for him.

"Anthony, tellwhat the hell is going on here, why didn't you stop him?"

Chad grabbed Anthony's collar like a madman, his eyes red with anger.

"Second young master, this is the first young master's own decision, he askedto convey to you that no matter what happens,

you have to run The Grant Group well, and that you should not tell the master and madam about what happened here for the time


Anthony allowed Chad to grab himself, head down to tell him word for word what Wilson had explained.

"Crazy people, all crazy people!"

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Pushing Anthony away with all his might, Chad huffed and puffed.

Looking at the car that left in the dust, Anthony said to the lawyer beside him, "Lawyer Zhang, I'll take you back first."


Apparently the lawyer was also startled by Chad's appearance just now, and only slowly cback to his senses when Anthony

called out to him.

When the news of Wilson's arrest leaked out, Lu's stock instantly dropped to zero, and all the online platforms were reporting the

story, while Mayme, who was planting vegetables at the farm, dropped the vegetables in her hands to the ground when she heard

the word Wilson.

Caelen rushed over and saw Mastanding there, staring intently at her computer.

"Olivia ....."

Malooked at those familiar subtitles on the computer screen, turned to Caelen and asked, "Why didn't you tellabout such

a big thing happening to The Grant family?"

"Well, don't get angry, your body is just getting a little better, the doctor explained that you must not get angry."

Caelen saw her chest rise and fall sharply in anger and hurried to her, reaching out to smooth her back.

"Something happened to Wilson, Rosemary is most vulnerable at this time, how could you not tell me?"

Magasped and took his hand away hard, ripping off the apron on her body and heading outside.

"Olivia, where are you going?"

"I'm going to C City."

Caelen hurriedly caught up with her and pulled her down, patiently explaining, "Olivia, don't rush, listen to my explanation, okay?"

"So tellfirst, what is this all about?"

"In fact, | am not very clear about the whole thing, only know that this tWilson is really in big trouble, said that someone

reported The Grant Group involved in several illegal transactions, so that Wilson will be arrested and imprisoned."