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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1471
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"Baby, do you understand all the English on this?"

Maasked as she cforward and looked at the rapidly scrolling numbers on the screen.

"Aunt and Uncle you don't know yet, but Blhas a knack for reading at a glance, and his English is even better than mine."

Alisa standing aside seems to have forgotten the unpleasantness just now, seeing BlGrant sitting in front of the computer

desktop is particularly handsome, beautiful eyes full of pride inside the intention.

It was as if BlGrant was her own person.

"All know each other?"

Obviously, Sunny and Mawere both so shocked by Alisa's words that they couldn't even speak, was this still a child of about

three years old? Why do they have a feeling that the sky is going to become.

After making sure BlGrant was okay, Sunny and Maleft the room, ready to inquire about Wilson's condition.

"What did you say?"

"A minute ago, we got the news that the central system was suddenly attacked by unknown hackers and all important documents

on the computer archives of all government departments were destroyed, Mr. Meyer askedto tell you that The Young Mr.

Grant's case has a chance of being overturned."

Chad hung up the phone and the gloomy heron of the whole day instantly dissipated, the news was a blessing in disguise for him,

now all the government systems were down, then the data they had archived before would no longer exist, so he could now go and

find his big brother.

Thinking about it, Chad couldn't help but give the hacker a hundred kudos, if he had the chance, he'd really like to meet this timely.

"Marcy got the latest information that the most confidential computer system of the central government was hacked, resulting in

all of them being paralyzed, and even if the repair comes back the data inside will all be lost, which is undoubtedly the best

opportunity for my brother."

But only if he goes to meet with him.


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

With that, Chad and Anthony hurriedly left The Grant family, while Sunny and Mayme, who were standing outside the door, looked

at each other and could not believe their ears.

So coincidentally, Blwas just implanting a Trojan horse when the news cout over here.

With that in mind, Sunny and Mawent to BlGrant's room again, and instead of sitting at the computer, the little guy in the

room was now fiddling with his airplane model.

"Hey, Auntie Sunny what are you guys doing back here?"

Alisa asked with a smile as soon as she saw them.

She has been following BlGrant every day since he started talking, like BlGrant's little tail.

"That Auntie Sunny has a little question she wants to ask Blbaby."

"Then Alisa needs to hear it too."

The little girl turned her head and waited for Sunny to speak with a curious face.

Swallowing hard, they entered anyway, driven by curiosity, although neither of them believed it was BlGrant who had done it.

"Baby, just now | heard your second uncle say that the central electronic system was attacked by a virus, and Auntie Sunny and

your Aunt Mawanted to ask if it had anything to do with you?"

After asking, Sunny and Manervously watched BlGrant's expression.


Sunny answered softly, thinking her ears had misheard, and asked one more question undaunted, "That is, you destroyed the

central electronic system?"

BlGrant put down the model in his hand, lifted his cool little face, looked at Sunny and said, "I did it, Auntie Sunny do | have to

say it again?"

At that, Sunny stumbled a few steps, fortunately Maheld her in time, squeezed out a smile that was worse than crying, and

said, "No need, | heard it clearly with you Auntie Sunny."

Seeing the strong dislike in BlGrant's eyes, Mahelped Sunny to leave the room quickly.

"Mayme, pinchand see if I'm dreaming?"

When she cto the garden, Sunny hadn't even gotten over the shock BlGrant had given her.

In fact, Mais not, but she just saw the obvious dislike in Blbaby's eyes, so although she is very shocked, but also as far as

possible not to show so obvious.

The mind keeps telling itself to calm down, calm down.

"Ahh ...... pain ....."

Magave Sunny's slender arm a hard twist, and her brow wrinkled together in pain.

"Oh my God, what kind of baby is this sister-in-law giving birth to, what to do, | suddenly want to steal Blbaby back so badly."

Only a little more than three years old child has such a high IQ, she had always felt that the road Wilson is powerful enough, but

now in the sight of BlGrant, Sunny finally understand what is genetically strong.

"What about Mayme, | suddenly want another daughter so badly."

At that, Malaughed lightly, "Sunny, are you trying to recruit Blas your son-in-law?"

"Don't tellyou don't want to."

Malaughed shyly, "Of course | want to, but the problem is that Blhas to see my daughter, and there is only one Blume,

and didn't you just say you wanted to have a daughter?”

"lI do want to have a baby, but it's not like she'll givea daughter if | want one."

"It's okay, let Anthony work harder when the tcomes, it will always be born."

With those words, Sunny knocked her on the head, "You think I'm a sow, huh?"

"You're the one who thought it, | didn't say that."

Masaid in a rush to skim off.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

And at this point, the city's Public Security Bureau's computer was not spared. At the moment, the government is in chaos, so Chad

and Anthony got in easily.

After all, there are still a lot of people in C City who are benefited by The Grant family.

"Big brother, they actually tortured you?"

Chad and Anthony saw Wilson, who was covered in bruises, as soon as they entered, with remorse in their eyes.

"How did you guys get in here?"

Since coming in, the officer surnamed Yao found various excuses to torture him, seeing that they never cto see him knew it

was the Yao who did the trick.

But these superficial injuries were nothing to him, the most important thing was that he saw them.

"lI don't know who attacked the central electronic system, and now all the electronic of all the government departments of our

country collapsed, and the news cfrom Marcy that even if it is restored, the data inside basically can't be restored in."

At the word, Wilson's lips hooked up a curve, needless to say, can make such a big noise, and up straight into the dynasty is afraid

of his baby son.

"Brother, you're still in the mood to laugh at this tof the day?"

Chad doesn't understand how his big brother is still in such a good mood at this time.

"By the way, how's the company doing now?"

"Since the news of your imprisonment was revealed, the company's stock has fallen to the extreme, and many companies that

cooperate with us have also withdrawn their capital, but the good thing is that The Meyer Family and The Flower family and several

other old cooperative old patrons have not withdrawn their capital, so for the tbeing the company will not have too many

problems. "

Chad laughs and reassures Wilson.

However, he knew what was going on in the company, even if he was not there, but he had expected this situation, after all, The

Grant Group was involved in something illegal.