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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1472
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However, he knew what was going on in the company, even if he was not there, but he had expected this situation, after all, The

Grant Group was involved in something illegal.

"These days you may even pacify the company's employees, those who must resign do not need to retain too much, we need to be

able to live and die with the company, rather than a difficult to run away."

"But big brother, what happened in the past two years is too much, if we are doing this, will it cause public resentment?"

Chad is still a little worried, after all, the power of public opinion is too big, domestic impact even if, but those foreign subsidiaries

and the nof the brand, once hit hard to get up again will be more difficult."

"You have to remember that a company's reputation is certainly important, but his quality is even more important, if people look at

the brand rather than the quality of our products, then such customers even do not want."

He Wilson to have to be the best, but also to be perfect so that everyone can not pick any flaws in the product, will they Lu's name

in the bottom of everyone's heart rooted, only then, Lu's will not be easily shaken his position in the business world.

Of course, this is what many people want to do has been afraid to do.

After all, once not in control there is a risk that the efforts of several generations will go straight to waste.

"Go back and tell Blto learn more about the customs over at Yelia Kimdom when he has nothing to do."

"Is big brother trying to send Blover to Yelia Kimdom?"

Chad looked at him and asked faintly.

"You just need to tell him. Besides, he must be bored at hright now, so it's a good thing for him to learn more about the

customs of other countries, at least so he won't think about it."

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At times like this, he certainly wouldn't tell them that he was asking his son to check out Yelia KimdoM Country's core secrets, and

that he believed his son had already found out something.

"Now that the inteis reporting all over the place about The Grant family, | believe the young master already knows about it."

This kind of thing can't be concealed for long even if you want to, let alone such a smart BlGrant.

"It's okay, go contact Logan immediately after you go back later and ask him to cto a set of C City quickly, Blume's safety is in

his hands."

Although BlGrant is indeed very talented in this area, but dare not say how he is still a child, sthings are always not so

comprehensive, with Logan in, he can rest assured a little.


"A statement that Big Brother showed us had your signature on it, did you sign it voluntarily?"


Wilson knew he must have been half dead with worry at the time, but this was the only way to loosen the other side's guard, the

only way he could buy more tfor William and their side to gather evidence.

"Why would you do that, when those charges were originally forced on us by them?"

See Chad angry, know that he is really worried about himself, said with a smile: "Do not worry, | have this matter in mind, you go

back to do what you should do, believe me, soon you can get out."

"Do you want your injury to be okay, I'll have Edmund cover later and put smedicine on it for you."

Seeing him say that, Chad didn't know what else he could say, after all, he had always known Wilson to be a very opinionated


Wilson nodded and let them go back after a few words of advice.

Looking out the window, the breeze blew gently, everything seemed very calm, only he knew in his heart that this was the

harbinger of the coming storm.

At this moment, there was a piercing sound from somewhere in the world, and Wilson knew it would csoon.

At this time, Yelia Kimdom Palace top floor, a beautiful woman sitting at the desk watching the video of the man over the message,

red lips slightly hooked, smiled: "really did not expect that there is such a talent in C, if we can take it for their own use, the future

can certainly save us a lot of obstacles, you go to inform Murray Johnson, let The company's main business is to provide a wide

range of products and services to the public.

The woman's mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile, in her eyes, all things when she road, all will be eliminated by her.

"By the way, have you found out the whereabouts of the princess recently?"

Since Alisa disappeared, she has been secretly sending people to look for her, but there has been no news, although she does not

have much affection for the child, but Alisa, after all, has grown up around her since childhood, more or less there are still some


"Our people have found out that the princess was once seen in W before, after that there is no news, because it is a secret

investigation, so the execution is a little slow, but madam rest assured, | will find the whereabouts of the princess as soon as


Bentham Bell stood in front of the computer screen and gave a respectful salute, saying firmly.

"Well, you just take care of this matter."

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She has more important things to attend to now, and after so many years of preparation, she is not going to let anything get in the

way of her plans.

"Miss, so what should we do with Wilson now?"

Now that all the files they left in the computer have been emptied, it would never be possible to get him to confess again, not to

mention that The Meyer Family and several of the big families in C City are now collecting favorable evidence for him, and at this

rate, | believe they will soon find evidence against them.

"I have already called the central vice-president, he knows what to do, as for you, temporarily stay in C city, as soon as there is any

wind blowing grass instantly notify me."

"My subordinates understand!"

The woman gently turned off the video, the door was pushed open and a young woman walked in and said, "Your Majesty, we just

got word that White Night imprisoned Rosemary in his Ha week ago and is planning to leave for Yiping Town tomorrow."

"Disseminate the news we gathered earlier, since he wants to die then | don't mind giving him a ride."

"So are we going to go and bring Rosemary back?"

The young woman looked at her and said.

"No, you take a few people in disguise and follow them up to see, we'll do it after they determine their location."

Katherine's mouth hooked up a cold smile, she just need to watch them snipe each other, she sat waiting for the fisherman's profit

can be.

"My subordinates will go now."

Standing up, Katherine slowly walked aside and looked at herself in the mirror, smiling slightly, in a short time, not only Yelia

KimdoM Country, but also the whole world will slowly becher master.