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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1473
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Three days later, Rosemary followed White Night to Yiping Town, but didn't see Sean.

At this time, Zoe and others who had been waiting for Rosemary in Yiping Town received the news early in the morning that

Rosemary had cin.

"What do we do now?"

After determining Rosemary's location, Zoe and the others gathered to discuss how to rescue when an unexpected visitor cto

the door.

"Seventh young man, long tno see?"

Harris Moore walked in slowly with an elegant stride, greeting Zoe with a light smile.

"Rumor has it that Young Master Rong has been unwell for many years and has been recuperating at home, | wonder what wind

has actually blown you here?"

"Of course it's this gust of wind you have."

At that, Zoe suddenly laughed and cforward and the two hugged each other tightly, leaving everyone there stunned.

Especially Shelley, an inexplicable fire cout from the bottom of her heart, stepped forward and pulled Zoe behind her, saying

unpleasantly, "You have something to say, don't move your hands, so as not to make people misunderstand."

Harris Moore sniffed, looked at Shelley, then looked at Zoe and said, "This is Shelley child, right, all of a sudden it has grown so big,

are so tall with me, | can hardly recognize it."

Zoe looked at her with a doting face and laughed, "This girl is all spoiled by me."

"Still haven't recognized who | am?"

Seeing Shelley keep staring at herself, Harris Moore asked with a smile.

"Ten years ago, in Fengling Town, you grabbed candy canes withto eat remember?"

"You're Harris?"

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"Haha, finally remembered me."

Shelley never imagined that the big brother ten years ago would be Harris Moore.

"Well, first things first, you're not just here to catch up withthis time, are you?"

"No, it's that | want to join you."

At the end of the sentence, everyone in the room fell on him in unison, and Shelley blurted out, "Harris, you're not here for the

treasure too, are you?"

At that, Harris Moore laughed lightly, knocked her on the little head and said in a good-natured way, "Do you look like the kind of

person who is short of money, Harris?"

The Moore Family has always been very low-profile, but the industry is all over the world, the most important thing is money.

Hearing him say that, everyone was relieved.

"I cthis tbecause | knew that White Night intended for you to go up the mountain with Rosemary, so | wanted to follow

among you, and for what reason, you just know that | am with you."

Zoe knows his character, as long as it is something he does not want to talk about no matter how you ask, this is her rule, anyway,

know that he and her purpose is the scan be.

"No problem."

As expected, Harris Moore said, it did not take long for White Night to let them go on the grounds of Rosemary, and when all

appeared in front of Rosemary, a sulk flashed in the soft eyes.

No wonder Sean would say so about him, he is really a cunning old fox. In this way, even if Sean wants to take her away, she would

not dare to leave easily.

"Why are you all here?"

Looking at everyone, Rosemary felt both guilty and self-conscious.

"White Night asked us to cover, but you have to unnecessarily blyourself too much, even if he does not cto us, we

will ctogether."

"I told you before, it's our responsibility together, not yours alone."

"Rosemary, | didn't realize until now that | was a part of this, sorry I'm late."

Heidi went up and hugged Rosemary tightly. If she hadn't heard them, she wouldn't have known that she was carrying such a

difficult task for them.

Looking at everyone, Rosemary's eyes were red and she said in anger, "Why are you so stupid, do you know how dangerous it is


They might get in and never get out.

"Didn't we say that? No matter what difficulties there are in the future, we will share the blessings and the difficulties, so we will

naturally ctogether."

Several girls hugged tightly together, especially Fiona, especially happy at the moment, to meet them is the most fortunate thing

in her life.

"By the way, where are Brother Don and Shelley and Summer?"

Rosemary didn't see them and asked worriedly.

"Originally we ctogether, but White Night's people said that only a few of us would come, and he should be worried that their

coming would affect his plans."

"That's for sure, she must have known that Rosemary alone couldn't open that stone door, that's why she brought us all here."

After all, Fiona had heard her grandfather say before that to start that stone door, all who want the guardian must be present, but

now that Alina is dead, there is no telling if it can still be opened.

"Don't worry, we already talked to Mr. Tang before we came, they will follow us to protect us and put our minds at ease."

Rosemary looked at everyone, although they were gathered together because of something that did not know whether it existed or

not, but the feelings between them were sincere and it was indeed a blessing in her life to meet them.

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"Miss Harris, His Lordship askedto tell you to leave first thing tomorrow morning and to get all of you ready."

At that moment, a man cup to them and said.

"Got it."

After saying that, the other party left.

White Night prepared a suite for several of them. In fact, Rosemary knew that this was deliberate on White Night's part, and only in

this way could he spy on what he wanted to know.

Naive he was destined to be disappointed because they really didn't know the exact location and the way to get in.

"Rosemary, did the one surnamed White find the keeper of the Tears of Concealment?"

When the man left, Nanxin asked worriedly.

Rosemary shook her head and said, "I don't know, haven't seen anyone but Sean here for a few days."

"Earlier Tracy said that maybe if we find the Keeper of the Concealed Tears, we'll know everything about what's inside."

"White Night is a businessman, he won't do anything unprepared, whether she finds it or not, we just need to see what happens."

After Fred's medical treatment, Alexander's injuries are much better, but the last thing | want to thank Sean for is the heart pills he

gave him.

"Alexander is right, let's take a look at them as they come."

At this time, white night room, several men standing there, like white night report about this tthe plan.

"Master, just now | went out to go around and found a lot more people in the town, could it be that the news of our entry into the

mountain was revealed?"

After all, anyone would want that treasure, and if that's the case, doesn't that mean Queen Katherine knows about it too.

"They say it's a treasure, so naturally there are a large number of people who want it, we still follow the original plan, tomorrow the

troops are divided into three ways into the mountain."

It was expected that those people will appear, white night has long been prepared.