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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1474
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Yiping Town is a very old town, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery, perhaps because of the natural climate here, all

the people here are living a particularly happy life, the young people will go out to venture outside, while sold people are

staying at hto look after the ancestral property left by generations.

Perhaps it is because of the special geography of this place, there are often sgrave robbers here, however, this tso many

people appeared, still let the people of Yiping Town feel a little afraid, everyone will stand in front of their respective homes to

watch those people.

"Grandpa, what are all these people doing here?"

A young boy tilted his head to look at the old man standing beside him and asked in a small voice.

"Whatever they are here for, it has nothing to do with us anyway, con, let's go inside."

"Are they here for Tiger Cub?"

The words fell, the old man hurriedly covered his mouth, his face changed slightly, and angrily rebuked: "What are you talking

nonsense, you child, go back to eat."

Zoe and Harris Moore, who happened to be passing by, looked at each other and turned toward the house.

"Grandpa, | can't let them find Little Tiger, Little Tiger will be in danger."

The child was about to walk outside when he bumped into Zoe who happened to cin.

"Nina ......"

The old man chased out and saw Zoe, who was holding Nina, and quickly pulled the child to her side.

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"I'm sorry, children do not know how to bump into the two gentlemen, | do not know what you two cto my house to find me?"

"Don't worry old man, we're not bad people, we just have a few questions we want to ask you."

Harris Moore knows that the people here are simple and don't want to get themselves into trouble, and try to dispel as many

doubts as possible in his mind.

The old man saw their gentle and modest, took his young grandson's hand and walked aside and asked, "I don't know what the two

gentlemen want to ask, as long as the old man | know, | will definitely inform."

Zoe and Harris Moore sat down at one side and politely asked, "Old man, you have lived here for generations, and | wonder if you

have heard of a treasure hidden in the hills here?"

"Grandpa, are they talking about Xiaohu's house?"

The little one standing aside raised his head blinking with a pair of innocent eyes looking at his grandfather.

"No nonsense."

After saying that, the old man turned his head and said with a smile, "Let the two of you laugh, children have no mouth, and please

do not take it to heart."

"It is said that the mind of a child is to simple, the old man hif you know something also please tell a couple."

"Don't worry, we're really not here to rob a tomb." Harris Moore told the general story briefly, and the old man was heard to say,

"As long as your friend doesn't want to, no one can find it."

"Please also ask the old man to elaborate."

"In fact, | do not know if you are talking about there, when | was small, my father and | went hunting at the end of the village of

Tiger's Tooth Peak, because of chasing a deer and into the depths of the Tiger's Tooth Peak, seeing that the deer was wounded also

guessed that it could not go far, just when we were about to catch it, we saw the deer suddenly stopped in front of a cave, then

saw us catch up, loudly shouted However, when we went in, we never saw the deer, but saw a large lush woods, but we walked in

the woods for seven days and seven nights, and when we thought we would die there, a tiger suddenly appeared, and the tiger

was very seriously injured, lying on the ground, perhaps because people will die, think things more I'm not sure if it's a good idea.

My father slowly went to the tiger's body, carefully help the tiger bandage wounds, after everything is done my father's last

strength is finally consumed, early the next morning, | always feel something rubbingwhen | opened my eyes to see

yesterday's wounded tiger standing next to me, and my father also woke up at that time, just when we thought we would become

the tiger's meal. The tiger took one look at us and then slowly walked towards the front. My father hunted all year round, so he

knew something about animal movements and followed them. told us that we went into the mountain is a formation, before

everything into the people did not cout alive, except for our father and son, and then after | listened to the previous

generation of old people told some, said that there is a great treasure hidden inside, only the destined people can get those

treasures, just listen to you say so, maybe she is the destined people."

"So that Sean you guys were talking about?"

"Sean is a tiger, before | went up the mountain and accidentally twisted my foot, it was the tiger that saved me."

On hearing this, Zoe and Harris Moore couldn't believe that the tiger had saved the day.

"You don't see it as a tiger, but it's really spiritual, it's like it understands everything you say."

"Do you mean to say that the tiger is always guarding the tiger's tooth there?"

The old man nodded his head, although to say that perhaps people do not believe, but the truth is this.

"What do you think about this matter?"

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After coming out, Zoe looked at Harris Moore and asked.

"It seems that there was always someone guarding there, and that tiger was also tamed there, and now the only worry is that |

don't know what the other side is and what the intention is."

If everything that person did was a huge conspiracy, then Rosemary and the others would be in danger.

"It seems we must dare to get there before they arrive, but there are more people coming this time, so we must all beware."

"Well, I've got Lynch Moore up front with the guys, don't worry!"

Because of the delay in contacting Wilson, he had to leave two people waiting here, because he knew that as long as Rosemary

was here for one day, he would definitely come.

"Rosemary, you see over there?"

Following the direction that Heidi looked over, Rosemary saw two men holding a boy of about 11 or 12 years old walking this way.

"Mr. White, what are you doing?"

Rosemary walked up to the white night, looking at the small child shivering in front of her, and said unhappily.

"Sister help me!"

"Shut the hell up or I'll kill you."

The man holding him shouted viciously.

"Let him go!"

"Don't misunderstand Miss Harris, we just asked him to show us the way, nothing else."

White night laughingly explained.