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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1475
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"Since we are leading the way, let us lead him!" Rosemary pulled the small child to her side and glared at the two men with an ugly face.

"Then I'll leave it to Miss Harris." "Go!" Looking at their departing backs, the man beside White Night said unhappily, "Why is the master so accommodating to her?" "Can you find the treasure everything still depends on them, for the tbeing first with them." Those who achieve great things will not care about these small things.

"Sister I want to go home." The little boy cried out loudly as soon as he broke away from the men's hands.

Let him go, Rosemary knew that White Night would never agree to it, and the reason she brought him to herself was that she hoped to take care of him a little more along the way.

"Sorry little brother, this sister temporarily help to make up for you, because sister as you, are captured by them." "Don't worry for now, it's better to stay with us than to stay with those people, but can you tell us first, what exactly did they capture you for?" Fiona looked at the little boy and asked in a soft voice.

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"They wantto take you to Tiger Mountain, but you really can't go there, people will die." Speaking of which, the little boy's eyes were filled with a strong sense of fear.

Rosemary and Fiona looked at each other, especially Fiona's eyes flashed a different look.

"I heard my grandfather say before want to reach the top of the tiger's tooth peak first to break the formation there, it is said that the person who set it all up that year will treasure all around the design of the organ, and the outermost layer of the organ is a forest covered with white fog all year round, that forest is called the lost forest, as long as the people who went in there is no one can cout alive. " Although she did not dare to be 100% sure, because there are so many legends about this treasure.

"There were so many bones in there, everywhere, that no one could get out of there alive." The little boy clutched Rosemary's shirt tightly, his pupils widening as if he had seen something.

"Don't be afraid, we're here, we won't let anything happen to you." "Little brother, do you know something, can you tell my sister?" Looking at him, one thing Fiona could be sure of, this little boy must know something.

"Fiona, don't push him, give him a break." Rosemary clearly felt how scared the person in her arms was, and that fear cfrom the bottom of her heart.

Although she didn't know exactly what he was going through, she was really heartbroken.

Fiona was about to say something else when Arthur pulled back, signaling her to stop asking.

The group continued to walk forward, perhaps the white night really just want the little boy to lead the way, and did not let anyone up for trouble along the way.

When everyone reached the foot of a mountain towering into the clouds, originally thought that the white night will continue to move forward, but did not expect suddenly instructed everyone to rest in place.

Of course, for convenience, they prepared their own tent and so on, of course this tent is before leaving Sean let change Natalie handed her.

Fiona and Heidi were getting food while Arthur and Alexander were setting up the tent, and she was sitting on the grass with her little boy.

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"Tong, what are you looking at?" "Sister, I miss Daddy." Rosemary took him in her arms, stroked his head and whispered comfortingly, "Tong be good, sister will make sure you get hsafely." At night, outside slowly shrouded a layer of faint white fog, the weather has been June slowly began to heat up, and at the moment in the deep woods is the most mosquitoes and rats and ants.

Rosemary took out the mosquito repellent that Sean had prepared for her and rubbed it on Tong's thin arms, knowing at a glance that the boy's family situation was not very good.

"Sister, what is this?" "Mosquito repellent potion, rubbed mosquitoes will not bite you." Tong looked at the bottle of potion, then said, "The mosquitoes here won't bite me, so sister should keep it for herself." At that, Rosemary didn't think much of it, but just laughed: "Just your fine little body is not enough for mosquitoes to have a full meal? It is safer to apply some." Seeing that Rosemary insisted on applying it, Tong didn't stop.

"Sister, why are they taking you up the mountain?" Tong, who was lying in Rosemary's arms, looked at her with wide eyes and asked faintly.

Because Rosemary was not sleepy either, she followed him with every sentence.

"Because they wanted to take something from this mountain, they took my sister and my brothers with them." "How so?" "That sister just said it already." Intuition told her that this little boy knew a lot of secrets.

1476 Into the Mountains III 1 Tong finished, all the fear in his eyes, it can be seen that he must have other things happened inside, just ignored by him, since he did not want to say that they naturally will not force to ask him.

1476 Into the Mountains III 2 1476 Into the Mountains III 3 Thinking that his mother is looking for him everywhere at this moment, Tong has already turned into a tearful man.