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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1476
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The following morning, Rosemary's group was awakened early by a burst of gunfire.

"What's going on?" Fiona lifted the tent zipper and walked out, and saw that their tent had long been surrounded by White Night's people, and soon they knew what was going on.

But the gunfire soon cto an abrupt end, and Rosemary didn't care, just held Tong tightly in her arms.

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"It looks like speople can't hold back and start making moves." "Rosemary, do you think Fred and Zoe will be found out by them?" The air was thick with the smell of blood, Heidi said with sfear.

Relatively Fiona was more calm and comforted her, "Don't worry, since they know our purpose, they will never act without permission." "Heidi, you have to trust Fred." "Hmm." At that moment, Arthur's voice cfrom outside the tent, "Rosemary, get ready, it's tto go." Arthur's voice is low with a low, very nice to listen to, plus his body comes with a bookish atmosphere, giving a very soft feeling. "Con, let's go out and eat something, after we go up the mountain our fate is in our own hands." Rosemary smiled faintly and looked at Heidi encouragingly.

"You've changed a lot in a year, Rosemary." "It is people will always become, experience more people will naturally follow the change." Heidi did not know what had happened previously, it is said that motherhood is strong, no matter who it falls on I believe it will also be the case.

Rosemary and her group cto the outside of the lost forest that Tong said, looking at the woods that seemed to be shrouded in a white veil in front of them, an eerie coldness greeted them.

"This place is heavy with Yin energy, you guys stay close tolater." Fiona took out the previously drawn talisman paper from her bag and handed one to each of them, "Put the paper in your pocket." "Good!" "Miss Harris, you are all guardians of the Shattered Key, I'm sure these things are nothing to you, so I'll trouble you to take the lead." At the end of the sentence, Rosemary raised the corners of her mouth and said with a light smile, "Of course it's no problem, but you have to follow closely." "You don't have to worry about that, you just need to clear the way for us." After saying that, the man left.

Glaring at them, Heidi said in a depressed mood, "How dare these bastards ask us to give him a head start?" "Why else do you think he's been feeding us so well all the way, for now, isn't it?" "Okay, everyone stay close later." Rosemary took Tong's hand and said, "Don't be afraid, my sister is here." "Well, Tong is not afraid. " Fiona took the mask out of her pocket and put it on, and said to Arthur, "I'll take the front, you and Alexander break off." "Understood!" "Rosemary and Heidi stay close to me." After saying that, a group of people began to slowly walk into the lost forest.

The reason why the lost forest is called the lost forest is because it is like a maze, only in no way out, looking at the ground those skeletons, you can imagine how desperate those people were here at the beginning.

"Master, will they really be able to get us out of here?" The man who followed the white night with a gun in his hand looked around with a wary face.

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"Except for them, no one has ever walked out of here so far, except for that little guy." White night on one crutch, walking in the middle, glanced at the little one held in Rosemary's hand.

"They're following us, do you needto take care of it?" "Don't mind them, just follow them closely." Plotted for so long, he finally waited for such a day.

"Huh, did we just walk by here just now?" Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted out in surprise.

"Yeah, I think so, just now we seem to have passed by this tree, look we're not circling back again now?" "Master, we seem to be back in position." White Night also realized and walked up to Fiona and said, "Why are we circling back again?" This is the lost forest, it's normal to circle back, nothing to make a fuss about, tell your men to keep their nouths shut and keep their strength ip if they want to walk out alive." Although they were made by the white night, but they are not afraid of him, if not they all have guns in their hands, she would have led everyone to escape from here. S Originally Fiona did not want to tell them, but thought of the back of those people are innocent after all, thought about it finally could not help but say.

However, the white night is not ignorant of these, heard Fiona say so, immediately ordered down to let everyone shut up, and to recuperate.

That's how everyone walked again almost Kevin hours, Rosemary felt weak and the air was getting thinner, only to hear a thud and faint to the ground.

"Rosemary, Rosemary." Fiona turned her head at the sound of voices and saw Rosemary fainted on the ground, rushing forward to pick her up and shouting anxiously, "Rosemary, are you awake?" "Rosemary, are you awake?" Just then, there was a constant stream of screams and panic from behind, and a number of people had already passed out. "Find the exit as soon as possible, or I'll shoot you all." Blanche watched his men fall one by one and put the muzzle of his gun against Fiona's temple, viciously.

Fiona raised her eyes, her pretty eyes adorned with cold intent, "Shoot if you can." White Night suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Fiona and asked, "Fiona, now we are all grasshoppers in the sboat, if we can't find the exit, then we will all die here together." With that said, Fiona called Alexander and Arthur, "You guys take care of Rosemary for a while, I'll be right back." "Master, look at her ......" "Mr. White, how are you doing?" "Heidi, eat this." "What is this?" Handed the rest to Arthur and Alexander, and finally gave the rest to Tong, but heard him say, "I'm not afraid of the poisonous barrier here, Fiona you eat your own." "I've been in here before, and I've been here for a few days all right." Thinking about what he said earlier, Fiona asked.