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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1479
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"Rosemary......" Wilson shouted to the mountain, and his sorrowful voice circled for a long tbetween the valleys One Year Later......


The Grant family in C City, today is Chad and North's wedding day, almost all the dignitaries in the business community are present, the wedding is very lively.

North heard a big belly slowly like out, Chad hurried to welcome, said: "not let you stay in the room well? What are you doing out here?" "People are really bored to stay inside the room? Besides, today is my wedding, as the bride of course I should cout to see ah!" The first tI looked at North, who was like a wild horse that had broken free from the reins, Chad was full of helplessness and doting.

A year ago, the Tiger's Nest organ was destroyed, Rosemary and Crystal and Fiona are nowhere to be found, Wilson's pancake is very sick, White Night and all of Katherine's henchmen were arrested by the United Nations, Queen Katherine was sentenced to death six months ago for various illegal transactions, and was shot in the spring of the following year, and all of her underlings All of her subordinates were duly punished.

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"Is Wilson still the same?" Since Wilson's illness, The Grant Group has been completely taken over by Chad. With the help of Vincent and Marcy, The Grant Group was soon on the right track until six months ago when Wilson recovered from his illness and The Grant family started to prepare for their wedding.

"Well, Rosemary was just too much of a blow to him, and if it weren't for those two kids being with him all the time, I'm really worried he wouldn't have been able to hold it together." After Rosemary's incident, Marcy found Maand made her feelings clear. Perhaps because she had experienced too much life and death, this time, Mawas not worried so much and just wanted to live her life in peace and quiet.

"Yeah, hopefully it will all work out and hopefully Rosemary will be relieved over there." "Well, the wedding is about to start, let's go over there!" "Good!" The two men got up and slowly walked towards the wedding site.

"Daddy, today is the wedding day of the second uncle and the second aunt, you should be happy." Nina took out a dark blue suit and handed it to her dad, her childish voice ringing out slowly.

Wilson looked at her cool little face like Rosemary's and showed a Tammy smile and said, "Okay, Nina wait a minute, Daddy will accompany you once he's changed." "Good!" Perhaps because Rosemary's departure caused the two children to grow up instantly and try to make their dad happy every day. Looking at myself in the mirror, if it was before, the one standing in front of him at this moment to tie his tie must not be himself. "Rosemary, don't worry, I will bring up the children well." After getting dressed, Wilson slowly walked towards the wedding site, holding one in each hand.

"Young master, your delivery." "Thanks!" Receiving the delivery, Wilson opened it and dropped out several photos from inside, the girl on the photo stood under the wisteria, smiling with a bright face.

With a tear drop on the photo, Wilson turned to Nina and Bland said, "Daddy will take you to Mommy, okay?" "Good!" While everyone was waiting for Wilson to arrive, they saw a small airliner with a fast face fly out over the back garden of The Grant family.

"What's going on here?" "Second young master, the first young master askedto tell you that he is sorry that he cannot attend your wedding because he has to go to a very important place now." The maid hands the photo to Chad. When Chad and North see the girl in the photo, they look up at the sky and smile at each other.

"This is a chronic disease, you need stto adjust, later I will give you smedicine, you can take it back to eat on tevery day." Edmund said as he quickly wrote a medication order.

"Go for it!" "Thank you Dr. Edmund!" "Next." A girl in a light green dress slowly sat down in front of him.

"Where is the discomfort?" "It's not good for the heart." The girl whispered.

"What are the usual symptoms?" Edmund didn't look up and continued to ask.

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When he didn't hear the girl speak for a long time, Edmund looked up, and when he saw the girl's longed-for face, a layer of watery mist instantly crept into his eyes.

"I've cto fulfill my promise, I wonder if it's still too late?" Fiona looked at him with a faint smile on her face.

Edmund slowly cout, carefully reached out to touch her face, when sure he was not dreaming, the girl standing in front of him was really Fiona could no longer control, tightly embraced her into his arms,, s, his voice choked, said: "I have been waiting for you, always." "I know, I'm sorry for worrying you." It turned out that it felt so easy to be relieved of her responsibilities, and that she could finally be with her beloved one.

Wilson took Bland Nina to a small town in W. The town was beautiful, full of birds and flowers, just like a paradise, and he was 100% sure that his Rosemary was l.n here when he took the first step into the land. "Daddy, is Mommy really here?" Father and son were standing in front of a cottage when Nina tilted her head and looked at Wilson and asked.

Pressing the doorbell, a sweet voice was soon heard from inside.

"Adam, why did you forget your keys again?" "Mommy, it's really you." Just want to say you have the wrong person, but see the man in front of the eyes of the pain, to the mouth words swallowed back. Looking at BlGrant who had been standing aside without saying a word, tears rolling in his eyes, Rosemary's heart suddenly stabbed hard, heartbreakingly holding him in his arms, "Baby......" Blcould no longer control his emotions and burst into tears.

The two children's cries released all the softness hidden deep inside Rosemary's heart, and her mind was instantly clear, looking at the man in front of her, tears fell, "I'm sorry for worrying you." Seeing that she remembered, Wilson stepped forward and held them tightly in his arms, smelling the familiar smell, he knew that his Rosemary had finally returned.

"Not too late, because I will wait for you until you show up."