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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 2 Marry into the Grant family 2
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Rosemary immediately became serious. She had heard about the Grant family.

Rumor has it that Wilson Grant, the eldest son of the Grant family, had a car accident two years ago and became a vegetable, and was abandoned by his fiancée.

Somewhere the Old Mrs. Grant had heard that marrying a girl born on July 15th would sober him up. So she immediately looked for a suitable match among the marriageable girls in Cornshire.

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But even knowing that she was unlikely to be chosen, Rosemary was a little unhappy deep down.

After all, to marry a vegetable is to step into the marriage of half a grave. Besides, she already had a crush on someone.

Seeing Rosemary's pale face, Laurie immediately felt a sense of revenge.

She took Daisy Harris by the hand and went upstairs.

Andrew Harris looked back at Rosemary and said, “There are so many girls born on July 15th. the Grant family may not be interested in you. Don’t worry!” With a faint smile, Rosemary nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Dad. I'm a sophomore now, and | can go out acting in the second half of next year!” “It's all my fault, or you wouldn't have gone to art school to study acting!” “I like acting very much. If it hadn't been for your support, | don’t think | could have realized my dream of learning acting!” Faced with such a sensible daughter, Andrew Harris felt even more guilty.

“Laurie and Daisy mean no harm, though they can be a little mean when they talk,” he said feebly, twitching his lips.

“I know, dad. Don’t worry. | won't take it personally.” “I'm going to ask Mrs. Smith to prepare some food for you. You can go up and take a shower.” “Okay, I'm going up!” Rosemary said, then took the suitcase up the stairs.

Upstairs, back in her room, Rosemary put her things away in a cupboard. She looked at the smiling face on the desk, Andrew Harris standing next to her, and Rosemary in their arms.

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This picture was taken when Rosemary was five years old. At that time, she was a carefree child and was loved by her mother and father. They were a happy and harmonious family. But a car accident took her mother’s life.

Soon after, her father got married.

Rosemary only found out later that mom was in the accident because she knew dad was out with another woman, so she drove off in a fit of rage, and then she was in the accident.

And then Laurie came to them because she was pregnant. It wasn’t long before she had a sister five years younger.

Rosemary never hated anyone. She was very sensible at an early age. Because she knew that no matter how much she hated them, her mom would never come back! Knock knock knock...

Rosemary wiped tears from her eyes and said, “Come in!” “Miss Grant, the food is ready. Mr. Grant has just left for the office and has asked me to prepare the meal and ask you down for dinner!” “I'll be right down!” Rosemary said, wiping the picture clean and putting it away. Then she smiled and went down.

No sooner had she sat down at the table than several people came in.

They looked at Rosemary at the table and asked, “Is this the home of Andrew Harris?” Rosemary stood up and replied, “Yes, my father went to work. What can | do for you?” He looked at Rosemary and said, “You're Andrew Harris's daughter, Rosemary?”