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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

Phoebe stirred as a soft breeze tickled her nose. It gently rustled the long grass and heather surrounding her. The air smelled fresh and pure

like after a long, cleansing rain. She could lay there forever


Where was she?

Something didn’t feel right

She was supposed to be somewhere

There was something important she had to do

She was just with someone, someone important

Jason...the pups!

Her eyes snapped open as she jolted upright

She wasn't at the pack hospital anymore. In fact, she wasn’t sure where she was. Standing up, she looked around her. She stood in a field of

rolling wild grasses and flowers waving in the breeze. In the far distance was a forest. There were no signs, no landmarks. She could be

anywhere except there were no sounds, no birdsongs, no animal calls. It was like everything was asleep, frozen or..dead

Ashudder tore through her as fear seized her

“Do not be afraid,” a gentle, low voice intoned

Spinning around Phoebe found herself facing a woman dressed in a flowing robe embroidered with symbols she didn’t recognize in

shimmering, silver thread. She had a thick mane of flowing black hair and a dark, olive-toned complexion. Her eyes, though, are what

caught Phoebe’s attention: silver-gray

Chapter 110


“Am 17” the woman asked with gentle smile. “I can tell you, but you already know.”

“The Moon Goddess.”

“That is one of my many names, yes. You may call me Cynthia.”

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“Why am I here?”

“You already know the answer to that question too.”

«..but why? Why now? After everything..why?" Phoebe demanded tears welling in her eyes and blurring her vision

“When my children lose their way and need direction I choose a soul and bind a piece of my own to theirs. This is the one chosen to guide


“The silver wolf,” Phoebe muttered in understanding

“My messenger. My incarnate. The guide chosen to lead my wayward children,” the Goddess nodded. “But the powers of a goddess cannot

remain on Earth. It would throw off the balance of the world and destroy the fabric of reality. It must return to its source when its purpose is


«..and that is why..this is the reason why silver wolves only give birth once, isn’t it? They never..and having twins? Is that part of it too?”

“The blessings bestowed upon you are too great to be passed to a single heir or else they would become my incarnate and the cycle would

start again. That is why the blessings must be halved to allow them to grow and live normal lives.”

Phoebe hugged herself, fighting back tears. So there was the answer to her questions, ‘Mani, did you know?"

<.ffeltsomething, her wolf quietly admitted. ‘didn’t know

Chapter 110 — exactly what it was, but it felt...bad."

And that's why you've been moody.”


Phoebe shook her head as she shuddered. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. It was unfair. This was her fate? She would never be

able to hold her pups? She would never see Jason again? Her duty was done and this was her reward? This loneliness? This emptiness?

Who would explain this to Jason? To their pups? Who would hold them when they were afraid? Tell them how much their mother loved

them? Missed them? Wanted to be there for them? How could this be the end?


“Jason?” Phoebe suddenly jerked to attention

She spun around, but he was not there. There was nothing in sight except a small pond and the timeless field of grass. She stood alone

Phoebe sank to her knees, shaking with a sob. The anguish in his voice was more than she could bear. She wanted to wrap her arms around

him, comfort him. But he was out of her reach..forever. Phoebe cried out, overcome with sorrow

The Goddess stood watching her. Three times she had to intervene on her children’s behalf. Three times she had called the pieces of her

soul back. It was never easy. But this time was different

The two previous silver wolves mourned their loss but they remained remarkably calm about their fate. They lamented not being able to

hold their pups at least once, but that was the fate of mortals. Phoebe was different. Her bonds much stronger and her heart shattered for

the ones she left behind

Chapter 110

And she wasn't the only one breaking down. It was clear her mate was in equal anguish. The Goddess hadn't forgotten his part. She

planned to reward him with a second chance mate after he had been allowed to grieve

but now..she knew he would accept no other. Jason would never allow another to touch his heart. It fully belonged to Phoebe, forever

It had been centuries since she felt a bond this strong, one that stretched even into this realm. Perhaps it good be done.. Yes. She could feel

the way still open. It was possible

“lam sorry, my child,” the Goddess offered Phoebe a hand, but she ignored it. “I can feel bond, the love you share with your mate. The way

is not yet closed, if you are willing to risk it. | may be able to send you back.”

“Back?” Phoebe suddenly looked up. “I can go back?”

“Itis a possibility if you are willing, but it will require sacrifice.”

“Sacrifice? What do I have that I could possibly...” Phoebe’s brow furrowed before she looked up in shock. “You mean...”

The Goddess nodded, “I can send you back...but not your wolf.”

Phoebe gasped. That was her choice? Her mate or her wolf? How could she possibly choose between the two halves of her soul?

*.Go, Phoebe.” ‘Mani? I...” ‘Go.’ ‘But Mani...” ‘Isaid go. We cannot both leave our Mate and pups. Go.” Mani’s

voice was gentle, but firm. *// be here, waiting.” “Have you made your choice?” the Goddess asked after a


Chapter 110

Phoebe hesitated. She couldn't say it but she didn’t need to. The Goddess felt her and Manis assent. They had decided together

Asharp pain pierced Phoebe’s chest causing her to double over. When it finally subsided and she could breathe again she was overcome

with a profound sense of loss and emptiness. A familiar presence that had always been there was missing. It was gone. Mani was really gone

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Awhine made her look up and Phoebe found herself face-to-face with a beautiful silver wolf. Its fur gleamed in the moonlight. Its blue-gray

eyes were filled with understanding and love. With her vision blurring, Phoebe reached out cupping the wolf's face in her palms. Her fingers

caressed the silky-soft fur. How many werewolves ever had the chance to greet their wolves like this?

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“Mani, I'm so sorry.”

“No, it's all right,” her wolf's voice flitted through her head for the last time. “You and /are one. No matter the distance we will always be


Take care of our Mate and pups. I will watch over you all from here. We will be together one day..just don’t make it too soon.”

“Deal,” Phoebe rested her forehead against her wolf's. They were one

While Mani watched from the shadows Phoebe would raise their pups with a love only a mother could give them

“It's time,” the Goddess warned

Phoebe stood on shaky legs, “What do I have to do?”

“Step into the pool,” the Goddess indicated the pond. “The way is open. Do not try to fight it. Allow yourself to be drawn to your Mate. If

you fight it your soul will forever be lost, wandering, and will never return here again.”

“H-has this ever been done before?” Phoebe nervously asked

“Once. It is rare for bonds to be strong enough to try.”

Chapter 110 na “And..did it work?”

The Goddess pressed her lips together and didn’t answer. It was not the way of any god or goddess to reveal answers too readily. And

knowing the answer would not aid her now. Phoebe nodded in understanding before she stepped to the pond’s edge

The waters were completely still and as black as night, reflecting the moon perfectly like a mirror. She let out a slow breath and stepped into

the water. It rippled at the disturbance and chilled her legs to the bone

Suddenly, she sank into it as if stepping off a hidden ledge

Phoebe expected herself to float upward but instead she continued to slowly sink. She held her breath for as long as she could until her

lungs screamed for air. Above, she could see the moon shining above the rippling surface, beckoning her to return. She fought the urge to

swim toward it

She had to let herself sink. The pressure around her increased, squeezing the last air out of her chest but still she refused to fight

She was just able to feel a small, subtle warmth in the deep cold

Phoebe closed her eyes and focused on it. That was the way home