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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 87
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Chapter Eighty-Eight a Chapter Eighty-Eight

When Jason returned from his run both he and Lobo were exhausted

It had been a long time since they reached their limit. A quick check-in with Luke confirmed the pack was well, most not even realizing there

had been a breech. The omega that had been attacked had even woken up not knowing how she ended up in the hospital

It was little comfort to Jason who was still wracked with guilt. Because of his negligence Phoebe felt him betray her however briefly. He had

sworn to always be by her side. He had no idea how to make it up to her or even how he would face her again. An apology just wasn't


To make matters worse the she-wolf had been one of his father’s trysts. Would the pain and betrayal his father caused never come to an


Reaching his suite Jason disappeared into the bathroom. He hoped to wash away the frustration, sweat and pain. Sweat was easy but the

rest ran far too deep for him to ever be rid of it. The hot water did nothing to settle his thoughts. Stepping out of the bathroom in sweats

and a towel over his shoulders he roughly dried his hair before catching a tantalizing smell

Looking up she saw the table set for two with cubed beef, potatoes and vegetables in a thick wine sauce almost like a stew. But even more

tantalizing was Phoebe as she carefully arranged their plates. She wore a thick cotton robe but it didn’t seem as if she recently showered

“Already?” she asked with a playful smile

“Ready?” Jason repeated as she approached gently pulling the towel off his shoulder and tossing it aside

Chapter Eighty-Eight

“I thought we could have dinner together just the two of us.”

“The two of us?”

“Your sister is with Ben. Luke and Mona are watching over the pack and your mother has the pups,” Phoebe stepped away before shedding

her robe. “Of course, if you don’t want to...”

Jason's gaze followed her every movement suddenly going wide as she revealed the black satin negligee underneath. Though not

particularly revealing, it had a deep v-neckline that plunged between her breasts. It was incredibly short even on her petite frame barely

covering her round ass

and giving him an unimpeded view of her shapely legs

A possessive growl tore out of him as Lobo eagerly pressed forward to take it all in. She smiled approaching him and running her hands up

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his bare chest. Jason shuddered as the bond sent sparks trailing throughout his body. Her fingers curled into the hair at the nape of his neck

pulling him to her lips for a long, almost lazy kiss. Jason groaned at the sensations buzzing through his mind and body

“Is that a yes to dinner?” Phoebe asked her hands caressing his arms before gripping his hands and leading him to the table

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Jason couldn't speak. His mind was a riot of thoughts and desires warring for attention, Phoebe had never played the seductress and he

wasn't sure how to process what was happening but he knew he wanted more. It felt like a dream as Phoebe gently pushed him into his

seat before straddling his lap. His heart hammered in his chest and Jason struggled to swallow a lump in his throat as she leaned close

kissing him deeply

In all their times making love Phoebe seldom exercised her dominance but it was incredibly erotic. He, his wolf and his d**k were all at

immediate attention wanting to bury themselves in her spicy scent. His chest rumbled with a grow! as his hand caressed her thigh slowly


Chapter Eighty-Eight under her negligee that was already riding up to discover she wasnt wearing anything underneath

“Do you like my little surprise?” Phoebe’s voice flitted into his mind as she slowly eased back. A coy smile teased him as her eyes

shimmered silver


She reached over to the table and picking up one of the plates heaped with the hearty stew. Jason groaned. The dinner looked and smelled

fantastic but it was nothing compared to the feast he wanted. Phoebe innocently speared a carrot and potato before offering it to him as if

she had not just been playing seductress a moment ago

“You are playing a dangerous game, angel,” he finally managed to speak

“What do you mean?” Phoebe asked. “You haven't had a proper meal all day and you'll need your strength tonight.”

Her eyes shimmered mischievously and the smell of her arousal permeated his nostrils almost overriding the smell of their dinner. Jason

groaned wanting nothing more than to seize her immediately

“Now, now,” Phoebe teased, “good boys get their dessert after they've eaten their vegetables.”

Jason couldn't quite stifle his growl as he snapped at the fork and slowly chewed. Phoebe smirked feeding him the next mouthful. He

squirmed at the uncomfortable feeling in his pants as her scent continued to tease and entice him while she fed him. He couldn't deny her

but it was torture, excruciating and delicious torture. Jason thought he'd burst by the time he ate enough to satisfy her

Phoebe no sooner set the plate down before he lurched forward

Wrapping his arms around her, he captured her mouth as he stood

Chapter Eighty-Eight ald

stumbling to the bed. Phoebe laughed as they fell onto the mattress

“Jason!” she gasped as he immediately hiked up her negligee and plunged between her thighs eagerly sucking on her clit

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us now and continue your journey!

Her body clenched in surprise as he devoured her. His teeth grazed her clit before his tongue plunged inside of her. Her hips jerked trying to

bury him deeper wanting more stimulation


He growled the vibration flowing into her as his voice whispered in her mind, “/*ve been good. I want my dessert.

Her laugher became a moan as he forced her legs apart and continued to run his tongue through her wet folds. His teeth nipped and

harassed her clit only for his tongue to sooth it. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own as it suddenly convulsed and a wave of

pleasure rippled through her

He suddenly pulled away leaving her panting. Daring to look up she saw him toss aside his sweats, freeing his engorged member leaking

and ready for her. Without a word he climbed onto the bed and settled between

her thighs thrusting into her with a satisfied grunt. The preamble was over and he had been patient enough

Phoebe moaned as he set a savage pave. His hand gripped her ass encouraging her back to arch and allow him better entry. Her body

rocked with him. It had been such a long time since he took her so savagely. His love-making was usually tender but there was no holding

back as their bodies slammed into each other again and again. She cried out as he forced her into a violent release before he finally reached

his own flooding

her with his seed


Jason dosed propped up on the pillows. His exhaustion was one of

Chapter Eighty-Eight =" utter rapture as the bond buzzed through his body. Phoebe laid on his chest her fingers gently stroking the hair

peppering his chest. His hand gently stroked her back and rear loving the feel of her nighty but also hating the single layer of cloth

separating their bodies. Once he recovered he would remove it and indulge in all of her

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“Feeling better?” Phoebe asked

“Better?” Jason repeated as she looked up at him with a faint smile and blushing cheeks. “You mean, this was all about trying to make me

forget what I—

“You didn’t do anything, Jason,” Phoebe said caressing his cheek as she sat up, straddling his torso to face him. “You were drugged and

someone tried to take advantage of you. And even in that state you tried to fight them off and protect our bond.”

Jason breathed deep holding onto her words

“If you want to be angry, be angry at the ones who sent her.”

He growled his eyes flashing amber. That's right; the king sent that she-wolf. It had to be him. Or was it? It didn’t seem like his usual tactic.

But someone close to him.

Just a heads up: novelenglish.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter—visit

us now and continue your journey!

Phoebe watched him and sensed through the bond when he accepted her words. He didn’t completely let go of his guilt but she could tell

it didn’t consume him as before. She leaned forward kissing his nose. Jason smiled rubbing noses with her. Phoebe chuckled pecking a kiss

on his lips

“So, this outfit,” Jason cleared his throat, “is this what you've been hiding in that bag?”

Phoebe blushed

“Any other surprises in there?”

Chapter Eighty-Eight il

“Maybe,” Phoebe smiled running her fingers through his hair

The whole shopping excursion still brought her some embarrassment but Lucille and Bridget managed to talk her into a few things. This was

the first time she mustered the courage to wear any of it. Maybe she would wear more if it gave him this much joy

With a sigh she pulled away, “There is one more thing.”

“Oh?” Jason raised a brow eager to find out what other surprises she had in store

Phoebe leaned over to the side table and pulled something out of the top drawer to hand to him. Jason stared at the envelope until his

gaze fell on the words written in his mother’s neat scrawl: 70 My Son

“Where did you get this?” he demanded his voice taking a hard edge

“Your mother showed it to me.”

His hand gripped the envelope, crinkling it, “Now she’s recruiting you

“Jason,” Phoebe placed a hand over his. “You are not your father. You are better. But holding a grudge is not helping you.”

“There is nothing that person could say that will change my mind,” Jason snarled