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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 95
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Chapter Ninety-Five

Jason waited at the door for their guest. Border patrols alerted him several minutes ago that the escort vehicle had arrived. He was too

anxious to remain in his office so stood beside Luke to meet the arrival

The past four days had been one of turmoil for both him and Phoebe

His anxiousness was transmitting through their bond affecting her. During the day she kept herself busy but at night she clung to him,

needing his warmth and reassurance. He was certainly willing to provide all she wanted

but he worried her stress would affect the pup

Doctor Evans assured him it was still early and that the pup would be fine. Werewolf pregnancies tended to develop faster than with


till the first trimester progressed at about the same rate, which meant Phoebe’ first scan wouldn't be for another few weeks. The doctor

also took blood samples to run tests on her hormone levels, which she said were inconclusive

However, she also assured him that Phoebe’s wolf was the surest gauge of her pregnancy. She had yet to see a pregnancy confirmed by a

wolf proven false. So though they hadn't yet confirmed it medically he was nonetheless assured they would be welcoming a pup very soon

Monitoring Phoebe’s well-being became his greatest distraction. He made sure to attend every meal to ensure she ate properly. And he

wasn't alone. The change started subtly but the kitchen staff was making concerted efforts to ensure all her meals had proper vitamins and

minerals to support the growth of a healthy pup. Phoebe thought it was too much

special care but nothing she said dampened their enthusiasm

Blake and Emma had been quick to pick up on the changes and once

Chapter Ninety-Five _ Norah informed them Phoebe was expecting they quickly jumped on the bandwagon. They had a never-ending

stream of questions about the pup and when it would be born. When they weren't asking questions they were making suggestions.

Goddess only knows where they heard such things

They were sponges and now that they knew a sibling was on the way their ears were tuned to every conversation mentioning babies

Phoebe was exasperated by all the extra attention but it also helped to distract her from the challenge looming over them. It distracted

Jason, too, thinking about what it would be like once she started showing and he would be able to caress her round belly. He couldn't wait

until he could hear the pup’s heartbeat and her scent changed

While Phoebe and her wolf would be able to bond with the pup as it developed Jason would have to build his connection later. The first

step was when her scent changed. It would take on notes of the pup’s scent so he would be able to recognize it from the moment it was


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Lobo was already wondering what delicious scent would alert them to their pup’s presence: perhaps a citrus scent that would compliment

Phoebe’s. In fact his wolf grew less and less concerned about the challenge

every day preferring to focus on their pup

But Jason couldn't completely forget about the royal family’s plans and the more he thought about them the more concerned he became.

No matter how he looked at it, Delilah’s sudden appearance and Nolans challenge seemed to be part of a larger plan. He was also quite

certain it wasn’t the king's doing

The king simply didn’t have the patience or constitution for such a layered attack. He was far more emotional and impulsive. However, there

was one wolf close to the king that was uniquely predisposed to

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conspiracies: Prince Achan

Chapter Ninety-Five But why? Prince Achan had no respect for his father so Jason highly doubted he

was motivated by filial loyalty. Achan didn’t respect anyone or bond and

thrived on causing strife. Was this just another game to get under Jason's skin?

Trying to figure out Achan’s true aim was far more difficult than the king. Jason still wasn't sure why the king was so fixated on Phoebe but

he would know soon. They had received a message from Christina that she and Emily landed safely and were on their way. He expected

them any day now hoping their movements were still under the royal family’s radar. Once they arrived with their report the mystery

surrounding the king would be solved and he could focus solely on Achan

“Jace,” Luke prompted drawing his attention to the approaching vehicle

It pulled up beside the packhouse and the escort exited allowing their occupant to disembark. Jason wasn’t certain which elder they would

send but felt a note of relief when he saw the familiar visage of Elder Ansel

Though he had a good relationship with most of the elders, Jason had to admit his rapport with Ansel was better than most

Each elder generally focused on certain regions and often became very familiar with the packs living within that region, attending special

events and officiating many. That meant Ansel was a familiar presence since Jason could remember. Or perhaps it had to do with the fact

Ansel was originally a Blue Moon pack member from before his grandfather's time. After he lost his fated mate he devoted his time and

energy to the werewolf community

“Elder,” Jason reached out to shake his hand

“Alpha Jason, 1 am sorry it came to this.”

Chapter Ninety-Five T

“Let's discuss it in my office,” Jason turned leading him down the halls. “So...how is Rimrock doing?”

Ansel raised a brow at his attempt to make small talk. It was an odd subject to choose but he also had no reason to hold back information,

Beta Michael, is now Alpha Michael. And he has found his fated mate. His newly appointed Beta and Gamma are helping him regain control

of the pack.”

“Is that a fact?”

“Indeed. It will be a while before Rimrock can recapture its status but it should recover,” Ansel nodded

“Good. If he needs any help: warrior training, even a loan, I don’t mind

“Ishall pass your words on to him. He will probably be happy with the training but I don’t think he will take a loan. He said he wanted to

reestablish Rimrock’s businesses without incurring debt. But he will be grateful for the offer.”

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us now and continue your journey!

Jason nodded ushering him into the office and directed him to one of the chairs before taking his own seat. He had been anxious to begin

but now that the Elder was there he was hesitant. Luke poured drinks before taking a station by the door to ensure they weren't interrupted

“Luna Phoebe is not joining us?” Ansel asked

“Shes teaching a music lesson at the moment,” Jason said feeling her contentment through the bond. “She hasn't been sleeping well with

everything that is happening. I'd rather not disturb her if it is not necessary

Ansel nodded. He could understand Jason's reluctance. After waiting for his fated mate for so long Ansel had hoped Jason would be able to

simply enjoy his new status. In fact, he hoped the next communication he

Chapter Ninety-Five — received from Blue Moon was an announcement on the birth of pups

“So what has been decided?” Jason asked

“We've rented a stadium from the humans,” Ansel said. “It was a lot easier than building our own. It's in Calgary, neutral territory for you


The arena will be prepared with a ring which will be lined with silver to ensure neither of you will receive aid from outside during the actual


As the challenged party you will have to decide whether you two will fight in your human form or as wolves.”

That was nothing Jason didn’t already expect. He had already stipulated no proxies no Nolan would have to fight for himself

“Once the duel starts it can only end in one of three ways. Either one of you yields, is too injured to fight or..death.”

Jason nodded. Once again it was no secret to him

“As this was an officially sanctioned challenge there will be no repercussions leveled against you or Blue Moon in the event of Prince

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Nolan's death.”

Jason raised an eyebrow at that. He had forgotten there were laws protecting the royal family’s health and safety. However, all such rules


null and void when it came to official challenges and duels

“So there is no reason to hold back,” Ansel said, “now, in the event Prince Nolan wins...”

“He won't.”

“In the event that he does...”

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us now and continue your journey!

“He won't.”

“In the highly unlikely event the prince is the victor,” Ansel said, “your pack will have to swear fealty to him immediately which is why your

high-ranking members must be present. You obviously cannot leave your

Chapter Ninety-Five

territory unguarded so you can choose whether your Beta or Gamma will be there.”

Jason let out a slow breath

“In addition to your Luna, of course.”

“What?” Jason snapped to attention

“Luna Phoebe must be in attendance.”

“Phoebe is not going anywhere near this duel. She's not leaving our territory.”


“She’s not going,” Jason glared, his aura suddenly flaring

“Alpha,” Ansel winced. “You can assign her as many guards as you like

“She’s not going!”

Luke frowned, wondering if he should intervene. Could he even rein in his Alpha? Perhaps it was best to call for Phoebe. Suddenly he was

thrown forward as the door burst open

“I don’t care what meeting the Alpha is in this has to do with the fate

of werewolf kind!” Christina declared as she pushed her way in only to stop short when she saw Jason's company

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Sorry for the late update. This week has been hectic. I will probably have to only do one chapter updates for the next couple days and catch

up after the weekend. But we are definitely heading into the homestretch so hold on tight! It's going to be a wild ride right