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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1718
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Chapter 1718 Then, Briar limped away.

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Leia watched Briar leave, looking troubled.

"Are you okay?" Xavier walked over and asked in concern.

"I'm fine." Leia shook her head absently and looked at Xavier. "Where's Stefan? Where did he go? Does he know that Ren's been waiting for him to cback? Ren needs him the most right now, so where is he hiding?" "Let's go back. I need to talk to you about that in detail." Xavier glanced at Jovan pointedly.

However, Leia couldn't just leave like that. She walked to Jovan.

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"What else do you want from me?’ Jovan took a step back in fear, covering his bitten arm. "I'll make you suffer if you go crazy again." "I know now that Ren is at your place. | can't just ignore that, so make a choice-are you going to drive her home, or do you wantto barge into your house and take her?" Leia demanded aggressively.

Jovan frowned and contemplated it for a while. "I can't decide for Renee, but | can guarantee one thing-if she wants to leave when you cto pick her up in a week, I'll let her go. However, if she's unwilling, you can't force her to." "Why do | need to wait another week?" "You'll know by then.” "Then, can you promise that she'll be fine this week? You won't force her to do anything, right?" Leia had imagined countless scenes while talking and linking them with how extrJovan was... They were not anywhere close to PG-13. 1 Jovan rolled his eyes. "I'm not as twisted as you think. Even if | wanted to force her, do you think I could? Besides... If | could force her, | would have done it ages ago. | gave up my blood and eyes for her, but | can't even hold her hand." The more he spoke about it, the more bitter Jovan felt. He sounded very pitiful as he complained to Leia, but since she was Renee's best friend, he hoped she would throw in a good word for him.

"Yeah, you're right..." Leia dwelled on it and realized that Jovan had not done any heinous things. "Okay, you promised. I'll go to your place to pick her up in a week then." Margaret, Adie, and Abby were worried sick about Renee's safety in Everheart Manor. Margaret finally put Adie and Abby to bed with much difficulty before she went downstairs to welcLeia and Xavier. "What's going on? Ms. Ren and Mr. Hunt aren't back yet, and the two kids eagerly wait for them every day. | feel very sorry for them!" Margaret had not wanted to say it, but the emotions she had been suppressing overwhelmed her when she saw Leia and Xavier. She had been working hard to comfort the children to ease their worry, but they were not stupid. They no longer believed the sexcuse.

"Mr. Stuart, Ms. Lei, do you have any news about them? Do you know when they'll chome? If they don't chome, I'm afraid Adie will make a scene," Margaret asked in worry. Adie was different from other children.

He had realized that Renee and Stefan's disappearances were not that simple, and told Margaret that he would find them using his own means after listening to Margaret's lousy excuses.