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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1779
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Chapter 1779 Renee wondered if the fisherman's family had adopted Quinton willingly or been forced to. Maybe they knew something about Quinton's family background. There was no point in listening to rumours—she had to go there and find out herself.

"Your brother?" Ava tilted her head, looking puzzled. "Shouldn't your brother be living with you? Why would he live in Garcia Village? Did you live there when you were young? I'm sure you would have mentioned it if you did." "It's a long story. I'll tell you in detail when we're free." Renee didn't say much because she herself didn't know why Quinton had ended up in Garcia

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Village. She had to find out the truth on her own.

After a while, Jeffrey finally finished cooking the seafood and kept everything in a cooler box. "Let's go, Renee. I've made enough food for several meals for the both of us." Jeffrey smiled brightly, looking like an eager child going out to play.

However, Ava looked worried and could not stop sighing. "Son, you must be careful when you get there, and protect Ren well. You know that place is very dangerous. You can't—" "Okay, Mom. Those legends are lies, and only kids believe them. I certainly don't." Jeffrey interrupted his mother's nagging, impatient to leave.

As long as he was going with Renee, it was an exciting adventure, and he was

looking forward to it very much.

Finally, they set off. Garcia Village was far away from Joyner Village, and was located in another bay 300 kilometers away. They had to ride a boat to go there, and luckily, Ava's family owned a speedboat. It could take them to Garcia Village with a full tank of gas.

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After a few hours, they arrived at the dock of Garcia Village.

Garcia Village was nearer to the middle of the sea compared to Joyner Village, so the scenery there was more beautiful even though the village was practically deserted. Many fishermen's houses were made out of mud, and a lot of them had already collapsed. At sunset, the village looked like a ghost town, and even though Renee and Jeffrey walked through it for a while, they saw no one.

"Is there anyone around?" Renee called out, trying to find a local villager.

As they walked on, they felt like something was off, and realized someone was following them. After exchanging a look, Renee and Jeffrey decided to part ways. When they reached a junction, Renee took the left path while Jeffrey took the right path.

Renee heard someone stepping on leaves behind her, so she pretended to squat down to tie her shoelaces. Then, she swung around and grabbed the person behind her. "Got you!"