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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1788
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Chapter 1788 Then, before Jeffrey could stop her, Renee dashed out of the ward. Jeffrey couldn't catch up with her, and watched her run off nervously.

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When Renee reached the corner of the stairs, she suddenly saw a tall figure in familiar clothes. He looked just like Stefan.

"Stefan!" Renee screamed and rushed over to the man, grabbing his clothes firmly. "I've caught you! You can't run away now...' She gripped his clothes, then hugged his waist. "I knew you were still alive!" "Umm..." The person Renee was hugging recovered from their shock, then mumbled awkwardly, "Sorry to disappoint, but it's just me." Renee's jaw dropped, and she looked up at the man in anger. "Haze, are you out of your mind? Why are you wearing Stefan's clothes?" The person she had grabbed was not Stefan or Jovan, but Justin. She had thought he was Stefan because Justin was wearing a casual jacket that Stefan had once worn. Renee remembered that jacket because Stefan always wore formal clothes, and it was a rare occasion when he wore something casual. However, even that casual jacket had been from a luxury brand, and it was elegant, high-quality, and comfortable. Renee just couldn't understand why... Justin was wearing it.

"No, I'm not. These clothes are mine. They're limited editions of VL, and there are only two sets in the whole world," Justin said defensively. He was different from stefan-he rarely wore formal suits, and most of his clothes were casual, so it wasn't impossible for them to wear similar clothes.

Disappointed, Renee pushed Justin away. "What a waste of my feelings!" She had spent a lot of energy running just now, and was now feeling dizzy and tired.

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Justin slid his hands into his pockets and smiled teasingly at her. "What's wrong? Do Stefan and I have the sclothes? We do have similar taste in saspects, like our fashion... and the person we like." X Renee narrowed her eyes at him. "My head hurts. Can you not make it worse?"

"I'm sorry, you know I get a bit carefree when I'm happy." Justin supported Renee and said in concern, "I called you just now, and & young gay picked up. He said you were at the hospital, so I rushed here right away. They're looking for you all over the world, but I was the first to find you. Doesn't that prove that our mental link is the strongest?" Renee rolled her eyes at him, not bothering to respond.

Although Justin could be playful sometimes, he dutifully helped Renee back to the ward since he knew she was feeling sick.

"Renee!" A sigh of relief escaped Jeffrey when he saw her. "I'm glad you're okay." He looked at Justin, ve who suppo was supporting Renee, and hostility shone in his eyes. "Who are you, and why are you so close to Renee?" "Huh?"