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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1827
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Chapter 1827 "It doesn't matter!" Renee said firmly, "I don't know about others, but Jeffrey is pure and humble. He isn't greedy either, so he won't go down the wrong path." Renee just wanted to explain that Jeffrey was different, but somehow, all her words sounded like criticisms of Shirley.

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Shirley quietly clenched her fists and said slowly, "Ms. Everheart, you shouldn't judge others so quickly when you've never been in their shoes. You're a rich young lady-you've never been in a position where you've had nothing, so you might never understand why speople are forced to take extrmeasures. Though they know what they're doing is illegal, they're scared of losing their stability and falling back into that place of being helpless. It's harder to lose something once you've already experienced it." Shirley knew that she was not an honorable person, and was cunning enough to do anything to achieve her goal. However, it didn't mean that she was a villain. She was merely born with a bad fate and was unable to escape from its shackles.

"What pompous words! So, you think laws and morality don't apply to those with difficulties? You think that people can harm others just because they have issues, is that it?" Renee argued immediately. She couldn't tolerate the idea that people could do whatever they want if they cfrom a miserable background.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I know you might have done the sthing if you were in my position..." Shirley's face was flushed as she said seriously, "For example, let's say someone did something to your kids, but you can't do anything to that person because of the law. Wouldn't you want to take revenge on them through your own means anyway?" "How could you?" Renee was struck speechless, unable to answer Shirley's question. She knew very well that she would avenge Adie and Abby if anyone ever harmed them, disregarding all laws and morals.

"Ms. Everheart, I'm sure you know the answer, so... stop criticizingas if you're morally superior to me. You can only say such things because you haven't been in my position," Shirley raised her chin and said stubbornly. Xavier broke out in a cold sweat as he listened to them argue, and he tried to mediate the situation. "Okay, that's enough. I think you both just have different perspectives, and wer can just agree to disagree. Nobody has to win or lose here." Renee shot Xavier a vicious glance. "It sounds like you agree with Ms.

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White's opinion... Does that mean you've forgiven everything she had done before this?" She was asking for Leia's sake. Leia and Xavier were entangled with each other, and their relationship was messier than hers and Stefan's. Renee felt anxious just watching them interact.

"Why are you dragginginto this?" Xavier complained Weakly.

"Don't avoid my question. Answerif you're a man... Wait." Renee fished her phone gut; "Since everyone's here, I think Lei should join in on this discussion too."