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The CEO’S Unplanned Heir novel (Aurelia and Leopold)

Chapter 1288
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“Treally does fly, doesn't it? Nova's all grown up now, chatting away and taking her first steps. Makes you realize how short life

is. Before you know it, the kids are all grown and we're the old folks. We gotta learn to let loose a bit, live in the moment, and enjoy

the ride with a big smile on our faces."

She gave a wistful smile, "Everyone's hustling and bustling just to make a buck. Without money, you can't afford a house, a

wedding, or even raise a kid, get proper healthcare, and live or even die in peace. Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths

sure won the lottery at birth. They don't have to worry about cash and can chase their dreams without a care in the world. Sure,

they hit bumps along the way, but who doesn't? Life without a few regrets would be dull as dishwater."

She paused before adding, "They say life is full of trials and tribulations, and for some, those hardships are meant to be faced.

Once you get past them, it's like stepping out into the sunshine after a dark storm."

Arnold understood what she was getting at. If she was his trial, he was more than ready to embrace it. "Aurelia, | know what I'm

doing. Don't worry about me, and don't feel sorry, alright? I've got it all figured out."

Aurelia let out a quiet sigh, "I just don't want you to be blind to your heart, and miss out on the love of your life."

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A shadow of sorrow briefly flitted across Arnold's eyes because he had already missed out.

"I'm not a kid anymore. If there's someone out there who can make my heart skip a beat again, I'll know it and | won't let go."

He forced a bittersweet smile, which quickly faded as if whisked away by a chilly breeze.

In his heart, there would always be room for only her, his one and only love. How could he possibly fall for someone else?

His words were just a comfort to her, a way to keep her from worrying or feeling indebted.

She owed him nothing, and it was he who had missed his chance with her. With one wrong turn, he'd fallen into an abyss, severing

their fate.

Aurelia did seem to relax a bit, still a firm believer that theals all wounds.

If Leopold hadn't found her, thinking she was gone for good, he'd probably have moved on by now and started a new chapter in his


"Arnold, | hope everything goes smoothly for you, and that you find peace and happiness in the coming year."

"You too, Aurelia," he replied in a deep, heartfelt tone, his few words laden with deep emotion.

In the afternoon, Aurelia prepared to take William back with her.

"Daddy, I'll cvisit you again in a few days," William said, hugging Arnold's neck and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Sure thing," Arnold replied, affectionately ruffling his hair.

Nova, who had been playing with her toys on the couch, noticed they were leaving and quickly slid down, waving her chubby little

hands, "Bye-bye, Daddy. Bye, Mommy."

Then she took William's hand, ready to go with him.

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Aurelia chuckled, "Sweetie, | brought you back here, and you can't cwith us now. William will cto play with you again in a

few days, okay?"

At the prospect of not going with them, Nova's bottom lip quivered, and her big eyes blinked back tears before she burst into sobs.

William hurried to clean her tears, "Don't cry, Nova. Please don't cry."

Lisa, amused and exasperated, said, "Nova, don't you want to stay with Daddy and Mommy?"

She held up two tiny fingers, "Two more days of play."

She wasn't done playing with William, Mira, and Nina yet.

Arnold intervened, "If she wants to go, let her go. The Stirling family has plenty of kids for her to play with. It's not like here, where

she's on her own."

William scooped her up, "Let's go, Nova. We'll go back and play for two more days."

Nova instantly switched from tears to laughter.