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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 2165
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“Thank you.” Beverly's shoulders shuddered uncontrollably as her hands covered her face, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She didn’t know how to express her gratitude to her niece.

Thank heavens, it was because of her niece that her two daughters could live safely under the sun. And as a mother, she didn’t

have to live in fear anymore.

Regret flooded her as she thought about all she had done to her niece.

“I'm so sorry.” Beverly knew that her niece's family no longer needed her flimsy apology, but at that moment, she felt truly sorry

towards her niece, her brother, and sister-in-law.

But it was all too late.

Smistakes, once made, are made.

Every ther niece visited and called her “Auntie,” she felt a pang of discomfort and shame.

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Arabella knew that although her uncle and aunt hadn't explicitly asked Tomas to help with arson and murder, they had indeed

done many things that hurt her parents over the years, including causing accidents while her parents were on vacation and

sabotaging their work.

Since they did those things, they deserved to be punished.

“Take care of yourself in there, Auntie. I'll cto visit when | can.”

Beverly looked at her, touched, “Okay, okay.”

Two years later.

Frederica and Alma cto visit their mother.

“Mom, I've graduated from college.”

Frederica’s words immediately brought tears to Beverly's eyes, “My girl has finally grown up and is about to step into the real


Thad flown by so quickly; two years went by in a blink of an eye.

Frederica smiled, “I'm planning to cback and start my career here. | was sending out resumes everywhere when one day,

Uncle Kenneth and Aunt Louisa cto me. They had divided all the companies you once owned equally between Alma and me.

They even arranged for someone to teach us how to manage everything. | closed my first business deal yesterday.”

Frederica’s news surprised Beverly, and tears started to flow again.

She had never imagined that Kenneth and Louisa would be so generous to her children, even dividing the family business among


“Uncle Kenneth said that he and Aunt Louisa were just taking care of the companies and assets for us these two years. Now that

I've graduated from college and Alma has finished her studies ahead of time, the companies rightfully should be returned to us.

They also said that from now on, we have to forge our own paths.”

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Beverly couldn't stop crying, overwhelmed by Kenneth and Louisa’s magnanimity, regretting her own pettiness and narrow-


“Yesterday, after | made my first deal, Uncle Kenneth and Aunt Louisa were so happy. Aunt even opened the garage and toldto

pick any car as a reward.”

Frederica continued, “You know what? That garage is full of the cars you once returned to them. They never touched them for

these two years, never claiming them as their own, but have kept them for us sisters.”

Beverly's tears fell once more, a mix of guilt, emotion, and apology intertwining, which made her wish she could go back and

change the past.

“I chose the least expensive one, but Aunt wouldn't have it. She insisted | pick one | truly loved. In the end, | chose a Porsche

because in my memory, that was the year our family was very happy.”

Beverly wept profusely, her emotions surging like the tide, overwhelming and fierce.