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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 2168
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Throughout the morning, Arabella, as the successor of Luna Capital, delivered a speech to over a thousand of the largest

international investors and family representatives.

In the afternoon, she took a plane back hand, and at the top floor of a glass and steel skyscraper in Summerfield, a place

where every inch of land is valuable, she announced the official establishment of Luna Capital's headquarters, which spans

300,000 square meters.

Luna Capital was her legacy from Grandpa Alberto. To manage it more closely, she had moved the headquarters to Summerfield

and lured the core team with high salaries.

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, she convened a senior management meeting to review Luna Capital's financial status and

business performance for the quarter.

“Our real estate investments have been strategic and profitable. We've taken over six poorly managed but well-located office

buildings and invested in four high-quality properties with stable cash flow. In addition, we've acquired 60% of the shares in Jersey

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Industrial Park, 65% in Sweet Home, and an 80% stake in Melody Music.”

“Our total profits for this quarter have increased by 15% from the last and are up by 45% compared to the speriod last year.

We are the most trusted and one of the largest investment groups worldwide, second only to McMillian Corporation.”

As soon as the financial officer finished speaking, applause and praise showered Arabella, who sat at the head of the table.

After the clapping subsided, Arabella spoke, “In the past two years, our group has diversified into various industries, including

healthcare, education, technology, and energy. Next on our radar is an independent consumer review group seeking public

funding, and the automotive brand lke requires capital for their new plant in Summerfield. | plan to invest in them to officially enter

the automotive and e-commerce markets.”

The room burst into enthusiastic applause again.

“We have full faith in Mr. Collins's vision; it can’t be wrong.”

“Luna Capital has thrived under your leadership. If Mr. Rollins were looking down on us, he'd surely be proud.”

To mention Alberto Rollins.

A shadow flickered across Arabella’s eyes, but she quickly regained her composure.

“Additionally, there's a video platform I'm very optimistic about; | have already sent someone to negotiate. If all goes well, we'll

acquire a majority stake.”

The crowd praised her in unison again until someone chimed in, “Ms. Collins, the day after tomorrow is your big day! You shouldn't

be overworking yourself with Luna Capital matters.”

“Yeah, you're spinning like a top every day. Don’t forget your own wedding in all this hustle.”

“If Mr. McMillian can’t walk down the aisle with his bride, none of us will get off easy!” The room shared a laugh at the playful


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Arabella hadn't realized her wedding to Romeo was the day after tomorrow.

Lately, she had been so busy that she didn’t realize how fast thad passed.

“Ms. Collins, if there's nothing else, let's adjourn. You better head hand start preparing.”

“Don’t worry about the company; we've got it handled. Besides, we have hundreds of top-notch investment experts here.”

“You should go try on your wedding dress.”

“Here's to hoping Ms. Collins will be blessed with a couple of kids within three years.”

“To Ms. Collins and Mr. McMillian: may you have a lifetof happiness, sweet love, and joyful bliss.”

With a thankful smile for everyone's good wishes, Arabella declared the meeting adjourned.