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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78 As soon as Arabella got in the car, Romeo swooped her up into his arms and asked, “Who are you texting?” He noticed Arabella smiling while replying to a text in front of the office.

“Aren't you the one who gave my WhatsApp number to Grandpa?” Arabella responded.

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“He has been blowing up my phone all day, Romeo complained, “He can't stop talking. Just ignore him when he’s being too much.” Arabella found this quite amusing. Was that something a grandson should say? [Bella, are you busy right now?] | heard you're working. Are you trying to gain life experience or are you short on pocket money?] [If you're broke, you can ask Grandpal How much do you need? | can transfer you some money!] Romeo found it hilarious that his usually serious grandpa actually used emoticons in his text, “He even learned how to text for you” That's a big change.

Arabella leaned back in her seat and casually replied: I'm good, | just want to experience life. The summer vacation is too long: | need something to do] [If you're bored, you can come and visit me! | can take you around the world! Or do you want to stay in Summerfield? There are many sights to see in Summerfield, | can show you around] Just as Arabella was about to reply, Romeo snatched her phone away. He pressed the screen and said excitedly, “Grandpa, you're cramping our style.” Phillip was surprised to find out that his grandson and Arabella were together. He was thrilled, quickly put away his phone, and stopped intruding on them, It seemed that their relationship was progressing nicely.

“What time are we picking up Grandpa tomorrow?” Arabella asked.

“You decide,” Romeo returned her phone and gently stroked her hand, “I'm all yours.” “Shall we go after lunch?” She had to work in the afternoon and didn’t want Grandpa to wait too long.

“Sure” Romeo gently stroked her slender fingers, each one was beautiful, and even her nails were neatly trimmed.

It was like this girl had some sort of magic, once he held her hand, he didn’t want to let go.

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Phillip, dressed neatly and full of energy, was waiting for Arabella.

The butler entered again, helplessly saying, “Sir, two CEOs, and their families have come to visit you. Also, two rich gentlemen have brought their daughters.” “No, no, no!” The only person Phillip wanted to see was Arabella, not these people.

Their intentions were clear, weren't they just trying to marry their daughters or granddaughters into the McMillian family? How could he not see through that! “Then I'll find a polite way to turn them down, saying you're still resting” “Tell them, I'm not seeing anyone today!” Unless it's Arabella.

Phillip thought for a moment, adding, “Don’t let them block the door, don't block Arabella’s way” “Alright,” Although Brodie verbally agreed, he still found an excuse to politely turn away the people at the door Until noon, the people waiting outside the hospital room changed round after round, all coming to visit Phillip.

Whether they were acquaintances or strangers, they all filled the long comidor mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWLII0fiflO& 1 mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWL1i10fif10&1 mmMwWLIiI0fiflO&1