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Will You Marry Me, Again by Pear Heart

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 Who Dares?

Maia could not help but be nervous while trapped with him alone.

Even after a year, she had to admit that the man still had power over her. However, she would no

longer give in to her feelings.

She quickly composed herself and smiled.

“What should I explain? Yes, I made it out alive, but you know that you’re the reason why I

was trapped and nearly died in the fire.”

Cedric smiled. “You’ve become so argumentative now, haven’t you?”

“I won’t let anyone push me around anymore.” She was no longer her former self.

“Who dares to mess with you with me around?”

Maia snorted. “So says the man who does.”

“Oh, yeah?” He leaned in and said in a deep voice, “You know I have to.”

The elevator dinged, and its doors opened. Cedric scooped Maia up..

“What the hell are you doing, Cedric? Let me go!” Mala struggled..

He narrowed his eyes. “I intend to make you pay for deceiving me.

He wanted her to pay the price for the rest of her life. Before Maia could respond, he kicked open a

door to a suite and threw her on the bed.

Lying on top of her, he grabbed her wrists and held them over her head.

“Cedric, we’re divorced. I can sue you for this!” Maia tried to struggle free, but he only

tightened his grip.

His handsome face drew near, and her cheeks blushed, feeling his warm breath.

What an asshole! Maia looked away at a clock on the wall. Why were they so slow? The show should

have begun by now!

The door to the suite burst open with a loud bang, followed by the hurried click–clacks of the high


“What the hell?

Zera cried as she stared at them in disbelief.

Maia’s short dress had risen above her thighs, and her long hair was disheveled. Her makeup was also

slightly smudged, and her eyes were filled with seductive charm.

Seeing this, Rita shouted, “You fucking whore! How dare you seduce my son?”

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sir!” the bodyguards answered and immediately tried to get the reporters to leave.

Cedric then pulled Maia along toward the elevator.

“Maia!” Nigel quickly chased after them.

Cedric signaled with his eyes, and the bodyguards charged over to stop Nigel.

“Let go

of Maia! What are you trying to do to her?”

Cedric sneered. After a year of regret, he was glad Maia was still alive but furious that she had tricked

him. Cedric wanted to punish her.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and Maia was trapped.


Today’s Bonus Offer



Chapter 34 Who Dares?

Maia could not help but be nervous while trapped with him alone.

Even after a year, she had to admit that the man still had power over her. However, she would no

longer give in to her feelings.

She quickly composed herself and smiled.

“What should I explain? Yes, I made it out alive, but you know that you’re the reason why I

was trapped and nearly died in the fire.”

Cedric smiled. “You’ve become so argumentative now, haven’t you?”

“I won’t let anyone push me around anymore.” She was no longer her former self.

“Who dares to mess with you with me around?”

Maia snorted. “So says the man who does.”

“Oh, yeah?” He leaned in and said in a deep voice, “You know I have to.”

The elevator dinged, and its doors opened. Cedric scooped Maia up.

“What the hell are you doing, Cedric? Let me go!” Maia struggled.

He narrowed his eyes. “I intend to make you pay for deceiving me.”

He wanted her to pay the price for the rest of her life. Before Maia could respond, he kicked open a

door to a suite and threw her on the bed.

Lying on top of her, he grabbed her wrists and held them over her head.

“Cedric, we’re divorced. I can sue you for this!” Maia tried to struggle free, but he only tightened his


His handsome face drew near, and her cheeks blushed, feeling his warm breath.

What an asshole! Maia looked away at a clock on the wall. Why were they so slow? The show

should have begun by now!

The door to the suite burst open with a loud bang, followed by the hurried click–clacks of the high


“What the hell?” Zera cried as she stared at them in disbelief.

Maia’s short dress had risen above her thighs, and her long hair was disheveled. Her makeup was also

slightly smudged, and her eyes were filled with seductive charm.

Seeing this, Rita shouted, “You fucking whore! How dare

you seduce my son?”



Maia frowned. Rita was still as fiery as a year before.

Maia used to let others push her around for Cedric’s sake, but after the fire, she was no longer. the


She said bluntly, “Are you fucking blind? I’m the one being pinned down, aren’t I?”

Rita was furious. “Didn’t you die in the fire?”

She was overjoyed by Maia’s death at the time and did not expect to see her again after a year.

Maia smiled coyly and wrapped her arms around Cedric’s neck. “If I died in the fire, wouldn’t Cedric be


His impassive look was intimidating and unreadable. “I would.”

Maia was caught off guard.

“Cedric…” Rita was in disbelief.

“Cedric, I’m your fiancee, for Christ’s sake! How could you do this to me?” Wiping her tears,

Zera stormed out of the suite.

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Rita quickly ran after her and shouted, “Zera! Zera!”

Maia let go of Cedric’s neck and chuckled after she smoothed out her dress. “How does it feel to be

caught cheating by your mother and fiancee?”


Taken aback, Maia thought he was out of his mind. “You should go calm her down, then. So. long.”

Maia took her handbag and walked toward the door.

Cedric said, “Do you think you’ll be able to leave me?”

“I was ignorant back then, but I’m not anymore.”

Cedric couldn’t help but feel saddened. In the past, she would never leave him under any

circumstances. But she was no longer the same Maia he used to know.

He chuckled. “You put on a good show today.”

Stunned, Maia tightened her grip on her handbag. He knew? How could it be possible?

“Well, thanks for the compliment.”

Maia then quickened her pace and left..

She could not read Cedric’s mind or predict what he would do next. So she decided it was best

to leave as soon as possible now that she had achieved her goal.



Rita returned to the bedroom with a bodyguard after Maia had left. She rushed over when she noticed

Cedric gazing out the window.

“Cedric, do you have any idea what you’ve done? Zera is your bride–to–be, for crying out loud! How

could you fool around with your ex–wife? I don’t care how Maia survived the fire. She’s not the same

woman we once knew.”

Rita sounded exasperated. “Maia has used you, Cedric! She’s here to take her revenge on us. She’s

the one who told us to come here, you know?”

“I know,” Cedric said calmly.

When Rita and Zera showed up, he knew it was part of Maia’s plan.

“You knew, and yet you let her do it? Cedric, what the hell were you thinking?” The man would never

side with Maia before this.

Cedric shot her a cold glance. “She could do whatever she wants.”

He owed her that much..

“Cedric, do you have any idea what you are talking about? She’s returned to take revenge on us!”